Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]Man one whose name was Khanan-Yah with his wife whose name was Shapira sold had his field [1]AND a certain man whose name was Hanania, with his wife whose name was Shaphira, sold a field,
[2]And he took away from its price and concealed it while aware was of it his wife and he brought some of it of the money and placed it before the feet of the Apostles [2]And took from its value and concealed, while his wife consented, and brought of it silver and laid before the feet of the apostles.
[3]And said to him Shimeon Khanan-Yah why? thus has filled Satan your heart to cheat The Spirit of Holiness and to hide some money of the proceeds of the field [3]And Shemun said to him, Hanania, how hath Satana thus filled thine heart that thou shouldest lie to the Spirit of Holiness, and conceal from the silver of the price of the field?
[4]Not? was yours it was until it was sold and from when it was sold again you authorized were over its proceeds Why? have you set your heart to do thing this not you have cheated sons of men but Alaha [4]Was it not thine own until it should be sold? and when it was sold thou hadst yet power over the price of it. Why hast thou laid up in thy heart to do this thing? Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto Aloha!
[5]And when heard Khanan-Yah these words he dropped and died and came fear great among all these who heard [5]And when Hanania heard these words he fell and died. And there was great fear upon all those who heard.
[6]And arose those young men among them and gathered him up and they took him out and buried him [6]And they who were young men among them arose and composed him, [and] carried him forth and buried him.
[7]And from after that passed three hours also his wife entered while not known she had what had happened [7]And after there had been three hours, his wife also entered, not knowing what had been done.
[8]Said to her Shimeon tell me if for these proceeds you sold the field she but said Yes for these proceeds [8]Shemun said to her, Tell me if for these prices you sold the field? But she said, Yes: for these prices.
[9]Said to her Shimeon because you have agreed to tempt The Spirit of the Lord behold the feet of the buriers of your husband at the door and they will take you out [9]Shemun said to her, Why have you agreed to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Lo, the feet of the buriers of thy husband are at the door, and they will carry thee out!
[10]And in it in the moment she fell before their feet and died and entered young men those and they found her when dead and took up brought out buried her at the side of her husband [10]And at once she fell before their feet and died. And those young men entered and found her dead, and they laid her out, and brought her forth and buried her by the side of her husband.
[11]And was fear great in the entire church in all of them those who heard [11]And there was great fear upon all the church and in all them who heard.
[12]And there were by the hand of the Apostles the signs and mighty acts many among the people and they all assembled were together at the porch of Shlimon [12]AND by the hand of the apostles were done great signs and mighty works among the people: and all gathered together at the portico of Shelemun.
[13]And of the people other a man not daring was to approach near them but magnifying were them the people [13]And from the others not a man dared to come near them; but the people magnified them.
[14]And more added were those who believing were in the Lord crowds of men and of women [14]And the more were they who believed added to the Lord, an assemblage of men and of women;
[15]So that in the streets bringing out they were the sick while lying they were in litters that when would come Shimeon at least his shadow might overshadow them [15]So that into the streets they brought forth the diseased lying on beds, that, when Shemun should come, even his shadow might overshadow them.
[16]Coming were but many to them from cities other which were around Jerusalem when bringing they were the sick and those who had to them a spirit unclean and being healed they were all of them [16]But there came many to them from the other cities round about Urishlem, bringing the diseased and those who had unclean spirits: and they were healed, all of them.
[17]And filled was with jealousy High The Priest and all who with him who were of the doctrine of Zaduqya [17]And the chief of the priests, and they who were with him, who were of the doctrine of the Zadukoyee, were filled with envy,
[18]And they laid hands on the Apostles and seized and bound them in a house prisoner [18]And they laid hands on the apostles, and apprehended and bound them in the house of the bound.
[19]Then in the night The Angel of the Lord opened the door of the house prisoner and brought out them and he said to them [19]Then in the night the angel of the Lord opened the gate of the house of the bound, and brought them forth, and said to them,
[20]Go stand in the temple and speak to the people all words these of life [20]Go stand in the temple and speak to the people all these words of salvation.
[21]And they went out the time of dawn and they entered the temple and teaching they were High The Priest but and those with him they called their associates and The Elders of Israel and they sent to the house of prisoners to bring them the Apostles [21]And they went forth in the time of morning, and entered the temple, and taught. But the chief of the priests and they who were with him arose [and] convoked their associates and the elders of Israel, and sent to the house of the bound to bring the apostles.
