Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]Is but faith the conviction concerning those things that are in hope as if it were these things in action and the revelation of those things that not are seen [1]Now FAITH is the persuasion concerning things which are in hope, as if they were in reality, and a revelation of those which are not seen.
[2]And by this there has been a testimony for the ancients [2]And for this was the testimony concerning the elders.
[3]By faith for we understand were fashioned the worlds by the word of Alaha and these things that are seen exist from those that not are seen [3]For by faith we perceive that the worlds were ordained by the word of Aloha, and [how] these [things] which are seen were from those which are not seen.
[4]By faith offered Abel a sacrifice that is better much than Qain's to Alaha and because of it has been about him a testimony that righteous he is and testifies about his offering Alaha and because of it also while he is dead he is speaking [4]By faith Habel offered a sacrifice which was far better than that of Koen unto Aloha; and because of it there is respecting him a testimony that he was righteous; and Aloha gave witness concerning his oblation; and on account thereof also while dead he is speaking.
[5]By faith was transported away Henok and death not he tasted neither was he found because transported him away Alaha from before He was to transport him for there was about him the testimony that he pleased to Alaha [5]Through faith Hanak was translated, and did not taste death; nor was he found, because Aloha had translated him: for before that he would translate him, there was respecting him the testimony that he pleased Aloha.
[6]Without faith but no man can please to Alaha indebted is for whoever is brought near to Alaha to believe that He is and to those who seek Him He is The Rewarder [6]But without faith it is not possible for man to please Aloha; for he who draweth near unto Aloha must believe that he is, and that of those who seek him he will be the rewarder.
[7]By faith Noah when it was spoken with Him about those things that not seen had been he worshipped and he made for himself the ark for the life of his children in his household by which he condemned the world and he became the heir of the righteousness which is in faith [7]By faith Nûch, when spoken with upon those things which had not been seen, feared, and made him the ark for the salvation of his family; by which he condemned the world, and was an heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
[8]In faith Abraham when he was called obeyed to go out to place that that going he was to receive for an inheritance and he went out when not knew he where he was going [8]BY faith Abraham, when he was called, heard that he was to go forth to a place which he should receive for an inheritance; and he went out, while he knew not whither he was going.
[9]By faith he became an inhabitant in land that which was promised to him as in a foreign land and in tents he dwelt with Isaaq and Yaqob children of inheritance his of the promise [9]By faith he was a sojourner in the land that was promised to him, as in an alien state, and dwelt in tabernacles with Ishok and Jakub, sons of the inheritance which was his by the promise:
[10]Looking he was for the city which foundations are to it whose Builder and its Maker Alaha is [10]For he was expecting the city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is Aloha.
[11]In faith also Sara who sterile was received power to conceive seed and who was not in the time of her years gave birth for she was sure that Who faithful He is was He Who promised her [11]By faith Saro, who was barren, received strength to conceive seed, and, which [thing] was not in the time of her years, gave birth [to a son]; because she was sure that he who had promised to her was faithful.
[12]Because of this from one who was failing in old age were born the many as the stars in the heavens and as the sand that upon the shore of the sea [12]Therefore from one who had failed from old age, were there begotten multitudes as the stars of heaven, and as the sand upon the shores of the sea, which have no number.
[13]In faith they died these all of them and not they received their promise but from a distance they saw it and they rejoiced in it and confessed that foreigners they were and nomads in the earth [13]In faith died these all, not having gotten their promise, but from afar had beheld it, and exulted in it, and confessed that strangers they were, and sojourners in the earth.
[14]Those but that these things say show that their city they seek [14]For they who these things say, make manifest that their city they are seeking.
[15]And if city that which they left from it seeking they were there was for them time that again they may return to go to it [15]But if that city from which they had gone out they desired, they had opportunity to return and go to it.
[16]Now but it is apparent that for a better than it they longing were for that which is in Heaven because of this not is ashamed Alaha their Alaha to be called He has prepared for them for a city [16]But now it is known that a better [one] than that they desired; that [namely] which is in heaven. Wherefore Aloha was not ashamed their God to be called; for he hath prepared for them a city.
[17]By faith offered Abraham Isaaq in his temptation and his only son laid on the altar him whom he received had by the promise [17]By faith Abraham offered Ishok in his temptation and his only-born he lifted upon the altar, even him whom he had received by the promise:
[18]Said it was to him for "in Isaaq shall be called to you the seed [18]For it had been said to him, In Ishok shall be called to thee the seed.
[19]And reconciled he was in his soul that it was come to the hand of Alaha also from the dead to raise and because of this in a simile he was given to him [19]For he thought within himself, that Aloha could even from the dead upraise [him]: and on account of this in a similitude he was given to him.
[20]By faith of whatever going to be was blessed Isaaq Yaqob and Esau [20]By faith in that which was to come, Ishok blessed Jakub and Isu.
