Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
Vulgata Clementina (1592)
[1]Thanne Moises song, and the sones of Israel, this song to the Lord; and thei seiden, Synge we to the Lord, for he is magnefied gloriousli; he castide doun the hors and the stiere in to the see. [1]Tunc cecinit Moyses et filii Israël carmen hoc Domino, et dixerunt: Cantemus Domino: gloriose enim magnificatus est, equum et ascensorem dejecit in mare.
[2]My strengthe and my preisyng is the Lord; and he is maad to me in to heelthe. This is my God, and Y schal glorifie hym; the God of my fadir, and Y schal enhaunse hym. [2]Fortitudo mea, et laus mea Dominus, et factus est mihi in salutem: iste Deus meus, et glorificabo eum: Deus patris mei, et exaltabo eum.
[3]The Lord is as a man fiyter, his name is Almiyti; [3]Dominus quasi vir pugnator, Omnipotens nomen ejus,
[4]he castide doun in to the see the charis of Farao, and his oost. Hise chosun princis weren drenchid in the reed see; [4]currus Pharaonis et exercitum ejus projecit in mare: electi principes ejus submersi sunt in mari Rubro.
[5]the depe watris hiliden hem; thei yeden doun in to the depthe as a stoon. [5]Abyssi operuerunt eos; descenderunt in profundum quasi lapis.
[6]Lord, thi riythond is magnyfied in strengthe; Lord, thi riythond smoot the enemye. [6]Dextera tua, Domine, magnificata est in fortitudine: dextera tua, Domine, percussit inimicum.
[7]And in the mychilnesse of thi glorie thou hast put doun alle myn aduersaries; thou sentist thin ire, that deuouride hem as stobil. [7]Et in multitudine gloriæ tuæ deposuisti adversarios tuos: misisti iram tuam, quæ devoravit eos sicut stipulam.
[8]And watris weren gaderid in the spirit of thi woodnesse; flowinge watir stood, depe watris weren gaderid in the middis of the see. [8]Et in spiritu furoris tui congregatæ sunt aquæ: stetit unda fluens, congregata sunt abyssi in medio mari.
[9]The enemy seide, Y schal pursue, and Y schal take; Y schal departe spuylis, my soule schal be fillid. I schal drawe out my swerde; myn hond schal sle hem. [9]Dixit inimicus: Persequar et comprehendam, dividam spolia, implebitur anima mea: evaginabo gladium meum, interficiet eos manus mea.
[10]Thi spirit blew, and the see hilide hem; thei weren drenchid as leed in grete watris. [10]Flavit spiritus tuus, et operuit eos mare: submersi sunt quasi plumbum in aquis vehementibus.
[11]Lord, who is lijk thee in stronge men, who is lijk thee? thou art greet doere in hoolynesse; ferdful, and preisable, and doynge myraclis. [11]Quis similis tui in fortibus, Domine? quis similis tui, magnificus in sanctitate, terribilis atque laudabilis, faciens mirabilia?
[12]Thou heldist forth thin hond, and the erthe deuouride hem; [12]Extendisti manum tuam, et devoravit eos terra.
[13]thou were ledere in thi merci to thy puple, which thou ayen bouytist; and thou hast bore hym in thi strengthe to thin holi dwellyng place. [13]Dux fuisti in misericordia tua populo quem redemisti: et portasti eum in fortitudine tua, ad habitaculum sanctum tuum.
[14]Puplis stieden, and weren wroothe; sorewis helden the dwelleris of Filistiym. [14]Ascenderunt populi, et irati sunt: dolores obtinuerunt habitatores Philisthiim.
[15]Thanne the pryncis of Edom weren disturblid; tremblyng held the stronge men of Moab. [15]Tunc conturbati sunt principes Edom, robustos Moab obtinuit tremor: obriguerunt omnes habitatores Chanaan.
