The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]And JacobH3290 calledH7121 H8799unto his sonsH1121, and saidH559 , H8799Gather yourselves togetherH622 , H8734that I may tellH5046 H8686you that which shall befallH7122 H8799you in the lastH319 daysH3117. [1]Then Jacob called his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you what shall come to you in the last days.
[2]Gather yourselves togetherH6908 , H8734and hearH8085 , H8798ye sonsH1121 of JacobH3290; and hearkenH8085 H8798unto IsraelH3478 your fatherH1. [2]Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob, and hearken unto Israel your father.
[3]ReubenH7205, thou art my firstbornH1060, my mightH3581, and the beginningH7225 of my strengthH202, the excellencyH3499 of dignityH7613, and the excellencyH3499 of powerH5794: [3]Reuben mine eldest son, thou art my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power:
[4]UnstableH6349 as waterH4325, thou shalt not excelH3498 ; H8686because thou wentest upH5927 H8804to thy father'sH1 bedH4904; then defiledst thouH2490 H8765it: he went upH5927 H8804to my couchH3326. [4]Thou wast light as water: thou shalt not be excellent, because thou wentest up to thy father's bed: then didst thou defile my bed, thy dignity is gone.
[5]SimeonH8095 and LeviH3878 are brethrenH251; instrumentsH3627 of crueltyH2555 are in their habitationsH4380. [5]Simeon and Levi, brethren in evil, the instruments of cruelty are in their habitations.
[6]O my soulH5315, comeH935 H8799not thou into their secretH5475; unto their assemblyH6951, mine honourH3519, be not thou unitedH3161 : H8799for in their angerH639 they slewH2026 H8804a manH376, and in their selfwillH7522 they digged downH6131 H8765a wallH7794. [6]Into their secret let not my soul come: my glory, be not thou joined with their assembly: for in their wrath they slew a man, and in their self will they digged down a wall.
[7]CursedH779 H8803be their angerH639, for it was fierceH5794; and their wrathH5678, for it was cruelH7185 : H8804I will divideH2505 H8762them in JacobH3290, and scatterH6327 H8686them in IsraelH3478. [7]Cursed be their wrath, for it was fierce, and their rage, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.
[8]JudahH3063, thou art he whom thy brethrenH251 shall praiseH3034 : H8686thy handH3027 shall be in the neckH6203 of thine enemiesH341 ; H8802thy father'sH1 childrenH1121 shall bow downH7812 before theeH8691. [8]Thou Judah, thy brethren shall praise thee: thine hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies: thy father's sons shall bow down unto thee.
[9]JudahH3063 is a lion'sH738 whelpH1482: from the preyH2964, my sonH1121, thou art gone upH5927 : H8804he stooped downH3766 , H8804he couchedH7257 H8804as a lionH738, and as an old lionH3833; who shall rouse him upH6965?[H8686] [9]Judah, as a Lion's whelp shalt thou come up from the spoil, my son. He shall lie down and couch as a lion, and as a lioness: Who shall stir him up?
[10]The sceptreH7626 shall not departH5493 H8799from JudahH3063, nor a lawgiverH2710 H8781from between his feetH7272, untilH3588 ShilohH7886 comeH935 ; H8799and unto him shall the gatheringH3349 of the people beH5971. [10]The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come, and the people shall be gathered unto him.
[11]BindingH631 H8802his foalH5895 unto the vineH1612, and his ass'sH860 coltH1121 unto the choice vineH8321; he washedH3526 H8765his garmentsH3830 in wineH3196, and his clothesH5497 in the bloodH1818 of grapesH6025: [11]He shall bind his ass foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the best vine. he shall wash his garment in wine, and his cloak in the blood of grapes.
[12]His eyesH5869 shall be redH2447 with wineH3196, and his teethH8127 whiteH3836 with milkH2461. [12]His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.
[13]ZebulunH2074 shall dwellH7931 H8799at the havenH2348 of the seaH3220; and he shall be for an havenH2348 of shipsH591; and his borderH3411 shall be unto ZidonH6721. [13]Zebulun shall dwell by the seaside, and he shall be an haven for ships: and his border shall be unto Zidon.
[14]IssacharH3485 is a strongH1634 assH2543 couching downH7257 H8802between two burdensH4942: [14]Issachar shall be a strong ass, couching down between two burdens:
[15]And he sawH7200 H8799that restH4496 was goodH2896, and the landH776 that it was pleasantH5276 ; H8804and bowedH5186 H8799his shoulderH7926 to bearH5445 , H8800and became a servantH5647 H8802unto tributeH4522. [15]And he shall see that rest is good, and that the land is pleasant, and he shall bow his shoulder to bear, and shall be subject unto tribute.
[16]DanH1835 shall judgeH1777 H8799his peopleH5971, as oneH259 of the tribesH7626 of IsraelH3478. [16]Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel.
[17]DanH1835 shall be a serpentH5175 by the wayH1870, an adderH8207 in the pathH734, that bitethH5391 H8802the horseH5483 heelsH6119, so that his riderH7392 H8802shall fallH5307 H8799backwardH268. [17]Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder by the path, biting the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.
