The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Bishops' Bible (1568)
[1]Ye are the childrenH1121 of the LORDH3068 your GodH430: ye shall not cutH1413[H8704] yourselves, nor makeH7760[H8799] any baldnessH7144 between your eyesH5869 for the deadH4191.[H8801] [1]Ye are the childre of the Lord your God: Ye shall not cut your selues, nor make you any baldnes betwene your eyes for ye dead man
[2]For thou art an holyH6918 peopleH5971 unto the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, and the LORDH3068 hath chosenH977[H8804] thee to be a peculiarH5459 peopleH5971 unto himself, above all the nationsH5971 that are uponH6440 the earthH127. [2]For thou art an holye people vnto the Lorde thy God, and the Lorde hath chosen thee to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe, aboue all the nations that are vpon the earth
[3]Thou shalt not eatH398[H8799] any abominable thingH8441. [3]Thou shalt eate no maner of abhomination
[4]These are the beastsH929 which ye shall eatH398[H8799]: the oxH7794, the sheepH7716[H3775], and the goatH5795, [4]These are the beastes which ye shall eate of, Oxen, Sheepe, and Goates
[5]The hartH354, and the roebuckH6643, and the fallow deerH3180, and the wild goatH689, and the pygargH1788, and the wild oxH8377, and the chamoisH2169. [5]Roe, Bucke, and Bugle, wilde Goate, Unicorne, wylde Oxen and Camoise
[6]And every beastH929 that partethH6536[H8688] the hoofH6541, and cleavethH8157 the cleftH8156[H8802] into twoH8147 clawsH6541, and chewethH5927[H8688] the cudH1625 among the beastsH929, that ye shall eatH398.[H8799] [6]And all beastes that cleaue the hoofe, and cleaueth the clift into two clawes, and chewe the cud, them ye shall eate
[7]Nevertheless these ye shall not eatH398[H8799] of them that chewH5927[H8688] the cudH1625, or of them that divideH6536[H8688] the clovenH8156[H8803] hoofH6541; as the camelH1581, and the hareH768, and the coneyH8227: for they chewH5927[H8688] the cudH1625, but divideH6536[H8689] not the hoofH6541; therefore they are unclean unto youH2931. [7]Neuerthelesse, these ye shall not eate of them that chewe cud & of them that deuide and cleaue the hoofe only, the Camel, the Hare, and the Conie: for they chewe the cud, but deuide not the hoofe: therfore they are vncleane vnto you
[8]And the swineH2386, because it dividethH6536[H8688] the hoofH6541, yet cheweth not the cudH1625, it is uncleanH2931 unto you: ye shall not eatH398[H8799] of their fleshH1320, nor touchH5060[H8799] their dead carcaseH5038. [8]And also the Swine, though he deuide the hoofe, yet he cheweth not cud, therefore is he vncleane vnto you: ye shall not eate of the fleshe of suche, nor touche the dead carkasse of them
[9]These ye shall eatH398[H8799] of all that are in the watersH4325: all that have finsH5579 and scalesH7193 shall ye eatH398:[H8799] [9]These ye shall eate of all that are in the waters: All that haue finnes and scales shall ye eate
[10]And whatsoever hath not finsH5579 and scalesH7193 ye may not eatH398[H8799]; it is unclean unto youH2931. [10]And whatsoeuer hath not finnes and scales, of that ye may not eate, but it is vncleane vnto you
[11]Of all cleanH2889 birdsH6833 ye shall eatH398.[H8799] [11]Of all cleane byrdes ye shall eate
[12]But these are they of which ye shall not eatH398[H8799]: the eagleH5404, and the ossifrageH6538, and the osprayH5822, [12]But these are they of whiche ye shall not eate: the Egle, the Goshauke, and the Ospray
[13]And the gledeH7201, and the kiteH344, and the vultureH1772 after his kindH4327, [13]The Glede, the Kite, and the Uulture after their kinde
[14]And every ravenH6158 after his kindH4327, [14]And all kinde of Rauens
[15]And the owlH1323[H3284], and the night hawkH8464, and the cuckowH7828, and the hawkH5322 after his kindH4327, [15]The Estritch, the Nightcrowe, the Cockowe, and the Sparowehauke after their kinde
[16]The little owlH3563, and the great owlH3244, and the swanH8580, [16]The litle Owle, the great Owle, nor the Redshanke
[17]And the pelicanH6893, and the gier eagleH7360, and the cormorantH7994, [17]The Pellicane, the Swanne, nor the Cormorant
[18]And the storkH2624, and the heronH601 after her kindH4327, and the lapwingH1744, and the batH5847. [18]The Storke, the Heron in his kinde, the Lapwing, the Backe
[19]And every creeping thingH8318 that fliethH5775 is uncleanH2931 unto you: they shall not be eatenH398.[H8735] [19]And let euery creeping thing that fleeth, be vncleane vnto you, and not be eaten of
[20]But of all cleanH2889 fowlsH5775 ye may eatH398.[H8799] [20]But of all cleane foules ye may eate
