Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]And in them in the days they when multiplied the disciples complained had Hellenist disciples against the Hebraists that disregarded were their widows in the ministry of every day [No book]
[2]And called twelve the Apostles whole the assembly of the disciples and they said to them not acceptable that we forsake the word of Alaha and that we serve tables [No book]
[3]Search therefore my brothers and choose seven men from you is upon whom the testimony and are full of The Spirit of the Lord and wisdom we shall appoint them over this matter [No book]
[4]And we shall continue in prayer and in the ministry of the word [No book]
[5]And was pleasing this word before all the people and they chose Estephanos a man who full was of faith and of The Spirit of Holiness and Philippus Prokuros and Niqanor and Timon and Parmena and Niqolaos a proselyte Antiochene [No book]
[6]These they stood before them the Apostles and when they had prayed they placed upon them hands [No book]
[7]And the word of Alaha magnified was and multiplied was the number of disciples in Jerusalem greatly and people many from the Yehudeans obeying were the faith [No book]
[8]Estephanos but full was of grace and power and doing was signs and wonders among the people [No book]
[9]And arose there men from the synagogue which was called "Libertinu" and Qurinaya and Alexandria and from Cilicia and from Asia and disputing they were with Estephanos [No book]
[10]And not able they were to stand against the wisdom and The Spirit Who speaking was by him [No book]
[11]Then they sent men and instructed them to say "we we have heard him say words of blasphemy against Moshe and against Alaha" [No book]
[12]And they stirred up the people and The Elders and The Scribes and they came and they stood about him and they seized and brought him to the center of The Council [No book]
[13]And they had appointed witnesses false who said this man not ceases speaking words against The Torah and against place this holy [No book]
[14]We for we have heard that he said that Ieshu this The Nazarene He will destroy place this and will change the customs that delivered to you Moshe [No book]
[15]And stared at him all of them they who sitting were in the assembly and saw his face like the face of an angel [No book]