[18]I have waited forH6960 H8765thy salvationH3444, O LORDH3068. [18]O Lord, I have waited for thy salvation.
[19]GadH1410, a troopH1416 shall overcomeH1464 H8799him: but he shall overcomeH1464 H8799at the lastH6119. [19]Gad, an host of men shall overcome him, but he shall overcome at the last.
[20]Out of AsherH836 his breadH3899 shall be fatH8082, and he shall yieldH5414 H8799royalH4428 daintiesH4574. [20]Concerning Asher, his bread shall be fat, and he shall give pleasures for a king.
[21]NaphtaliH5321 is a hindH355 let looseH7971 : H8803he givethH5414 H8802goodlyH8233 wordsH561. [21]Naphtali shall be a hind let go, giving goodly words.
[22]JosephH3130 is a fruitfulH6509 H8802boughH1121, even a fruitfulH6509 H8802boughH1121 by a wellH5869; whose branchesH1323 runH6805 H8804over the wallH7791: [22]Joseph shall be a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by the well side: the small boughs shall run upon the wall.
[23]The archersH1167 H2671have sorely grieved himH4843 , H8762and shotH7232 H8804at him, and hated himH7852:[H8799] [23]And the archers grieved him, and shot against him and hated him.
[24]But his bowH7198 abodeH3427 H8799in strengthH386, and the armsH2220 of his handsH3027 were made strongH6339 H8799by the handsH3027 of the mightyH46 God of JacobH3290; (from thence is the shepherdH7462 , H8802the stoneH68 of IsraelH3478:) [24]But his bow abode strong, and the hands of his arms were strengthened, by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob, of whom was the feeder appointed by the stone of Israel,
[25]Even by the GodH410 of thy fatherH1, who shall helpH5826 H8799thee; and byH854 the AlmightyH7706, who shall blessH1288 H8762thee with blessingsH1293 of heavenH8064 aboveH5920, blessingsH1293 of the deepH8415 that liethH7257 H8802under, blessingsH1293 of the breastsH7699, and of the wombH7356: [25]Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee, and by the almighty, who shall bless thee with heavenly blessings from above, with blessings of the deep, that lieth beneath, with blessings of the breasts, and of the womb.
[26]The blessingsH1293 of thy fatherH1 have prevailedH1396 H8804above the blessingsH1293 of my progenitorsH2029 H8802unto the utmost boundH8379 of the everlastingH5769 hillsH1389: they shall be on the headH7218 of JosephH3130, and on the crown of the headH6936 of him that was separateH5139 from his brethrenH251. [26]The blessings of thy father shall be stronger than the blessings of mine elders: unto the end of the hills of the world they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the top of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.
[27]BenjaminH1144 shall ravinH2963 H8799as a wolfH2061: in the morningH1242 he shall devourH398 H8799the preyH5706, and at nightH6153 he shall divideH2505 H8762the spoilH7998. [27]Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.
[28]All these are the twelveH6240 H8147tribesH7626 of IsraelH3478: and this is it that their fatherH1 spakeH1696 H8765unto them, and blessedH1288 H8762them; everyH834 oneH376 according to his blessingH1293 he blessedH1288 themH8765. [28]All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and thus their father spake unto them, and blessed them: every one of them blessed he with a several blessing.
[29]And he chargedH6680 H8762them, and saidH559 H8799unto them, I am to be gatheredH622 H8737unto my peopleH5971: buryH6912 H8798me with my fathersH1 in the caveH4631 that is in the fieldH7704 of EphronH6085 the HittiteH2850, [29]And he charged them and said unto them, I am ready to be gathered unto my people: bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,
[30]In the caveH4631 that is in the fieldH7704 of MachpelahH4375, which is beforeH6440 MamreH4471, in the landH776 of CanaanH3667, which AbrahamH85 boughtH7069 H8804with the fieldH7704 of EphronH6085 the HittiteH2850 for a possessionH272 of a buryingplaceH6913. [30]In the cave that is in the field of Machpelah besides Mamre in the land of Canaan: which cave Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite for a possession to bury in.
[31]There they buriedH6912 H8804AbrahamH85 and SarahH8283 his wifeH802; there they buriedH6912 H8804IsaacH3327 and RebekahH7259 his wifeH802; and there I buriedH6912 H8804LeahH3812. [31]There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife: there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife: and there I buried Leah.
[32]The purchaseH4735 of the fieldH7704 and of the caveH4631 that is therein was from the childrenH1121 of HethH2845. [32]The purchase of the field and the cave that is therein, was bought of the children of Heth.
[33]And when JacobH3290 had made an endH3615 H8762of commandingH6680 H8763his sonsH1121, he gathered upH622 H8799his feetH7272 into the bedH4296, and yielded up the ghostH1478 , H8799and was gatheredH622 H8735unto his peopleH5971. [33]Thus Jacob made an end of giving charge to his sons, and plucked up his feet into the bed and gave up the ghost, and was gathered to his people.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org