The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]And JacobH3290 lifted upH5375 H8799his eyesH5869, and lookedH7200 , H8799and, behold, EsauH6215 cameH935 , H8802and with him fourH702 hundredH3967 menH376. And he dividedH2673 H8799the childrenH3206 unto LeahH3812, and unto RachelH7354, and unto the twoH8147 handmaidsH8198. [1]And as Jacob lift up his eyes, and looked, behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men: and he divided the children to Leah, and to Rachel, and to the two maids.
[2]And he putH7760 H8799the handmaidsH8198 and their childrenH3206 foremostH7223, and LeahH3812 and her childrenH3206 afterH314, and RachelH7354 and JosephH3130 hindermostH314. [2]And he put the maids, and their children foremost, and Leah, and her children after, and Rachel, and Joseph hindermost.
[3]And he passed overH5674 H8804before themH6440, and bowed himselfH7812 H8691to the groundH776 sevenH7651 timesH6471, until he came nearH5066 H8800to his brotherH251. [3]So he went before them and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.
[4]And EsauH6215 ranH7323 H8799to meet himH7125 , H8800and embracedH2263 H8762him, and fellH5307 H8799on his neckH6677, and kissed himH5401 : H8799and they weptH1058.[H8799] [4]Then Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him, and they wept.
[5]And he lifted upH5375 H8799his eyesH5869, and sawH7200 H8799the womenH802 and the childrenH3206; and saidH559 , H8799Who are thoseH428 with thee? And he saidH559 , H8799The childrenH3206 which GodH430 hath graciously givenH2603 H8804thy servantH5650. [5]And he lift up his eyes, and saw the women, and the children, and said, Who are these with thee? And he answered, They are the children whom God of his grace hath given thy servant.
[6]Then the handmaidensH8198 came nearH5066 , H8799they and their childrenH3206, and they bowed themselvesH7812.[H8691] [6]Then came the maids near, they, and their children, and bowed themselves.
[7]And LeahH3812 also with her childrenH3206 came nearH5066 , H8799and bowed themselvesH7812 : H8691and afterH310 cameH5066 JosephH3130 nearH5066 H8738and RachelH7354, and they bowedH7812 themselvesH8691. [7]Leah also with her children came near and made obeisance: and after Joseph and Rachel drew near, and did reverence.
[8]And he saidH559 , H8799What meanest thou by all this droveH4264 which I metH6298 ? H8804And he saidH559 , H8799These are to findH4672 H8800graceH2580 in the sightH5869 of my lordH113. [8]Then he said, What meanest thou by all this drove, which I met? Who answered, I have sent it, that I may find favor in the sight of my lord:
[9]And EsauH6215 saidH559 , H8799I haveH3426 enoughH7227, my brother; keep that thou hast unto thyselfH251. [9]And Esau said, I have enough, my brother: keep that thou hast to thyself.
[10]And JacobH3290 saidH559 , H8799Nay, I pray thee, if now I have foundH4672 H8804graceH2580 in thy sightH5869, then receiveH3947 H8804my presentH4503 at my handH3027: for therefore I have seenH7200 H8804thy faceH6440, as though I had seenH7200 H8800the faceH6440 of GodH430, and thou wast pleased with meH7521.[H8799] [10]But Jacob answered, Nay, I pray thee: if I have found grace now in thy sight, then receive my present at mine hand: for I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, because thou hast accepted me.
[11]TakeH3947 , H8798I pray thee, my blessingH1293 that is broughtH935 H8717to thee; because GodH430 hath dealt graciously with meH2603 , H8804and becauseH3605 I haveH3426 enoughH3605. And he urgedH6484 H8799him, and he tookH3947 itH8799. [11]I pray thee take my blessing, that is brought thee: for God hath had mercy on me, and therefore I have all things: so he compelled him, and he took it.
[12]And he saidH559 , H8799Let us take our journeyH5265 , H8799and let us goH3212 , H8799and I will goH3212 before theeH8799. [12]And he said, Let us take our journey and go, and I will go before thee.
[13]And he saidH559 H8799unto him, My lordH113 knowethH3045 H8802that the childrenH3206 are tenderH7390, and the flocksH6629 and herdsH1241 with youngH5763 H8802are with me: and if men should overdriveH1849 H8804them oneH259 dayH3117, all the flockH6629 will dieH4191.[H8804] [13]Then he answered him, My lord knoweth, that the children are tender, and the ewes and kine with young under mine hand: and if they should overdrive them one day, all the flock would die.
[14]Let my lordH113, I pray thee, pass overH5674 H8799beforeH6440 his servantH5650: and I will lead onH5095 H8691softlyH328, according asH7272 the cattleH4399 that goeth before meH6440 and the childrenH3206 be able to endureH7272, until I comeH935 H8799unto my lordH113 unto SeirH8165. [14]Let now my lord go before his servant, and I will drive softly, according to the pace of the cattle, which is before me, and as the children be able to endure, until I come to my lord unto Seir.
[15]And EsauH6215 saidH559 , H8799Let me now leaveH3322 H8686with thee some of the folkH5971 that are with me. And he saidH559 , H8799WhatH4100 needeth it? let me findH4672 H8799graceH2580 in the sightH5869 of my lordH113. [15]Then Esau said, I will leave then some of my folk with thee. And he answered, what needeth this? Let me find grace in the sight of my lord.
[16]So EsauH6215 returnedH7725 H8799that dayH3117 on his wayH1870 unto SeirH8165. [16]So Esau returned, and went his way that same day unto Seir.
[17]And JacobH3290 journeyedH5265 H8804to SuccothH5523, and builtH1129 H8799him an houseH1004, and madeH6213 H8804boothsH5521 for his cattleH4735: therefore the nameH8034 of the placeH4725 is calledH7121 H8804SuccothH5523. [17]And Jacob went forward toward Succoth, and built him an house, and made booths for his cattle: therefore he called the name of the place Succoth.
[18]And JacobH3290 cameH935 H8799to ShalemH8004, a cityH5892 of ShechemH7927, which is in the landH776 of CanaanH3667, when he cameH935 H8800from PadanaramH6307; and pitched his tentH2583 H8799beforeH6440 the cityH5892. [18]Afterward, Jacob came safe to Shechem a city, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padan-aram, and pitched before the city.
[19]And he boughtH7069 H8799a parcelH2513 of a fieldH7704, where he had spreadH5186 H8804his tentH168, at the handH3027 of the childrenH1121 of HamorH2544, Shechem'sH7927 fatherH1, for an hundredH3967 pieces of moneyH7192. [19]And there he bought a parcel of ground, where he pitched his tent, at the hand of the sons of Hamor, Shechem's father, for an hundred pieces of money.
[20]And he erectedH5324 H8686there an altarH4196, and called itH7121 H8799Elelohe-IsraelH415. [20]And he set up there an altar, and called it, The Mighty God of Israel.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org