Peshitta (Lamsa, 1933)
The King James Version (w/Strong's)
[1]THEREFORE, seeing we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us; [1]WhereforeG5105 seeing we alsoG2532 areG2192[G5723] compassed aboutG4029[G5740][G2254] with so greatG5118 a cloudG3509 of witnessesG3144, letG659 usG2249 lay asideG659[G5642] everyG3956 weightG3591, andG2532 the sinG266 which doth so easily besetG2139 us, and let us runG5143[G5725] withG1223 patienceG5281 the raceG73 that is set beforeG4295[G5740] usG2254,
[2]And let us look to Jesus, who was the author and the perfecter of our faith; and who, instead of the joy which he could have had, endured the cross, suffered shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. [2]LookingG872[G5723] untoG1519 JesusG2424 the authorG747 andG2532 finisherG5051 of our faithG4102; whoG3739 forG473 the joyG5479 that was set beforeG4295[G5740] himG846 enduredG5278[G5656] the crossG4716, despisingG2706[G5660] the shameG152, andG5037 is set downG2523[G5656] atG1722 the right handG1188 of the throneG2362 of GodG2316.
[3]See, therefore, how much he has suffered from the hands of sinners, from those who were a contradiction to themselves, lest you become weary and faint in your soul. [3]ForG1063 considerG357[G5663] him that enduredG5278[G5761] suchG5108 contradictionG485 ofG5259 sinnersG268 againstG1519 himselfG846, lestG3363 ye be weariedG2577[G5632] and faintG1590[G5746] in yourG5216 mindsG5590.
[4]You have not yet come face to face with blood in your striving against sin. [4]Ye haveG478 not yetG3768 resistedG478[G5627] untoG3360 bloodG129, strivingG464[G5740] againstG4314 sinG266.
[5]And you have forgotten the teaching which has been told to you as to children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the LORD, nor let your soul faint when thou art rebuked of him, [5]AndG2532 ye have forgottenG1585[G5769] the exhortationG3874 whichG3748 speakethG1256[G5736] unto youG5213 asG5613 unto childrenG5207, MyG3450 sonG5207, despiseG3643 notG3361 thouG3643[G5720] the chasteningG3809 of the LordG2962, norG3366 faintG1590[G5744] when thou art rebukedG1651[G5746] ofG5259 himG846:
[6]For whom the LORD loves, he chastens him, and disciplines the sons with whom he is pleased. [6]ForG1063 whomG3739 the LordG2962 lovethG25[G5719] he chastenethG3811[G5719], andG1161 scourgethG3146[G5719] everyG3956 sonG5207 whomG3739 he receivethG3858.[G5736]
[7]Now, therefore, endure discipline, because God acts toward you as towards sons; for where is the son whom the father does not discipline? [7]IfG1487 ye endureG5278[G5719] chasteningG3809, GodG2316 dealethG4374[G5743] with youG5213 asG5613 with sonsG5207; forG1063 whatG5101 sonG5207 is heG2076[G5748] whomG3739 the fatherG3962 chastenethG3811[G5719] notG3756?
[8]But if you are without discipline, that very discipline by which every man is trained, then you are strangers and not sons. [8]ButG1161 ifG1487 ye beG2075[G5748] withoutG5565 chastisementG3809, whereofG3739 allG3956 areG1096[G5754] partakersG3353, thenG686 are yeG2075[G5748] bastardsG3541, andG2532 notG3756 sonsG5207.
[9]Furthermore if our fathers of the flesh corrected us and we respected them, how much more then should we willingly be under subjection to our Spiritual Father, and live? [9]FurthermoreG1534[G3303] we have hadG2192[G5707] fathersG3962 of ourG2257 fleshG4561 which correctedG3810 us, andG2532 we gave them reverenceG1788[G5710]: shall weG5293 notG3756 muchG4183 ratherG3123 be in subjectionG5293[G5691] unto the FatherG3962 of spiritsG4151, andG2532 liveG2198?[G5692]
[10]For they only for a short while, disciplined us as seemed good to them; but God corrects us for our advantage, that we might become partakers of his holiness. [10]ForG1063 they verilyG3303 forG4314 a fewG3641 daysG2250 chastenedG3811[G5707] us afterG2596 their ownG846 pleasureG1380[G5723]; butG1161 he forG1909 our profitG4851[G5723], thatG1519 we might be partakersG3335[G5629] of hisG846 holinessG41.
