The King James Version (w/Strong's)
Vulgata Clementina (1592)
[1]Ye are the childrenH1121 of the LORDH3068 your GodH430: ye shall not cutH1413[H8704] yourselves, nor makeH7760[H8799] any baldnessH7144 between your eyesH5869 for the deadH4191.[H8801] [1]Filii estote Domini Dei vestri: non vos incidetis, nec facietis calvitium super mortuo:
[2]For thou art an holyH6918 peopleH5971 unto the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, and the LORDH3068 hath chosenH977[H8804] thee to be a peculiarH5459 peopleH5971 unto himself, above all the nationsH5971 that are uponH6440 the earthH127. [2]quoniam populus sanctus es Domino Deo tuo, et te elegit ut sis ei in populum peculiarem de cunctis gentibus, quæ sunt super terram.
[3]Thou shalt not eatH398[H8799] any abominable thingH8441. [3]Ne comedatis quæ immunda sunt.
[4]These are the beastsH929 which ye shall eatH398[H8799]: the oxH7794, the sheepH7716[H3775], and the goatH5795, [4]Hoc est animal quod comedere debetis: bovem, et ovem, et capram,
[5]The hartH354, and the roebuckH6643, and the fallow deerH3180, and the wild goatH689, and the pygargH1788, and the wild oxH8377, and the chamoisH2169. [5]cervum et capream, bubalum, tragelaphum, pygargum, orygem, camelopardalum.
[6]And every beastH929 that partethH6536[H8688] the hoofH6541, and cleavethH8157 the cleftH8156[H8802] into twoH8147 clawsH6541, and chewethH5927[H8688] the cudH1625 among the beastsH929, that ye shall eatH398.[H8799] [6]Omne animal, quod in duas partes findit ungulam, et ruminat, comedetis.
[7]Nevertheless these ye shall not eatH398[H8799] of them that chewH5927[H8688] the cudH1625, or of them that divideH6536[H8688] the clovenH8156[H8803] hoofH6541; as the camelH1581, and the hareH768, and the coneyH8227: for they chewH5927[H8688] the cudH1625, but divideH6536[H8689] not the hoofH6541; therefore they are unclean unto youH2931. [7]De his autem, quæ ruminant, et ungulam non findunt, comedere non debetis, ut camelum, leporem, chœrogryllum: hæc, quia ruminant et non dividunt ungulam, immunda erunt vobis.
[8]And the swineH2386, because it dividethH6536[H8688] the hoofH6541, yet cheweth not the cudH1625, it is uncleanH2931 unto you: ye shall not eatH398[H8799] of their fleshH1320, nor touchH5060[H8799] their dead carcaseH5038. [8]Sus quoque, quoniam dividat ungulam et non ruminat, immunda erit. Carnibus eorum non vescemini, et cadavera non tangetis.
[9]These ye shall eatH398[H8799] of all that are in the watersH4325: all that have finsH5579 and scalesH7193 shall ye eatH398:[H8799] [9]Hæc comedetis ex omnibus quæ morantur in aquis: quæ habent pinnulas et squamas, comedite:
[10]And whatsoever hath not finsH5579 and scalesH7193 ye may not eatH398[H8799]; it is unclean unto youH2931. [10]quæ absque pinnulis et squamis sunt, ne comedatis, quia immunda sunt.
[11]Of all cleanH2889 birdsH6833 ye shall eatH398.[H8799] [11]Omnes aves mundas comedite.
[12]But these are they of which ye shall not eatH398[H8799]: the eagleH5404, and the ossifrageH6538, and the osprayH5822, [12]Immundas ne comedatis: aquilam scilicet, et gryphem, et haliæetum,
[13]And the gledeH7201, and the kiteH344, and the vultureH1772 after his kindH4327, [13]ixion et vulturem ac milvum juxta genus suum:
[14]And every ravenH6158 after his kindH4327, [14]et omne corvini generis,
[15]And the owlH1323[H3284], and the night hawkH8464, and the cuckowH7828, and the hawkH5322 after his kindH4327, [15]et struthionem, ac noctuam, et larum, atque accipitrem juxta genus suum:
[16]The little owlH3563, and the great owlH3244, and the swanH8580, [16]herodium ac cygnum, et ibin,
[17]And the pelicanH6893, and the gier eagleH7360, and the cormorantH7994, [17]ac mergulum, porphyrionem, et nycticoracem,
[18]And the storkH2624, and the heronH601 after her kindH4327, and the lapwingH1744, and the batH5847. [18]onocrotalum, et charadrium, singula in genere suo: upupam quoque et vespertilionem.
[19]And every creeping thingH8318 that fliethH5775 is uncleanH2931 unto you: they shall not be eatenH398.[H8735] [19]Et omne quod reptat et pennulas habet, immundum erit, et non comedetur.