[16]Alle the dwelleris of Canaan `weren starke; inward drede falle on hem, and outward drede in the greetnesse of thin arm. Be thei maad vnmouable as a stoon, til thi puple passe, Lord; til this thi puple passe, whom thou weldidist. [16]Irruat super eos formido et pavor, in magnitudine brachii tui: fiant immobiles quasi lapis, donec pertranseat populus tuus, Domine, donec pertranseat populus tuus iste, quem possedisti.
[17]Thou schalt brynge hem in, and thou schalt plaunte in the hil of thin eritage; in the moost stidefast dwellyng place which thou hast wrouyt, Lord; Lord, thi seyntuarie, which thin hondis made stidefast. [17]Introduces eos, et plantabis in monte hæreditatis tuæ, firmissimo habitaculo tuo quod operatus es, Domine: sanctuarium tuum, Domine, quod firmaverunt manus tuæ.
[18]The Lord schal `regne in to the world and ferthere. [18]Dominus regnabit in æternum et ultra.
[19]Forsothe Farao, `a ridere, entride with his charis and knyytis in to the see, and the Lord brouyte the watris of the se on hem; sotheli the sones of Israel yeden bi the drie place, in the myddis of the see. [19]Ingressus est enim eques Pharao cum curribus et equitibus ejus in mare: et reduxit super eos Dominus aquas maris: filii autem Israël ambulaverunt per siccum in medio ejus.
[20]Therfore Marie, profetesse, the `sistir of Aaron, took a tympan in hir hond, and alle the wymmen yeden out aftir hyr with tympans and cumpanyes; [20]Sumpsit ergo Maria prophetissa, soror Aaron, tympanum in manu sua: egressæque sunt omnes mulieres post eam cum tympanis et choris,
[21]to whiche sche song bifore, and seide, Synge we to the Lord, for he is magnyfied gloriousli; he castide doun in to the see the hors and the stiere of hym. [21]quibus præcinebat, dicens: Cantemus Domino, gloriose enim magnificatus est: equum et ascensorem ejus dejecit in mare.
[22]Forsothe Moises took Israel fro the reed see, and thei yeden out in to the deseert of Sur, and thei yeden thre daies bi the wildirnesse, and thei founden not watir. [22]Tulit autem Moyses Israël de mari Rubro, et egressi sunt in desertum Sur: ambulaveruntque tribus diebus per solitudinem, et non inveniebant aquam.
[23]And thei camen in to Marath, and thei miyten not drynk the watris of Marath, for tho weren bittere; wherfor and he puttide a couenable name to the place, and clepide it Mara, that is, bitternesse. [23]Et venerunt in Mara, nec poterant bibere aquas de Mara, eo quod essent amaræ: unde et congruum loco nomen imposuit, vocans illum Mara, id est, amaritudinem.
[24]And the puple grutchide ayens Moises, and seide, What schulen we drynke? [24]Et murmuravit populus contra Moysen, dicens: Quid bibemus?
[25]And Moises criede to the Lord, which schewide to hym a tre; and whanne he hadde put that tre in to watris, tho weren turned in to swetnesse. There the Lord ordeynede comaundementis and domes to the puple, and there he asayede the puple, [25]At ille clamavit ad Dominum, qui ostendit ei lignum: quod cum misisset in aquas, in dulcedinem versæ sunt: ibi constituit ei præcepta, atque judicia, et ibi tentavit eum,
[26]and seide, If thou schalt here the vois of thi Lord God, and schalt do that that is riytful byfore hym, and schalt obeie to his comaundementis, and schalt kepe alle hise heestis, Y schal not brynge yn on thee al the syknesse, which Y puttide in Egipt, for Y am thi Lord Sauyour. [26]dicens: Si audieris vocem Domini Dei tui, et quod rectum est coram eo feceris, et obedieris mandatis ejus, custodierisque omnia præcepta illius, cunctum languorem, quem posui in Ægypto, non inducam super te: ego enim Dominus sanator tuus.
27[No verse] [27]Venerunt autem in Elim filii Israël, ubi erant duodecim fontes aquarum, et septuaginta palmæ: et castrametati sunt juxta aquas.
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)
Source: unbound.biola.edu