[11]No discipline, at the time, is expected to be a thing of joy, but of sorrow; but in the end it produces the fruits of peace and righteousness to those who are trained by it. [11]NowG1161 noG3956[G3756] chasteningG3809 forG4314[G3303] the presentG3918[G5752] seemethG1380[G5719] to beG1511[G5750] joyousG5479, butG235 grievousG3077: neverthelessG1161 afterwardG5305 it yieldethG591[G5719] the peaceableG1516 fruitG2590 of righteousnessG1343 unto them which are exercisedG1128[G5772] therebyG1223.[G846]
[12]Therefore, be courageous and strong; [12]WhereforeG1352 lift upG461[G5657] the handsG5495 which hang downG3935[G5772], andG2532 the feebleG3886[G5772] kneesG1119;
[13]And make straight the paths for your feet, so that the weak do not go astray but are healed. [13]AndG2532 makeG4160[G5657] straightG3717 pathsG5163 for yourG5216 feetG4228, lest thatG3363 which is lameG5560 be turned out of the wayG1624[G5652]; butG1161 let itG2390 ratherG3123 be healedG2390.[G5686]
[14]Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see our LORD. [14]FollowG1377[G5720] peaceG1515 withG3326 allG3956 men, andG2532 holinessG38, withoutG5565 whichG3739 no manG3762 shall seeG3700[G5695] the LordG2962:
[15]Take heed lest any man among you be found short of the grace of God; or lest any root of bitterness spring forth and harm you, and thereby many be defiled; [15]Looking diligentlyG1983[G5723] lestG3361 any manG5100 failG5302[G5723] ofG575 the graceG5485 of GodG2316; lestG3361 anyG5100 rootG4491 of bitternessG4088 springingG5453[G5723] upG507 troubleG1776[G5725] you, andG2532 therebyG1223[G5026] manyG4183 G3392be defiledG5686
[16]Or lest any man among you be found immoral and weak like Esau, who sold his birthright for a morsel of meat. [16]LestG3361 there be anyG5100 fornicatorG4205, orG2228 profane personG952, asG5613 EsauG2269, whoG3739 forG473 oneG3391 morsel of meatG1035 soldG591[G5639] hisG846 birthrightG4415.
[17]For you know that afterward when he wished to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, and he had no chance of recovery, even though he sought it with tears. [17]ForG1063 ye knowG2467[G5759] howG3754 that afterwardG2532[G3347], when he wouldG2309[G5723] have inheritedG2816[G5658] the blessingG2129, he was rejectedG593[G5681]: forG1063 he foundG2147[G5627] noG3756 placeG5117 of repentanceG3341, thoughG2539 he soughtG1567 itG846 carefullyG1567[G5660] withG3326 tearsG1144.