[22]And when went those who were sent from them not found them in the house prisoner and returned they came [22]And when they who were sent from them went, they found them not [in] the house of the bound; and they returned, and came,
[23]They were saying we found the house prisoner which was locked securely also by the guards standing at the door ? and a man not we found there [23]And said, We found the house of the bound shut carefully, and the keepers standing at the gates: and we opened, but no man found we there.
[24]And when heard these words Chief The Priests and The Leaders of the temple astonished they were at them and considering they were what was this [24]And when the chief priests and rulers of the temple heard these words, they were astounded by them, and reasoned, what this was.
[25]And came a man informing them "the same men whom you shut up in the house prisoner behold are standing in the temple" and teaching the people [25]And one came and declared to them, Those men whom you shut up in the house of the bound, behold, they are standing in the temple and teaching the people.
[26]Then went The Leaders with attendants to bring them not with force afraid they were for lest would stone them the people [26]Then went the rulers with the satellites to bring them, not with violence, for they feared lest the people should stone them;
[27]And when they brought them they stood them before whole the council and began he High The Priest to say to them [27]And when they had brought them they made them stand before all the assembly, and the chief of the priests began to say to them,
[28]Not? have commanding we commanded we have you that a man not you teach in Name This you but behold you have filled Jerusalem from your teaching and wish you to bring upon us the blood of man this [28]Did we not commanding command you, that you should teach no man in this name? But, behold, you have filled Urishlem with your doctrine, and you will to bring upon us the blood of this man!
[29]Answered Shimeon with the Apostles and said to them to Alaha it is necessary to obey rather than children of men [29]SHEMUN answered with the apostles and said to them, Aloha must we obey rather than men.
[30]The Alaha of our forefathers raised Ieshu The One Whom you murdered when you hanged Him on a tree [30]The God of our fathers hath raised up Jeshu whom you killed and hanged on the tree.
[31]Him This One appointed Alaha The Head and The Lifegiver and has exalted Him at His right so as to give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel [31]Him hath Aloha constituted a Prince and a Saviour, and elevated him at his right hand, to give repentance and remission of sins unto Israel.
[32]And we witnesses are of accounts these and The Spirit of Holiness Him Whom gives Alaha to those who are believing in Him [32]And we are witnesses of these words, and the Spirit of Holiness himself, whom Aloha hath given to them who believe in him.
[33]And when they heard had these words enraged they were with a passion and considering they were killing them [33]And when they heard these words they were transported with rage, and were mindful to kill them.
[34]And stood there one of The Pharisha whose name was Gamaliel he taught the law and was honored of all the people [34]And one of the Pharishee arose, whose name was Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, and honoured by all the people, and commanded to take the apostles without a little time.
[35]And he said to them men sons of Israel and commanded to take them the Apostles outside a time little take heed to yourselves and see what is right for you to do concerning these men [35]And he said to them, Men, sons of Israel, beware of yourselves, and consider what it behoves you to do concerning these men.
[36]From before for this time arose there Theuda and said of himself that something he was great went after him about four hundred men and he was killed and those who going were after him were scattered and they were as not a thing [36]For before this time arose Thuda, and said of himself that he was something great, and there went after him four hundred men: and he was slain, and they who went after him were scattered and became as nothing.
[37]And arose from after him Yehuda the Galilean in the days when registered were people in the tax head and seduced people many after him and he died and all those who going were after him were scattered [37]Afterward arose Jihuda Galiloya in the days when men were enregistered for the head-silver, and tempted much people after him; and he died, and all they who went after him were scattered.
[38]And now say I to you separate yourselves from these men and leave them for if this from children of men is this counsel and this work they will dissolve and they will pass away [38]And now I say to you, keep aloof from these men, and dismiss them; for if from men be this imagination and this work, it will be dissolved and end;
[39]If but from Alaha it is not it comes into your hands to destroy it lest you be found yourselves that against Alaha stand you [39]But if it be from Aloha, there is no power in your hands to bring it to an end: lest you should be found to have arisen against Aloha. And they were persuaded by him,
[40]And they were persuaded by him and called them the Apostles and they scourged them and commanded them that not to be speaking in The Name of Ieshu and dismissed them [40]And called the apostles, and scourged them, and commanded them that they should not teach in the name of Jeshu, and loosed them.
[41]And they departed from before them while rejoicing that worthy they were for The Name to be disgraced [41]And they went out from before them, rejoicing to be worthy for the sake of the Name to be ill treated.
[42]And not ceasing they were every day to teach in the temple and in houses and to evangelize about our Lord Ieshu The Messiah [42]And they ceased not daily to teach in the temple, and in the house, and to preach concerning our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
[5:6] Collected or gathered up.
[5:23] Or, cautiously.
[5:38] Or, thought.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info