[1]Now the serpentH5175 wasH1961 H8804more subtilH6175 than any beastH2416 of the fieldH7704 which the LORDH3068 GodH430 had madeH6213 . H8804And he saidH559 H8799unto the womanH802, YeaH637, hath GodH430 saidH559 , H8804Ye shall not eatH398 H8799of every treeH6086 of the gardenH1588? |
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[2]And the womanH802 saidH559 H8799unto the serpentH5175, We may eatH398 H8799of the fruitH6529 of the treesH6086 of the gardenH1588: |
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[3]But of the fruitH6529 of the treeH6086 which is in the midstH8432 of the gardenH1588, GodH430 hath saidH559 , H8804Ye shall not eatH398 H8799of it, neither shall ye touchH5060 H8799it, lestH6435 ye dieH4191.[H8799] |
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[4]And the serpentH5175 saidH559 H8799unto the womanH802, Ye shall not surelyH4191 H8800dieH4191:[H8799] |
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[5]For GodH430 doth knowH3045 H8802that in the dayH3117 ye eatH398 H8800thereof, then your eyesH5869 shall be openedH6491 , H8738and ye shall be as godsH430, knowingH3045 H8802goodH2896 and evilH7451. |
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[6]And when the womanH802 sawH7200 H8799that the treeH6086 was goodH2896 for foodH3978, and that itH1931 was pleasantH8378 to the eyesH5869, and a treeH6086 to be desiredH2530 H8737to make one wiseH7919 , H8687she tookH3947 H8799of the fruit thereofH6529, and did eatH398 , H8799and gaveH5414 H8799alsoH1571 unto her husbandH376 with her; and he did eatH398.[H8799] |
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[7]And the eyesH5869 of them bothH8147 were openedH6491 , H8735and theyH1992 knewH3045 H8799that they were nakedH5903; and they sewedH8609 figH8384 leavesH5929 togetherH8609 , H8799and made themselvesH6213 H8799apronsH2290. |
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[8]And they heardH8085 H8799the voiceH6963 of the LORDH3068 GodH430 walkingH1980 H8693in the gardenH1588 in the coolH7307 of the dayH3117: and AdamH120 and his wifeH802 hid themselvesH2244 H8691from the presenceH6440 of the LORDH3068 GodH430 amongstH8432 the treesH6086 of the gardenH1588. |
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[9]And the LORDH3068 GodH430 calledH7121 H8799unto AdamH120, and saidH559 H8799unto him, Where art thouH335? |
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[10]And he saidH559 , H8799I heardH8085 H8804thy voiceH6963 in the gardenH1588, and I was afraidH3372 , H8799because IH595 was nakedH5903; and I hid myselfH2244.[H8735] |
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[11]And he saidH559 , H8799WhoH4310 toldH5046 H8689thee that thou wast nakedH5903? Hast thou eatenH398 H8804of the treeH6086, whereof I commanded theeH6680 H8765that thou shouldest notH1115 eatH398?[H8800] |
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[12]And the manH120 saidH559 , H8799The womanH802 whom thou gavestH5414 H8804to be with meH5978, sheH1931 gaveH5414 H8804me of the treeH6086, and I did eatH398.[H8799] |
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[13]And the LORDH3068 GodH430 saidH559 H8799unto the womanH802, What is this that thou hast doneH6213 ? H8804And the womanH802 saidH559 , H8799The serpentH5175 beguiled meH5377 , H8689and I did eatH398.[H8799] |
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[14]And the LORDH3068 GodH430 saidH559 H8799unto the serpentH5175, Because thouH859 hast doneH6213 H8804this, thou art cursedH779 H8803above all cattleH929, and above every beastH2416 of the fieldH7704; upon thy bellyH1512 shalt thou goH3212 , H8799and dustH6083 shalt thou eatH398 H8799all the daysH3117 of thy lifeH2416: |
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[15]And I will putH7896 H8799enmityH342 between thee and the womanH802, and between thy seedH2233 and her seedH2233; it shall bruiseH7779 H8799thy headH7218, and thou shalt bruiseH7779 H8799his heelH6119. |
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[16]Unto the womanH802 he saidH559 , H8804I will greatlyH7235 H8687multiplyH7235 H8686thy sorrowH6093 and thy conceptionH2032; in sorrowH6089 thou shalt bring forthH3205 H8799childrenH1121; and thy desireH8669 shall be to thy husbandH376, and he shall ruleH4910 over theeH8799. |
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[17]And unto AdamH121 he saidH559 , H8804Because thou hast hearkenedH8085 H8804unto the voiceH6963 of thy wifeH802, and hast eatenH398 H8799of the treeH6086, of whichH834 I commanded theeH6680 , H8765sayingH559 , H8800Thou shalt not eatH398 H8799of it: cursedH779 H8803is the groundH127 for thy sake; in sorrowH6093 shalt thou eatH398 H8799of it allH3605 the daysH3117 of thy lifeH2416; |
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[18]Thorns alsoH6975 and thistlesH1863 shall it bring forthH6779 H8686to thee; and thou shalt eatH398 H8804the herbH6212 of the fieldH7704; |
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[19]In the sweatH2188 of thy faceH639 shalt thou eatH398 H8799breadH3899, tillH5704 thou returnH7725 H8800unto the groundH127; for out of it wast thou takenH3947 : H8795for dustH6083 thouH859 art, and unto dustH6083 shalt thou returnH7725.[H8799] |
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[20]And AdamH120 calledH7121 H8799his wife'sH802 nameH8034 EveH2332; because she was the motherH517 of all livingH2416. |
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[21]Unto AdamH120 also and to his wifeH802 did the LORDH3068 GodH430 makeH6213 H8799coatsH3801 of skinsH5785, and clothed themH3847.[H8686] |
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[22]And the LORDH3068 GodH430 saidH559 , H8799BeholdH2005, the manH120 is become as oneH259 of us, to knowH3045 H8800goodH2896 and evilH7451: and now, lest he put forthH7971 H8799his handH3027, and takeH3947 H8804also of the treeH6086 of lifeH2416, and eatH398 , H8804and liveH2425 H8804for everH5769: |
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[23]Therefore the LORDH3068 GodH430 sent him forthH7971 H8762from the gardenH1588 of EdenH5731, to tillH5647 H8800the groundH127 from whence he was takenH3947.[H8795] |
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[24]So he drove outH1644 H8762the manH120; and he placedH7931 H8686at the eastH6924 of the gardenH1588 of EdenH5731 CherubimsH3742, and a flamingH3858 swordH2719 which turned every wayH2015 , H8693to keepH8104 H8800the wayH1870 of the treeH6086 of lifeH2416. |
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