[21]Ye shall not eatH398[H8799] of any thing that dieth of itselfH5038: thou shalt giveH5414[H8799] it unto the strangerH1616 that is in thy gatesH8179, that he may eatH398[H8804] it; or thou mayest sellH4376[H8800] it unto an alienH5237: for thou art an holyH6918 peopleH5971 unto the LORDH3068 thy GodH430. Thou shalt not seetheH1310[H8762] a kidH1423 in his mother'sH517 milkH2461. [21]Ye shall eate of nothyng that dyeth alone: But thou shalt geue it vnto the straunger that is in thy citie, that he eate it, or thou mayest sell it vnto a straunger: For thou art an holy people vnto the Lorde thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mothers milke
[22]Thou shalt trulyH6237[H8763] titheH6237[H8762] all the increaseH8393 of thy seedH2233, that the fieldH7704 bringeth forthH3318[H8802] yearH8141 by yearH8141. [22]Thou shalt tythe all the increase of thy seede, that the fielde bringeth foorth yere by yere
[23]And thou shalt eatH398[H8804] beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, in the placeH4725 which he shall chooseH977[H8799] to placeH7931[H8763] his nameH8034 there, the titheH4643 of thy cornH1715, of thy wineH8492, and of thine oilH3323, and the firstlingsH1062 of thy herdsH1241 and of thy flocksH6629; that thou mayest learnH3925[H8799] to fearH3372[H8800] the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 alwaysH3117. [23]And thou shalt eate before the Lorde thy God, in the place whiche he hath chosen & where he hath put his name, the tithe of thy corne, and of thy wine, and of thyne oyle, and the first borne of thy kine, and of thy sheepe: that thou mayest learne to feare the Lorde thy God alwayes
[24]And if the wayH1870 be too longH7235[H8799] for thee, so thatH3588 thou art not ableH3201[H8799] to carryH5375[H8800] it; or if the placeH4725 be too farH7368[H8799] from thee, which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 shall chooseH977[H8799] to setH7760[H8800] his nameH8034 there, when the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 hath blessedH1288 theeH8762: [24]If the way be to long for thee, so that thou art not able to carie it, and if the place be farre from thee, whiche the Lorde thy God hath chosen to set his name there, and the Lorde thy God hath blessed thee
[25]Then shalt thou turnH5414[H8804] it into moneyH3701, and bind upH6696[H8804] the moneyH3701 in thine handH3027, and shalt goH1980[H8804] unto the placeH4725 which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 shall chooseH977:[H8799] [25]Then shalt thou make it in money, and take the money in thine hande, and go vnto the place which the Lorde thy God shall chose
[26]And thou shalt bestowH5414[H8804] that moneyH3701 for whatsoever thy soulH5315 lusteth afterH183[H8762], for oxenH1241, or for sheepH6629, or for wineH3196, or for strong drinkH7941, or for whatsoever thy soulH5315 desirethH7592[H8799]: and thou shalt eatH398[H8804] there beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, and thou shalt rejoiceH8055[H8804], thou, and thine householdH1004, [26]And thou shalt bestowe that money for whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth after, for oxen and sheepe, wine and strong drinke, and for whatsoeuer thy soule desireth: and thou shalt eate there before the Lorde thy God, and be merie, both thou and thyne housholde
[27]And the LeviteH3881 that is within thy gatesH8179; thou shalt not forsakeH5800[H8799] him; for he hath no partH2506 nor inheritance with theeH5159. [27]And the Leuite that is within thy gates, shalt thou not forsake, for he hath neither part nor inheritaunce with thee
[28]At the endH7097 of threeH7969 yearsH8141 thou shalt bring forthH3318[H8686] all the titheH4643 of thine increaseH8393 the same yearH8141, and shalt lay it upH3240[H8689] within thy gatesH8179: [28]At the ende of three yeres thou shalt bryng foorth all the tythes of thyne encrease the same yere, and lay it vp within thyne owne gates
[29]And the LeviteH3881, (because he hath no partH2506 nor inheritanceH5159 with thee,) and the strangerH1616, and the fatherlessH3490, and the widowH490, which are within thy gatesH8179, shall comeH935[H8804], and shall eatH398[H8804] and be satisfiedH7646[H8804]; that the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 may blessH1288[H8762] thee in all the workH4639 of thine handH3027 which thou doestH6213.[H8799] [29]And the Leuite whiche hath no part nor inheritaunce with thee, shal come, and the straunger, the fatherlesse, & the widowe whiche are within thy gates shall eate and be filled, that the Lorde thy God may blesse thee in al ye workes of thyne hande whiche thou doest
Source: studybible.info
Source: studybible.org