The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]The burdenH4853 which HabakkukH2265 the prophetH5030 did seeH2372.[H8804] [1]The burden, which Habakkuk the prophet did see.
[2]O LORDH3068, how long shall I cryH7768[H8765], and thou wilt not hearH8085[H8799]! even cry outH2199[H8799] unto thee of violenceH2555, H3467and thou wilt not saveH8686 [2]O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! Even cry out unto thee for violence, and thou wilt not help!
[3]Why dost thou shewH7200[H8686] me iniquityH205, and cause me to beholdH5027[H8686] grievanceH5999? for spoilingH7701 and violenceH2555 are before me: and there are that raise upH5375[H8799] strifeH7379 and contentionH4066. [3]Why dost thou show me iniquity, and cause me to behold sorrow? For spoiling, and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.
[4]Therefore the lawH8451 is slackedH6313[H8799], and judgmentH4941 doth neverH5331 go forthH3318[H8799]: for the wickedH7563 doth compassH3803[H8688] about the righteousH6662; therefore wrongH6127[H8794] judgmentH4941 proceedethH3318.[H8799] [4]Therefore the law is dissolved, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous: therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.
[5]BeholdH7200[H8798] ye among the heathenH1471, and regardH5027[H8685], and wonderH8539[H8690] marvellouslyH8539[H8798]: for I will workH6466[H8802] a workH6467 in your daysH3117, which ye will not believeH539[H8686], though it be toldH5608 youH8792. [5]Behold among the heathen, and regard, and wonder, and marvel: for I will work a work in your days: ye will not believe it, though it be told you.
[6]For, lo, I raise upH6965[H8688] the ChaldeansH3778, that bitterH4751 and hastyH4116[H8737] nationH1471, which shall marchH1980[H8802] through the breadthH4800 of the landH776, to possessH3423[H8800] the dwellingplaces that are not theirsH4908. [6]For lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and furious nation, which shall go upon the breadth of the land to possess the dwelling places, that are not theirs.
[7]They are terribleH366 and dreadfulH3372[H8737]: their judgmentH4941 and their dignityH7613 shall proceedH3318 of themselvesH8799. [7]They are terrible and fearful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.
[8]Their horsesH5483 also are swifterH7043[H8804] than the leopardsH5246, and are more fierceH2300[H8804] than the eveningH6153 wolvesH2061: and their horsemenH6571 shall spreadH6335[H8804] themselves, and their horsemenH6571 shall comeH935[H8799] from farH7350; they shall flyH5774[H8799] as the eagleH5404 that hastethH2363[H8804] to eatH398.[H8800] [8]Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the wolves in the evening: and their horsemen are many: and their horsemen shall come from far: they shall fly as the eagle hasting to meat.
[9]They shall comeH935[H8799] all for violenceH2555: their facesH6440 shall sup upH4041 as the east windH6921, and they shall gatherH622[H8799] the captivityH7628 as the sandH2344. [9]They come all to spoil: before their faces shall be an east wind, and they shall gather the captivity, as the sand.
[10]And they shall scoffH7046[H8691] at the kingsH4428, and the princesH7336[H8802] shall be a scornH4890 unto them: they shall derideH7832[H8799] every strong holdH4013; for they shall heapH6651[H8799] dustH6083, and takeH3920 itH8799. [10]And they shall mock the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold: for they shall gather dust, and take it.
[11]Then shall his mindH7307 changeH2498[H8804], and he shall pass overH5674[H8799], and offendH816[H8804], imputing thisH2098 his powerH3581 unto his godH433. [11]Then shall they take a courage, and transgress and do wickedly, imputing this their power unto their god.
[12]Art thou not from everlastingH6924, O LORDH3068 my GodH430, mine Holy OneH6918? we shall not dieH4191[H8799]. O LORDH3068, thou hast ordainedH7760[H8804] them for judgmentH4941; and, O mighty GodH6697, thou hast establishedH3245[H8804] them for correctionH3198.[H8687] [12]Art thou not of old, O Lord my God, mine Holy One? We shall not die: O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgment, and O God, thou hast established them for correction.
[13]Thou art of purerH2889 eyesH5869 than to beholdH7200[H8800] evilH7451, and canstH3201[H8799] not lookH5027[H8687] on iniquityH5999: wherefore lookestH5027[H8686] thou upon them that deal treacherouslyH898[H8802], and holdest thy tongueH2790[H8686] when the wickedH7563 devourethH1104[H8763] the man that is more righteous than heH6662? [13]Thou art of pure eyes, and canst not see evil: thou canst not behold wickedness: wherefore dost thou look upon the transgressors, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man, that is more righteous than he?
[14]And makestH6213[H8799] menH120 as the fishesH1709 of the seaH3220, as the creeping thingsH7431, that have no rulerH4910 over themH8802? [14]And makest men as the fishes of the sea, and as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them.
[15]They take upH5927[H8689] all of them with the angleH2443, they catchH1641[H8799] them in their netH2764, and gatherH622[H8799] them in their dragH4365: therefore they rejoiceH8055[H8799] and are gladH1523.[H8799] [15]They take up all with the angle: they catch it in their net, and gather it in their yarn, whereof they rejoice and are glad.
[16]Therefore they sacrificeH2076[H8762] unto their netH2764, and burn incenseH6999[H8762] unto their dragH4365; because by themH1992 their portionH2506 is fatH8082, and their meatH3978 plenteousH1277. [16]Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their yarn, because by them their portion is fat and their meat plenteous.
[17]Shall they therefore emptyH7324[H8686] their netH2764, and not spareH2550[H8799] continuallyH8548 to slayH2026[H8800] the nationsH1471? [17]Shall they therefore stretch out their net and not spare continually to slay the nations?
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org