[20]But of all cleanH2889 fowlsH5775 ye may eatH398.[H8799] [20]Omne quod mundum est, comedite.
[21]Ye shall not eatH398[H8799] of any thing that dieth of itselfH5038: thou shalt giveH5414[H8799] it unto the strangerH1616 that is in thy gatesH8179, that he may eatH398[H8804] it; or thou mayest sellH4376[H8800] it unto an alienH5237: for thou art an holyH6918 peopleH5971 unto the LORDH3068 thy GodH430. Thou shalt not seetheH1310[H8762] a kidH1423 in his mother'sH517 milkH2461. [21]Quidquid autem morticinum est, ne vescamini ex eo. Peregrino, qui intra portas tuas est, da ut comedat, aut vende ei: quia tu populus sanctus Domini Dei tui es. Non coques hædum in lacte matris suæ.
[22]Thou shalt trulyH6237[H8763] titheH6237[H8762] all the increaseH8393 of thy seedH2233, that the fieldH7704 bringeth forthH3318[H8802] yearH8141 by yearH8141. [22]Decimam partem separabis de cunctis fructibus tuis qui nascuntur in terra per annos singulos,
[23]And thou shalt eatH398[H8804] beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, in the placeH4725 which he shall chooseH977[H8799] to placeH7931[H8763] his nameH8034 there, the titheH4643 of thy cornH1715, of thy wineH8492, and of thine oilH3323, and the firstlingsH1062 of thy herdsH1241 and of thy flocksH6629; that thou mayest learnH3925[H8799] to fearH3372[H8800] the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 alwaysH3117. [23]et comedes in conspectu Domini Dei tui in loco quem elegerit, ut in eo nomen illius invocetur, decimam frumenti tui, et vini, et olei, et primogenita de armentis et ovibus tuis: ut discas timere Dominum Deum tuum omni tempore.
[24]And if the wayH1870 be too longH7235[H8799] for thee, so thatH3588 thou art not ableH3201[H8799] to carryH5375[H8800] it; or if the placeH4725 be too farH7368[H8799] from thee, which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 shall chooseH977[H8799] to setH7760[H8800] his nameH8034 there, when the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 hath blessedH1288 theeH8762: [24]Cum autem longior fuerit via, et locus quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus, tibique benedixerit, nec potueris ad eum hæc cuncta portare,
[25]Then shalt thou turnH5414[H8804] it into moneyH3701, and bind upH6696[H8804] the moneyH3701 in thine handH3027, and shalt goH1980[H8804] unto the placeH4725 which the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 shall chooseH977:[H8799] [25]vendes omnia, et in pretium rediges, portabisque manu tua, et proficisceris ad locum quem elegerit Dominus Deus tuus:
[26]And thou shalt bestowH5414[H8804] that moneyH3701 for whatsoever thy soulH5315 lusteth afterH183[H8762], for oxenH1241, or for sheepH6629, or for wineH3196, or for strong drinkH7941, or for whatsoever thy soulH5315 desirethH7592[H8799]: and thou shalt eatH398[H8804] there beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, and thou shalt rejoiceH8055[H8804], thou, and thine householdH1004, [26]et emes ex eadem pecunia quidquid tibi placuerit, sive ex armentis, sive ex ovibus, vinum quoque et siceram, et omne quod desiderat anima tua: et comedes coram Domino Deo tuo, et epulaberis tu et domus tua:
[27]And the LeviteH3881 that is within thy gatesH8179; thou shalt not forsakeH5800[H8799] him; for he hath no partH2506 nor inheritance with theeH5159. [27]et Levites qui intra portas tuas est, cave ne derelinquas eum, quia non habet aliam partem in possessione tua.
[28]At the endH7097 of threeH7969 yearsH8141 thou shalt bring forthH3318[H8686] all the titheH4643 of thine increaseH8393 the same yearH8141, and shalt lay it upH3240[H8689] within thy gatesH8179: [28]Anno tertio separabis aliam decimam ex omnibus quæ nascuntur tibi eo tempore, et repones intra januas tuas.
[29]And the LeviteH3881, (because he hath no partH2506 nor inheritanceH5159 with thee,) and the strangerH1616, and the fatherlessH3490, and the widowH490, which are within thy gatesH8179, shall comeH935[H8804], and shall eatH398[H8804] and be satisfiedH7646[H8804]; that the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 may blessH1288[H8762] thee in all the workH4639 of thine handH3027 which thou doestH6213.[H8799] [29]Venietque Levites qui aliam non habet partem nec possessionem tecum, et peregrinus ac pupillus et vidua, qui intra portas tuas sunt, et comedent et saturabuntur: ut benedicat tibi Dominus Deus tuus in cunctis operibus manuum tuarum quæ feceris.
Source: studybible.info
Source: unbound.biola.edu