[21]By faith when was dying Yaqob he blessed every one each of of the sons of Yoseph and he bowed on the top of his staff [21]By faith, when dying, Jakub blessed each of the sons of Jauseph; and worshipped upon the head of his staff.
[22]By faith Yoseph when he was dying related the exodus of the children of Israel and gave orders about his bones [22]By faith Jauseph, when dying, was mindful of the going forth of the sons of Israel, and commanded concerning his bones.
[23]By faith the parents of Moses hid him when he was born months three when they saw that beautiful was the boy and not they were afraid of the command of the king [23]BY faith the parents of Musha concealed him when he had been born three months, because they saw that he was a beautiful child; and they feared not the edict of the king.
[24]By faith Moses when he became a man renounced that not he would be called the son to the daughter of Pharoah [24]By faith Musha, when he became a man, refused to be called the son of the daughter of Pherun;
[25]And he chose for himself that in affliction with the people of Alaha to be and not for a time short to enjoy sin [25]And chose to himself to be in affliction with the people of Aloha, and not for a little time to delight [himself] in sin;
[26]And he considered greater that wealth of the reproach of The Messiah much than the treasures of Egypt attentive he was for to the payment of the reward [26]And considered the riches of the reproach of Meshiha to be far greater than the treasures of Metsreen: for he contemplated the recompence of the reward.
[27]By faith he forsook Egypt and not was afraid of the rage of the king and he endured as if he seen had to Alaha Who not is seen [27]By faith he forsook Metsreen, and feared not the wrath of the king; and hoped, as one who beheld Aloha who is the invisible.
[28]By faith he observed Passover and sprinkled the blood lest should touch them he who destroying was the firstborn [28]By faith they performed the passover, and the sprinkling of the blood, that he might not come near,—he, who was destroying the first-born.
[29]By faith they passed through The Sea of Reeds as upon land dried and by it were swallowed up Egyptians when they were daring they entered it [29]By faith they traversed the sea of Sooph, as those who [march] upon dry land; but the Metsroyee were swallowed up in it, when they had dared to enter it.
[30]By faith the walls of Yerikho fell from when it was surrounded seven days [30]By faith the ramparts of Jirichu fell down, after they had been encompassed seven days.
[31]By faith Rahab the harlot not perished with those who not obeyed for she received the spies in peace [31]By faith Rachob the harlot perished not with those who would not hearken, because she had received the explorers in peace.
[32]And what? again shall I say little there is to me for time to recount about Gideon and about Baraq and about Samson and about Napathakh and about of David and about Samueil and about others of the prophets [32]WHAT shall I yet say? for [too] brief is the time for me to tell of Gedhun, and of Borok, and of Shemshun, and of Nephtoch, and of David, and of Shomuel, and of the rest of the prophets;
[33]Those who by faith conquered kingdoms and wrought justice and they received promises and shut the mouths of lions [33]They who through faith conquered kingdoms, and wrought righteousness, and received promises, and shut the mouths of lions,
[34]And they quenched the power of fire and were delivered from the mouth of the sword and were strengthened out of sickness and became strong in battle overturned the camps of enemies [34]And quenched the powers of fire, and were delivered from the edge of the sword, and were made strong from infirmities, and became valiant in battle, and overthrew the camps of the adversaries.
[35]And they gave to women their children from a resurrection of the dead and others by torture they died and not they expected to be delivered that a resurrection better would be to them [35]And they gave unto women their sons by the resurrection of the dead; and others in torments died, nor hoped to be delivered, that the better resurrection they might have.
[36]Others but mockings and scourgings entered others to chains and to cells were handed over [36]But others went through mockings and scourgings; others unto chains and imprisonments were given up,
[37]Others were stoned others were sawn in half others by the mouth of the sword died others traveled while wearing skins of sheep and of goats and were needy and afflicted and beaten [37]Others were stoned, others divided, others died by the edge of the sword, others wandered about clothed with skins of sheep and of goats, necessitous, afflicted, and driven out.
[38]Persons of whom not worthy was for them the world and they were as wanderers in deserted places and in mountains and in caves and caverns of the earth [38]Men, of whom the world was not worthy, became as wanderers in the desert, and in mountains, and in dens, and in caverns of the earth.
[39]And these all of them there is about whom a testimony by their faith not received the promise [39]And these all, of whom there hath been [such] a testimony concerning their faith, received not the promise;
[40]Because Alaha before saw our help ours that not without us they would be perfected [40]Because Aloha had afore contemplated for our help, that without us they should not be made perfect.
[11:1] In act.
[11:5] Or, changed.
[11:7] The sons of his house.
[11:19] Lit. that power was in the hand of Aloha to upraise.
[11:22] The B'nai-Isroel.
[11:34] Mouth of the sword.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info