[1]Shaul but consenting was and participating was in his murder and there was in that day persecution great toward the church which in Jerusalem and they were scattered all of them into the villages of Judea also among The Samaritans outside of the Apostles only |
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[2]And gathered up buried him Estephanos men believing and they grieved over him greatly |
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[3]Shaul but persecuting was the church of Alaha as entering he was houses and was dragging men and women and delivering was to the house prisoner |
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[4]And those who were scattered traveling were and preaching the word of Alaha |
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[5]Philipus but went down to it to a city of The Samaritans and preaching he was to them about The Messiah |
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[6]And as hearing were his message the children of men who were there listening were to him and persuaded they were by all that said he had for seeing they were the signs that did he |
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[7]Many for who seized were to them spirits foul screaming they were in a voice loud and coming out they were from them and others were paralytic and crippled were healed |
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[8]And Joy great was in that city |
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[9]There was but there man one whose name Simon who dwelt had there in it in the city time great and by his sorceries deceived he had the people of The Samaritans when magnifying was himself and said "I am Alaha The Great" |
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[10]And praying they were to him all of them noble and common and saying they were this is the power great of Alaha |
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[11]And persuaded they were by him all of them because times many by his sorceries astonished he had them |
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[12]When but they believed Phillipus who proclaiming was the kingdom of Alaha in The Name of our Lord Ieshu The Messiah being baptized they were men and women |
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[13]Also he Simon believe did and was baptized and joined was to him to Philipus and when saw he the signs and the miracles great that done were by his hand marveled he and was astonished |
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[14]And when heard the Apostles of Jerusalem that received the people of The Samaritans the word of Alaha they sent to them Shimeon Kaypha and Yokhanan |
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[15]And they went down and they prayed over them so that they would receive The Spirit of Holiness |
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[16]Not He was for upon one of them yet only but been baptized they had in The Name of our Lord Ieshu |
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[17]Then laying they were upon them hands and receiving they were The Spirit of Holiness |
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[18]And when saw Simon that by laying hands of the Apostles was given The Spirit of Holiness he brought to them silver |
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[19]When he said give also to me authority this that whomever I may place upon him a hand he will receive The Spirit of Holiness |
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[20]Said to him Shimeon Kaypha your silver with you shall go to destruction because you thought that the gift of Alaha with possessions of the world is acquired |
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[21]There is not to you a part neither an allotment in faith this because your heart not is upright before Alaha |
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[22]But turn from your evil this and request from Alaha perhaps may be forgiven to you the treachery of your heart |
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[23]In the anger for of bitterness and in a knot of evil see I that you are |
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[24]Answered Simon and said ask you for my sake from Alaha that not shall come upon me any of these things which you have said |
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[25]Shimeon but and Yokhanan when had testified they and taught the word of Alaha they returned themselves to Jerusalem and in villages many of the Samaritans they preached the Gospel |
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[26]And spoke The Angel of the Lord with Phillipus and said to him arise go to the south by a road desert that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza |
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[27]And he arose to go and met him eunuch one who come had from Cush an official of Qandeq Queen of the Cushites and he authorized was over all her treasury and come he had to worship in Jerusalem |
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[28]And when he turned to go sat down he on the chariot and reading he was in Isaiah The Prophet |
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[29]And said The Spirit to Phillipus approach and join the chariot |
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[30]And as he approached he heard what he read in Isaiah The Prophet and he said to him "If understand you what? read you |
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[31]And he said How? can I understand unless if a man will instruct me and he asked of him of Phillipus to come up and to sit with him |
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[32]The section but of scripture that he read was in it it was this as a lamb for sacrifice He is led and as a ewe before the shearer silent is also in this way not he opened His mouth |
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[33]In His humility from imprisonment and from judgment He was led and His time who? will narrate for is taken His Life from the earth |
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[34]And said that eunuch to Phillipus beg I of you about whom? did say this the prophet about himself or about man another |
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[35]Then Phillipus opened his mouth and began from it from this scripture he preached to him about our Lord Ieshu |
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[36]And as they were going on the road arriving they were at the place one that had in it water and said that eunuch behold water what? is the hindrance to me being baptized |
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[37]And said Phillipus if believe you from all the heart it is authorized and he answered and said I believe do that Ieshu The Messiah The Son of Alaha is |
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[38]And commanded he to stop the chariot and they went down the two of them to the water and baptized him Phillipus the eunuch that |
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[39]And when they came up from the water The Spirit of the Lord took up Phillipus and again not saw him the eunuch was but went he on the road as rejoiced |
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[40]Phillipus but was found in Azotus and from there traveling he was and preaching in the cities all of them until he came to Qesaria |
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