[18]For you have yet neither come near the roaring fire, nor the darkness nor the storm nor the tempest, [18]ForG1063 ye areG4334 notG3756 comeG4334[G5754] unto the mountG3735 that might be touchedG5584[G5746], andG2532 that burnedG2545[G5772] with fireG4442, norG2532 unto blacknessG1105, andG2532 darknessG4655, andG2532 tempestG2366,
[19]Nor to the sound of the trumpet and the voice of the word; which voice they heard but refused so that the word will not be spoken to them any more. [19]AndG2532 the soundG2279 of a trumpetG4536, andG2532 the voiceG5456 of wordsG4487; whichG3739 voice they that heardG191[G5660] intreatedG3868[G5662] that the wordG3056 shouldG4369 notG3361 be spokenG4369[G5683] to themG846 any moreG3361:
[20]For they could not survive that which was commanded, for if even a beast drew near the mountain, it would be stoned. [20](ForG1063 they couldG5342 notG3756 endureG5342[G5707] that which was commandedG1291[G5746], And if so much asG2579 a beastG2342 touchG2345[G5632] the mountainG3735, it shall be stonedG3036[G5701], orG2228 thrust throughG2700[G5701] with a dartG1002:
[21]And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I fear and quake. [21]AndG2532 soG3779 terribleG5398 wasG2258[G5713] the sightG5324[G5746], that MosesG3475 saidG2036[G5627], I exceedingly fearG1630[G1510][G5748] andG2532 quakeG1790:)
[22]But you have come near to Mount Zion, and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the innumerable multitude of angels, [22]ButG235 ye are comeG4334[G5754] unto mountG3735 SionG4622, andG2532 unto the cityG4172 of the livingG2198[G5723] GodG2316, the heavenlyG2032 JerusalemG2419, andG2532 to an innumerable companyG3461 of angelsG32,
[23]And to the congregation of the first converts who are enrolled in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of pious men made perfect [23]To the general assemblyG3831 andG2532 churchG1577 of the firstbornG4416, which are writtenG583[G5772] inG1722 heavenG3772, andG2532 to GodG2316 the JudgeG2923 of allG3956, andG2532 to the spiritsG4151 of just menG1342 G5048made perfectG5772
[24]And to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant, and to the sprinkling of his blood, which speaks a better message than Abel did. [24]AndG2532 to JesusG2424 the mediatorG3316 of the newG3501 covenantG1242, andG2532 to the bloodG129 of sprinklingG4473, that speakethG2980[G5723] better thingsG2909 thanG3844 that of AbelG6.
[25]Beware, therefore, lest you refuse him who speaks to you. For if they were not delivered who refused him who spoke with them on earth, much more can we not escape if we refuse him who speaks to us from heaven: [25]SeeG991[G5720] that ye refuseG3868[G5667] notG3361 him that speakethG2980[G5723]. ForG1063 ifG1487 theyG1565 escapedG5343[G5627] notG3756 who refused himG3868[G5666] that spakeG5537[G5723] onG1909 earthG1093, muchG4183 moreG3123 shall not weG2249 escape, if we turn away from himG654[G5734] that speaketh fromG575 heavenG3772:
[26]The one whose voice shook the earth; but now he has promised, saying, Once more I will shake not only the earth, but also heaven. [26]WhoseG3739 voiceG5456 thenG5119 shookG4531[G5656] the earthG1093: butG1161 nowG3568 he hath promisedG1861[G5766], sayingG3004[G5723], YetG2089 once moreG530 IG1473 shakeG4579[G5719] notG3756 the earthG1093 onlyG3440, butG235 alsoG2532 heavenG3772.
[27]And this word, Once more, signifies the change of things which may be shaken, because they are made, in order that the things which can not be shaken may remain. [27]AndG1161 this word, YetG2089 once moreG530, signifiethG1213[G5719] the removingG3331 of those things that are shakenG4531[G5746], asG5613 of things that are madeG4160[G5772], thatG2443 those things which cannotG3361 be shakenG4531[G5746] may remainG3306.[G5661]
[28]Therefore, we receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us hold fast that grace whereby we may serve and please God with reverence and godly fear: [28]WhereforeG1352 we receivingG3880[G5723] a kingdomG932 which cannot be movedG761, let us haveG2192[G5725] graceG5485, wherebyG1223[G3739] we may serveG3000[G5725] GodG2316 acceptablyG2102 withG3326 reverenceG127 andG2532 godly fearG2124:
[29]For our God is a consuming fire. [29]ForG2532[G1063] ourG2257 GodG2316 is a consumingG2654[G5723] fireG4442.
Author: George M. Lamsa
Source: studybible.info
Source: studybible.info