[1]KeepH8104[H8798] thy footH7272 when thou goestH3212[H8799] to the houseH1004 of GodH430, and be more readyH7138 to hearH8085[H8800], than to giveH5414[H8800] the sacrificeH2077 of foolsH3684: for they considerH3045[H8802] not that they doH6213[H8800] evilH7451. |
[1]Be not rash with thy mouth, nor let thine heart be hasty to utter a thing before God: for God is in the heavens, and thou art on the earth: therefore let thy words be few. |
[2]Be not rashH926[H8762] with thy mouthH6310, and let not thine heartH3820 be hastyH4116[H8762] to utterH3318[H8687] any thingH1697 beforeH6440 GodH430: for GodH430 is in heavenH8064, and thou upon earthH776: therefore let thy wordsH1697 be fewH4592. |
[2]For as a dream cometh by the multitude of business: so the voice of a fool is in the multitude of words. |
[3]For a dreamH2472 comethH935[H8802] through the multitudeH7230 of businessH6045; and a fool'sH3684 voiceH6963 is known by multitudeH7230 of wordsH1697. |
[3]When thou hast vowed a vow to God, defer not to pay it: for he delighteth not in fools: pay therefore that thou hast vowed. |
[4]When thou vowestH5087[H8799] a vowH5088 unto GodH430, deferH309[H8762] not to payH7999[H8763] it; for he hath no pleasureH2656 in foolsH3684: payH7999[H8761] that which thou hast vowedH5087.[H8799] |
[4]It is better that thou shouldest not vow, than that thou shouldest vow and not pay it. |
[5]BetterH2896 is it that thou shouldest not vowH5087[H8799], than that thou shouldest vowH5087[H8799] and not payH7999.[H8762] |
[5]Suffer not thy mouth to make thy flesh to sin: neither say before the angel, that this is ignorance: wherefore shall God be angry by thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands? |
[6]SufferH5414[H8799] not thy mouthH6310 to cause thy fleshH1320 to sinH2398[H8687]; neither sayH559[H8799] thou beforeH6440 the angelH4397, that it was an errorH7684: wherefore should GodH430 be angryH7107[H8799] at thy voiceH6963, and destroyH2254[H8765] the workH4639 of thine handsH3027? |
[6]For in the multitude of dreams, and vanities are also many words: but fear thou God. |
[7]For in the multitudeH7230 of dreamsH2472 and manyH7235[H8687] wordsH1697 there are also divers vanitiesH1892: but fearH3372[H8798] thou GodH430. |
[7]If in a country thou seest the oppression of the poor, and the defrauding of judgment and justice, be not astonied at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest, regardeth, and there be higher than they. |
[8]If thou seestH7200[H8799] the oppressionH6233 of the poorH7326[H8802], and violentH1499 perverting of judgmentH4941 and justiceH6664 in a provinceH4082, marvelH8539[H8799] not at the matterH2656: for he that is higherH1364 than the highestH1364 regardethH8104[H8802]; and there be higherH1364 than theyH5921. |
[8]And the abundance of the earth is over all: the king also consisteth by the field that is tilled. |
[9]Moreover the profitH3504 of the earthH776 is for all: the kingH4428 himself is servedH5647[H8738] by the fieldH7704. |
[9]He that loveth silver, shall not be satisfied with silver, and he that loveth riches, shall be without the fruit thereof: this also is vanity. |
[10]He that lovethH157[H8802] silverH3701 shall not be satisfiedH7646[H8799] with silverH3701; nor he that lovethH157[H8802] abundanceH1995 with increaseH8393: this is also vanityH1892. |
[10]When goods increase, they are increased that eat them: and what good cometh to the owners thereof, but the beholding thereof with their eyes? |
[11]When goodsH2896 increaseH7235[H8800], they are increasedH7231[H8804] that eatH398[H8802] them: and what goodH3788 is there to the ownersH1167 thereof, savingH518 the beholdingH7207[H8675][H7212][H8801] of them with their eyesH5869? |
[11]The sleep of him that travaileth, is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the satiety of the rich will not suffer him to sleep. |
[12]The sleepH8142 of a labouring manH5647[H8802] is sweetH4966, whether he eatH398[H8799] littleH4592 or muchH7235[H8687]: but the abundanceH7647 of the richH6223 will not sufferH3240[H8688] him to sleepH3462.[H8800] |
[12]There is an evil sickness that I have seen under the sun: to wit, riches reserved to the owners thereof for their evil. |
[13]There isH3426 a soreH2470[H8802] evilH7451 which I have seenH7200[H8804] under the sunH8121, namely, richesH6239 keptH8104[H8803] for the ownersH1167 thereof to their hurtH7451. |
[13]And these riches perish by evil travail, and he begetteth a son, and in his hand is nothing. |
[14]But those richesH6239 perishH6[H8804] by evilH7451 travailH6045: and he begettethH3205[H8689] a sonH1121, and there is nothingH3972 in his handH3027. |
[14]As he came forth of his mother's belly, he shall return naked to go as he came, and shall bear away nothing of his labor, which he hath caused to pass by his hand. |
[15]As he came forthH3318[H8804] of his mother'sH517 wombH990, nakedH6174 shall he returnH7725[H8799] to goH3212[H8800] as he cameH935[H8804], and shall takeH5375[H8799] nothingH3972 of his labourH5999, which he may carry awayH3212[H8686] in his handH3027. |
[15]And this also is an evil sickness that in all points as he came, so shall he go, and what profit hath he that he hath travailed for the wind? |
[16]And thisH2090 also is a soreH2470[H8802] evilH7451, that in all pointsH5980 as he cameH935[H8804], so shall he goH3212[H8799]: and what profitH3504 hath he that hath labouredH5998[H8799] for the windH7307? |
[16]Also all his days he eateth in darkness with much grief, and in his sorrow and anger. |
[17]All his daysH3117 also he eatethH398[H8799] in darknessH2822, and he hath muchH7235[H8687] sorrowH3707[H8804] and wrathH7110 with his sicknessH2483. |
[17]Behold then, what I have seen good, that it is comely to eat, and to drink, and to take pleasure in all his labor, wherein he travaileth under the sun, the whole number of the days of his life, which God giveth him: for this is his portion. |
[18]Behold that which I have seenH7200[H8804]: it is goodH2896 and comelyH3303 for one to eatH398[H8800] and to drinkH8354[H8800], and to enjoyH7200[H8800] the goodH2896 of all his labourH5999 that he takethH5998[H8799] under the sunH8121 allH4557 the daysH3117 of his lifeH2416, which GodH430 givethH5414[H8804] him: for it is his portionH2506. |
[18]Also to every man to whom God hath given riches and treasures, and giveth him power to eat thereof, and to take his part, and to enjoy his labor: this is the gift of God. |
[19]Every manH120 also to whom GodH430 hath givenH5414[H8804] richesH6239 and wealthH5233, and hath given him powerH7980[H8689] to eatH398[H8800] thereof, and to takeH5375[H8800] his portionH2506, and to rejoiceH8055[H8800] in his labourH5999; thisH2090 is the giftH4991 of GodH430. |
[19]Surely he will not much remember the days of his life, because God answereth to the joy of his heart. |
[20]For he shall not muchH7235[H8687] rememberH2142[H8799] the daysH3117 of his lifeH2416; because GodH430 answerethH6031[H8688] him in the joyH8057 of his heartH3820. |
20[No verse] |