Westcott/Hort Greek NT (1881)
Peshitta NT (literal)
[1]παρακαλω ουν υμας εγω ο δεσμιος εν κυριω αξιως περιπατησαι της κλησεως ης εκληθητε [1]Request I therefore of you I a prisoner in our Lord that you walk just as is suitable to the calling in which you are called
[2]μετα πασης ταπεινοφροσυνης και πραυτητος μετα μακροθυμιας ανεχομενοι αλληλων εν αγαπη [2]In all humility of mind and quietness and length of spirit and you would be patient one toward another in love
[3]σπουδαζοντες τηρειν την ενοτητα του πνευματος εν τω συνδεσμω της ειρηνης [3]And be you diligent to keep the harmony of The Spirit in the bonds of peace
[4]εν σωμα και εν πνευμα καθως [και] και εκληθητε εν μια ελπιδι της κλησεως υμων [4]That you would be in one body and in One Spirit as when you were called in one hope of your calling
[5]εις κυριος μια πιστις εν βαπτισμα [5]One there is for the Lord and one faith and one baptism
[6]εις θεος και πατηρ παντων ο επι παντων και δια παντων και εν πασιν [6]And one Alaha The Father of all and over all and with all and in us all
[7]ενι δε εκαστω ημων εδοθη [η] η χαρις κατα το μετρον της δωρεας του χριστου [7]To each one of us but is given grace according to the size of the gift of the Messiah
[8]διο λεγει αναβας εις υψος ηχμαλωτευσεν αιχμαλωσιαν [και] εδωκεν δοματα τοις ανθρωποις [8]Because of this it is said "He ascended to the heights and brought captive captivity and He has given gifts to children of men
[9]το δε ανεβη τι εστιν ει μη οτι και κατεβη εις τα κατωτερα μερη [μερη] της γης [9]That He ascended but what? is that but if that also He descended first to the lower regions of the earth
[10]ο καταβας αυτος εστιν και ο αναβας υπερανω παντων των ουρανων ινα πληρωση τα παντα [10]He Who descended is He The Same Who also ascended higher than all Heavens to restore all things
[11]και αυτος εδωκεν τους μεν αποστολους τους δε προφητας τους δε ευαγγελιστας τους δε ποιμενας και διδασκαλους [11]And He gave some who are apostles and some who are prophets and some who are evangelists and some who are pastors and some who are teachers
[12]προς τον καταρτισμον των αγιων εις εργον διακονιας εις οικοδομην του σωματος του χριστου [12]For the perfecting of the holy ones for the work of the ministry for the building up of the body of The Messiah
[13]μεχρι καταντησωμεν οι παντες εις την ενοτητα της πιστεως και της επιγνωσεως του υιου του θεου εις ανδρα τελειον εις μετρον ηλικιας του πληρωματος του χριστου [13]Until we all shall be one thing in faith and in knowledge of The Son of Alaha and one man perfect with the dimensions of the stature of the maturity of The Messiah
[14]ινα μηκετι ωμεν νηπιοι κλυδωνιζομενοι και περιφερομενοι παντι ανεμω της διδασκαλιας εν τη κυβεια των ανθρωπων εν πανουργια προς την μεθοδειαν της πλανης [14]Neither we shall be children who are shaken and troubled for every wind of teaching crafty of children of men those who in their cunning plot to seduce
[15]αληθευοντες δε εν αγαπη αυξησωμεν εις αυτον τα παντα ος εστιν η κεφαλη χριστος [15]But we were firm in our love that all affairs our may increase in The Messiah Who is The Head
[16]εξ ου παν το σωμα συναρμολογουμενον και συμβιβαζομενον δια πασης αφης της επιχορηγιας κατ ενεργειαν εν μετρω ενος εκαστου μερους την αυξησιν του σωματος ποιειται εις οικοδομην εαυτου εν αγαπη [16]And from Him the whole body constructed and joined in every joint according to a gift given in measure to every member for the growth His of body that in love may be completed His building
