The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]And there was a famineH7458 in the landH776, besideH905 the firstH7223 famineH7458 that was in the daysH3117 of AbrahamH85. And IsaacH3327 wentH3212 H8799unto AbimelechH40 kingH4428 of the PhilistinesH6430 unto GerarH1642. [1]And there was a famine in the land besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. Wherefore Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar.
[2]And the LORDH3068 appearedH7200 H8735unto him, and saidH559 , H8799Go not downH3381 H8799into EgyptH4714; dwellH7931 H8798in the landH776 which I shall tellH559 thee ofH8799: [2]For the Lord appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt, but abide in the land which I shall show unto thee.
[3]SojournH1481 H8798in this landH776, and I will be with thee, and will blessH1288 H8762thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seedH2233, I will giveH5414 H8799all theseH411 countriesH776, and I will performH6965 H8689the oathH7621 which I swareH7650 H8738unto AbrahamH85 thy fatherH1; [3]Dwell in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee: for to thee, and to thy seed I will give all these countries: and I will perform the oath which I swear unto Abraham thy father.
[4]And I will makeH7235 thy seedH2233 to multiplyH7235 H8689as the starsH3556 of heavenH8064, and will giveH5414 H8804unto thy seedH2233 all theseH411 countriesH776; and in thy seedH2233 shall all the nationsH1471 of the earthH776 be blessedH1288;[H8694] [4]Also I will cause thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries: and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed,
[5]BecauseH6118 that AbrahamH85 obeyedH8085 H8804my voiceH6963, and keptH8104 H8799my chargeH4931, my commandmentsH4687, my statutesH2708, and my lawsH8451. [5]Because that Abraham obeyed my voice and kept mine ordinance, my commandments, my statutes, and my Laws.
[6]And IsaacH3327 dweltH3427 H8799in GerarH1642: [6]So Isaac dwelt in Gerar.
[7]And the menH582 of the placeH4725 askedH7592 H8799him of his wifeH802; and he saidH559 , H8799She is my sisterH269: for he fearedH3372 H8804to sayH559 , H8800She is my wifeH802; lest, said he, the menH582 of the placeH4725 should killH2026 H8799me for RebekahH7259; because she was fairH2896 to look uponH4758. [7]And the men of the place asked him of his wife, and he said, She is my sister: for he feared to say, She is my wife, lest, said he, the men of the place should kill me, because of Rebekah: for she was beautiful to the eye.
[8]And it came to pass, when he had been there a longH748 H8804timeH3117, that AbimelechH40 kingH4428 of the PhilistinesH6430 looked outH8259 H8686atH1157 a windowH2474, and sawH7200 , H8799and, behold, IsaacH3327 was sportingH6711 H8764with RebekahH7259 his wifeH802. [8]So after he had been there long time, Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out at a window, and lo, he saw Isaac sporting with Rebekah his wife.
[9]And AbimelechH40 calledH7121 H8799IsaacH3327, and saidH559 , H8799Behold, of a suretyH389 she is thy wifeH802: and how saidstH559 H8804thou, She is my sisterH269? And IsaacH3327 saidH559 H8799unto him, Because I saidH559 , H8804Lest I dieH4191 for herH8799. [9]Then Abimelech called Isaac, and said, Lo, she is of a surety thy wife, and why sayest thou, She is my sister? To whom Isaac answered, Because I thought this, It may be that I shall die for her.
[10]And AbimelechH40 saidH559 , H8799What is this thou hast doneH6213 H8804unto us? oneH259 of the peopleH5971 might lightlyH4592 have lienH7901 H8804with thy wifeH802, and thou shouldest have broughtH935 H8689guiltiness upon usH817. [10]Then Abimelech said, Why hast thou done this unto us? One of the people had almost lain by thy wife, so shouldest thou have brought sin upon us.
[11]And AbimelechH40 chargedH6680 H8762all his peopleH5971, sayingH559 , H8800He that touchethH5060 H8802this manH376 or his wifeH802 shall surelyH4191 H8800be put to deathH4191.[H8714] [11]Then Abimelech charged all his people, saying, He that toucheth this man, or his wife, shall die the death.
