[1]And asked him High The Priest if it is that these things so are |
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[2]He but said men brothers and fathers hear The Alaha of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Bayth-Nahrayn while not he would have come to dwell in Kharan |
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[3]And said He to him "Depart from your land and from the presence of the children of your relatives and come to the land which I shall show you |
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[4]And then went out Abraham from the land of The Chaldeans and came dwelt in Kharan and from there when died his father removed him Alaha to land this in which dwell you today |
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[5]And not he gave to him an inheritance in it also not a footprint of the foot and promised He to give it to him as to inherit it for himself and for his seed when not there was for him a son |
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[6]And speaking was with him Alaha when He said to him "Shall be your seed a stranger in a land foreign" and they will enslave him and they will afflict him four hundred years |
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[7]And that people whom they serve servitude shall judge it I says Alaha and from after these things they shall go out and they shall serve Me in place this |
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[8]And he gave him the covenant of circumcision and then begot Ishaq and circumcised him on the day eighth and Ishaq begot Yaqob and Yaqob begot twelve our fathers |
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[9]And they our fathers were jealous of Yoseph and sold him to Egypt and Alaha with him was |
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[10]And save him He did from all of them his sufferings and he gave him grace and wisdom before Pharoah The King of Egypt and appointed him The Ruler over Egypt and over his house entire |
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[11]And there was a famine and distress great in all Egypt and in the land of Canaan and there not was to them to satisfy our fathers |
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[12]And when heard Yaqob that there was produce in Egypt sent he our fathers first |
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[13]And when they went the second time made known Yoseph himself to his brothers and was made known to Pharoah the family of Yoseph |
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[14]And send did Joseph and brought his father Yaqob and all his family and being they were in number seventy and five souls |
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[15]And went down Yaqob to Egypt and died there he and our fathers |
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[16]And he was moved to Shekim and was placed in a tomb which bought had Abraham with silver from sons of Hamor |
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[17]And when arrived had the time of that which promised had in an oath Alaha to Abraham multiplied had the people and had grown strong in Egypt |
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[18]Until arose king another over Egypt who that not knew had him Yoseph |
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[19]He was crafty toward our race and did evil to our fathers and commanded to be casting out their male infants that not they would live |
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[20]In it in time that was begotten Moshe and dear was to Alaha and was raised months three in the house of his father |
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[21]And when he was cast out from his mother found him the daughter of Pharaoh and she raised him for her son |
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[22]And was instructed Moshe in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and prepared was in his words and also in his deeds |
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[23]And when he was son of forty years came up it upon his heart to visit his brethren children of Israel |
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[24]And he saw one from the sons of his tribe being compelled by violence and avenged him and executed for him justice and killed him Egyptian that who wronged had him |
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[25]And he had hoped that would have understood his brethren sons of Israel that Alaha by his hand would give them deliverance and not they understood |
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[26]And day another appeared to them when contended they one with another and appealing he was to them to be reconciled when he said men brothers you are because of what? do wrong you one another |
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[27]He but who doing wrong was to his fellow thrust him away from him and said to him who? appointed you over us the Ruler and the Judge |
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[28]Interrogative to kill me wish you as you killed yesterday the Egyptian |
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[29]And fled Moshe at saying this and he was a traveler in the land of Midian and there were to him two sons |
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[30]And when were fulfilled to him there forty years appeared to him in the wilderness of the Mountain Sinai The Angel of the Lord in the fire which burned in a bush |
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[31]And when saw Moshe he marveled at the vision and when he approached to see said to him the Lord in a voice |
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[32]I am Alaha of your fathers The Alaha of Abraham and of Ishaq and of Yaqob and as trembling was Moshe not daring he was to gaze at the vision |
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[33]And said to him the Lord loose your shoes from your feet the ground for stand you on which holy is |
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[34]Looking I have seen the suffering of My people who in Egypt and its groans I have heard and I have come down to save them and now come I shall send you to Egypt |
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[35]This Moshe whom they rejected him when they were saying "Who appointed you over us the Ruler and the Judge to him this one Alaha the ruler and deliverer sent to them by the hand of angel that who appeared to him at the bush |
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[36]This is he who sent out them when he did signs and wonders and mighty works in the land of Egypt and at The Sea of Reeds and in the wilderness years forty |
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[37]This Moshe is he who said to the children of Israel "a prophet shall appoint to you the Lord Alaha from your brethren like me to him you shall listen |
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[38]This is who was in the assembly in the wilderness with the angel him who spoken had with him and with our fathers in The Mountain of Sinai and he was receiving] the words living which to us he would give |
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[39]And not chose to obey him our fathers but forsook him and in their hearts they returned them to Egypt |
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[40]When they were saying to Ahron make for us gods to go before us because this Moshe who brought us out from the land of Egypt not know we what? has become of him |
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[41]And they made to them a calf in days those and they sacrificed sacrifices to the idol and delighting were in the work of their hands |
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[42]And turned Alaha and handed over them to become worshippers to the hosts of the heavens so as it is written in the scriptures of the prophets Why? forty years in the wilderness animals or sacrifices have you brought to me sons of Israel |
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[43]But you carried the tabernacle of Malkom and the star of the god of Rephan of images which you have made to be worshiping them I shall move you farther than Babel |
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[44]Behold the tabernacle of the testimony of our fathers in the wilderness being was as whatever commanded He Who spoke with Moshe to make it in the fashion which He showed him |
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[45]And it the same tabernacle also brought and carried it our fathers with Ieshu to the land that gave to them Alaha an inheritance from nations those which He drove out from before them and it was carried until the days of Dawid |
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[46]Him who found affection before Him Who is Alaha and he asked to find a tabernacle for The Alaha of Yaqob |
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[47]Solomon but built for Him a house |
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[48]And The Exalted One not dwell in the product of hands as says The Prophet |
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[49]"Heaven My throne and the earth the stool which under My feet where is? the house that you will build for me says the Lord or where is? the place of My rest |
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[50]Not? behold hand My has made these things all" |
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[51]Oh! stiff necks and who not are circumcised in their hearts and in their hearing you always against The Spirit of Holiness standing are as your fathers also you are |
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[52]Which? for of the prophets whom not have persecuted and have murdered your fathers those who before searched out concerning the coming of The Righteous One Him Whom you you have betrayed and you have killed Him |
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[53]And you have received The Law by the visitation of angels and not you have kept it |
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[54]And when heard they had these things they were filled with rage in themselves and gnashing they were with their teeth upon him |
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[55]And he when full he was of faith and The Spirit of Holiness gazed into Heaven and saw the glory of Alaha and Ieshu as He stood at the right side of Alaha |
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[56]And he said behold see I the heavens as they open and The Son of Man as He stands at the right hand of Alaha |
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[57]And they yelled with a voice loud and they stopped up their ears and they rushed upon him all of them |
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[58]And they seized they brought him outside of the city and stoning they were him and those who testified against him they placed their robes at the feet of a young man one who is called Shaul |
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[59]And stoning they were him Estephenos as he prayed and said our Lord Ieshu accept my spirit |
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[60]And when he set down the knees he cried out in a voice loud and he said our Lord not cause to stand against them this sin and when this he had said he fell asleep |
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