[17]τουτο ουν λεγω και μαρτυρομαι εν κυριω μηκετι υμας περιπατειν καθως και τα εθνη περιπατει εν ματαιοτητι του νοος αυτων [17]This but say I and testify I in the Lord that from now not you should be walking as others of the nations who walk in the emptiness of their minds
[18]εσκοτωμενοι τη διανοια οντες απηλλοτριωμενοι της ζωης του θεου δια την αγνοιαν την ουσαν εν αυτοις δια την πωρωσιν της καρδιας αυτων [18]And they are dark in their intellects and aliens are to the Life of Alaha because there is not in them knowledge and because of the blindness of their heart
[19]οιτινες απηλγηκοτες εαυτους παρεδωκαν τη ασελγεια εις εργασιαν ακαθαρσιας πασης εν πλεονεξια [19]Those who have cut off their hope and have handed over their souls to lewdness and to the cultivation of every impurity in their greed
[20]υμεις δε ουχ ουτως εμαθετε τον χριστον [20]You but not have in this way you learned Him The Messiah
[21]ει γε αυτον ηκουσατε και εν αυτω εδιδαχθητε καθως εστιν αληθεια εν τω ιησου [21]If truly you have heard Him and by Him you have learned as whatever is the truth is in Ieshu
[22]αποθεσθαι υμας κατα την προτεραν αναστροφην τον παλαιον ανθρωπον τον φθειρομενον κατα τας επιθυμιας της απατης [22]But that you should put aside from you your way of life first man that old who is corrupted by desires of deception
[23]ανανεουσθαι δε τω πνευματι του νοος υμων [23]And you should be made new in the spirit of your minds
[24]και ενδυσασθαι τον καινον ανθρωπον τον κατα θεον κτισθεντα εν δικαιοσυνη και οσιοτητι της αληθειας [24]And you should put on the man new he who in Alaha has been created in righteousness and in the purity of the truth
[25]διο αποθεμενοι το ψευδος λαλειτε αληθειαν εκαστος μετα του πλησιον αυτου οτι εσμεν αλληλων μελη [25]Because of this put aside from you lying and speak the truth a man with his neighbor members we are for one of another
[26]οργιζεσθε και μη αμαρτανετε ο ηλιος μη επιδυετω επι [τω] παροργισμω υμων [26]Be angry and not sin you and the sun on your anger not let set
[27]μηδε διδοτε τοπον τω διαβολω [27]Neither you should give a place to The Slanderer
[28]ο κλεπτων μηκετι κλεπτετω μαλλον δε κοπιατω εργαζομενος ταις [ιδιαις] χερσιν το αγαθον ινα εχη μεταδιδοναι τω χρειαν εχοντι [28]And whoever stolen has from now on not let him steal but let him toil with his hands and let him produce good that there will be to him to give to the one who has need
[29]πας λογος σαπρος εκ του στοματος υμων μη εκπορευεσθω αλλα ει τις αγαθος προς οικοδομην της χρειας ινα δω χαριν τοις ακουουσιν [29]Any words hateful from your mouth not let come out but whatever is good and useful for improvement that you may give grace to those who hear
[30]και μη λυπειτε το πνευμα το αγιον του θεου εν ω εσφραγισθητε εις ημεραν απολυτρωσεως [30]Neither be you grieving The Spirit Holy of Alaha you have been sealed in Whom to the day of redemption
[31]πασα πικρια και θυμος και οργη και κραυγη και βλασφημια αρθητω αφ υμων συν παση κακια [31]All bitterness and fury and rage and clamor and insults let be taken away from you with all wickedness
[32]γινεσθε [δε] εις αλληλους χρηστοι ευσπλαγχνοι χαριζομενοι εαυτοις καθως και ο θεος εν χριστω εχαρισατο υμιν [32]And be you sweet one to another and affectionate and be you forgiving one another just as Alaha in The Messiah has forgiven us
Author: Brooke Foss Westcott (1825–1901), Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828–1892)
Source: www.unboundbible.org

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