[12]Then IsaacH3327 sowedH2232 H8799in that landH776, and receivedH4672 H8799in the same yearH8141 an hundredfoldH3967 : H8180and the LORDH3068 blessedH1288 himH8762. [12]Afterward Isaac sowed in that land, and found in the same year an hundred fold by estimation: and so the Lord blessed him.
[13]And the manH376 waxed greatH1431 , H8799and wentH3212 H8799forwardH1980 , H8800and grewH1432 until he becameH1431 veryH3966 greatH1431:[H8804] [13]And the man waxed mighty, and still increased, till he was exceeding great,
[14]For he had possessionH4735 of flocksH6629, and possessionH4735 of herdsH1241, and great storeH7227 of servantsH5657: and the PhilistinesH6430 enviedH7065 himH8762. [14]For he had flocks of sheep, and herds of cattle, and a mighty household: therefore the Philistines had envy at him.
[15]For all the wellsH875 which his father'sH1 servantsH5650 had diggedH2658 H8804in the daysH3117 of AbrahamH85 his fatherH1, the PhilistinesH6430 had stoppedH5640 H8765them, and filledH4390 H8762them with earthH6083. [15]In so much that the Philistines stopped and filled up with earth all the wells, which his father's servants digged in his father Abraham's time.
[16]And AbimelechH40 saidH559 H8799unto IsaacH3327, GoH3212 H8798from us; for thou art muchH3966 mightierH6105 than weH8804. [16]Then Abimelech said unto Isaac, Get thee from us, for thou art mightier than we a great deal.
[17]And IsaacH3327 departedH3212 H8799thence, and pitched his tentH2583 H8799in the valleyH5158 of GerarH1642, and dweltH3427 H8799thereH8033. [17]Therefore Isaac departed thence and pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there.
[18]And IsaacH3327 diggedH2658 H8799againH7725 H8799the wellsH875 of waterH4325, which they had diggedH2658 H8804in the daysH3117 of AbrahamH85 his fatherH1; for the PhilistinesH6430 had stoppedH5640 H8762them afterH310 the deathH4194 of AbrahamH85: and he calledH7121 H8799their namesH8034 after the namesH8034 by whichH834 his fatherH1 had calledH7121 themH8804. [18]And Isaac returning, digged the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father: for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham, and he gave them the same names, which his father gave them.
[19]And Isaac'sH3327 servantsH5650 diggedH2658 H8799in the valleyH5158, and foundH4672 H8799there a wellH875 of springingH2416 waterH4325. [19]Isaac's servants then digged in the valley, and found there a well of living water.
[20]And the herdmenH7462 H8802of GerarH1642 did striveH7378 H8799with Isaac'sH3327 herdmenH7462 , H8802sayingH559 , H8800The waterH4325 is ours: and he calledH7121 H8799the nameH8034 of the wellH875 EsekH6230; because they stroveH6229 with himH8694. [20]But the herdsmen of Gerar did strive with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, The water is ours: therefore called he the name of the well Esek, because they were at strife with him.
[21]And they diggedH2658 H8799anotherH312 wellH875, and stroveH7378 H8799for that also: and he calledH7121 H8799the name of itH8034 SitnahH7856. [21]Afterward they digged another well, and strove for that also, and he called the name of it Sitnah.
[22]And he removedH6275 H8686from thence, and diggedH2658 H8799anotherH312 wellH875; and for that they stroveH7378 H8804not: and he calledH7121 H8799the name of itH8034 RehobothH7344; and he saidH559 , H8799For nowH6258 the LORDH3068 hath made roomH7337 H8689for us, and we shall be fruitfulH6509 H8804in the landH776. [22]Then he removed thence, and digged another well, for the which they strove not: therefore called he the name of it Rehoboth, and said, Because the Lord hath now made us room, we shall increase upon the earth.
[23]And he went upH5927 H8799from thence to BeershebaH884. [23]So he went up thence to Beer-sheba.
[24]And the LORDH3068 appearedH7200 H8735unto him the same nightH3915, and saidH559 , H8799I am the GodH430 of AbrahamH85 thy fatherH1: fearH3372 H8799not, for I am withH854 thee, and will blessH1288 H8765thee, and multiplyH7235 H8689thy seedH2233 for my servantH5650 Abraham's sakeH85. [24]And the Lord appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and will multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake.
[25]And he buildedH1129 H8799an altarH4196 there, and calledH7121 H8799upon the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068, and pitchedH5186 H8799his tentH168 there: and there Isaac'sH3327 servantsH5650 diggedH3738 H8799a wellH875. [25]Then he built an altar there, and called upon the name of the Lord, and there spread his tent: where also Isaac's servants digged a well.
[26]Then AbimelechH40 wentH1980 H8804to him from GerarH1642, and AhuzzathH276 one of his friendsH4828, and PhicholH6369 the chief captainH8269 of his armyH6635. [26]Then came Abimelech to him from Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his friends, and Phichol the captain of his army.
[27]And IsaacH3327 saidH559 H8799unto them, WhereforeH4069 comeH935 H8804ye to me, seeing ye hateH8130 H8804me, and have sent me awayH7971 from youH8762? [27]To whom Isaac said, Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate me and have put me away from you?
[28]And they saidH559 , H8799We sawH7200 H8804certainlyH7200 H8800that the LORDH3068 was with thee: and we saidH559 , H8799Let there be now an oathH423 betwixtH996 us, even betwixtH996 us and thee, and let us makeH3772 H8799a covenant with theeH1285; [28]Who answered, We saw certainly that the Lord was with thee, and we thought thus, Let there be now an oath between us , even between us and thee, and let us make a covenant with thee.
[29]That thou wilt doH6213 H8799us no hurtH7451, as we have not touchedH5060 H8804thee, and as we have doneH6213 H8804unto thee nothing butH7535 goodH2896, and have sent thee awayH7971 H8762in peaceH7965: thou art nowH6258 the blessedH1288 H8803of the LORDH3068. [29]Thou shalt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and sent thee away in peace: thou now, the blessed of the Lord , do this.
[30]And he madeH6213 H8799them a feastH4960, and they did eatH398 H8799and drinkH8354.[H8799] [30]Then he made them a feast, and they did eat and drink.
[31]And they rose up betimesH7925 H8686in the morningH1242, and swareH7650 H8735oneH376 to anotherH251: and IsaacH3327 sent them awayH7971 , H8762and they departedH3212 H8799from him in peaceH7965. [31]And they rose up betimes in the morning, and swear one to another: then Isaac let them go, and they departed from him in peace.
[32]And it came to pass the same dayH3117, that Isaac'sH3327 servantsH5650 cameH935 , H8799and toldH5046 H8686him concerningH182 the wellH875 which they had diggedH2658 , H8804and saidH559 H8799unto him, We have foundH4672 H8804waterH4325. [32]And that same day Isaac's servants came and told him of a well, which they had digged, and said unto him, We have found water.
[33]And he calledH7121 H8799it ShebahH7656: therefore the nameH8034 of the cityH5892 is BeershebaH884 unto this dayH3117. [33]So he called it Shibah: therefore the name of the city is called Beer-sheba unto this day.
[34]And EsauH6215 was fortyH705 yearsH8141 oldH1121 when he tookH3947 H8799to wifeH802 JudithH3067 the daughterH1323 of BeeriH882 the HittiteH2850, and BashemathH1315 the daughterH1323 of ElonH356 the HittiteH2850: [34]Now when Esau was forty years old, he took to wife Judith, the daughter of Beeri an Hittite, and Basemath the daughter of Elon an Hittite also.
[35]Which were a griefH4786 of mindH7307 unto IsaacH3327 and to RebekahH7259. [35]And they were a grief of mind to Isaac and to Rebekah.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org