[1]Therfor, hooli britheren, and parceneris of heuenli cleping, biholde ye the apostle and the bischop of oure confessioun, Jhesu, |
[1]FROM henceforth, O my holy brethren, called by a call from heaven, look to this Apostle and High Priest of our faith, Jesus Christ: |
[2]which is trewe to hym that made hym, as also Moises in al the hous of hym. |
[2]Who was faithful to him who appointed him, as also Moses was faithful to all his house. |
[3]But this byschop is had worthi of more glorie than Moises, bi as myche as he hath more honour of the hous, that made the hous. |
[3]The glory of Jesus is much greater than that of Moses, just as the honor of the builder of the house is greater than the house. |
[4]For ech hous is maad of sum man; he that made alle thingis of nouyt is God. |
[4]For every house is built by some man; but he who builds all things is God. |
[5]And Moises was trewe in al his hous, as a seruaunt, in to witnessyng of tho thingis that weren to be seid; |
[5]And Moses, as a servant, was faithful to all his house, and was a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; |
[6]but Crist as a sone in his hous. Which hous we ben, if we holden sad trist and glorie of hope in to the ende. |
[6]But Christ, as a son, over his own house, whose house we are, if to the end we hold fast with confidence to the glory of his hope. |
[7]Wherfor as the Hooli Goost seith, To dai, if ye han herd his vois, nyle ye hardne youre hertis, |
[7]Therefore, as the Holy Spirit said, Today if you will hear his voice, |
[8]as in wraththing, lijk the dai of temptacioun in desert; |
[8]Harden not your hearts to provoke him, as the murmurers did in the day of temptation in the wilderness: |
[9]where youre fadris temptiden me, and preueden, and siyen my werkis fourti yeeris. |
[9]Your fathers tempted me even though they examined and saw my works forty years. |
[10]Wherfor Y was wrooth to this generacioun, and Y seide, Euere more thei erren in herte, for thei knewen not my weies; |
[10]Therefore I was not pleased with that generation, and said, These are a people whose hearts have been misled and they have not known my ways. |
[11]to whiche Y swore in my wraththe, thei schulen not entre in to my reste. |
[11]So I swore in my anger, They shall not enter into my rest. |
[12]Britheren, se ye, lest perauenture in ony of you be an yuel herte of vnbileue, to departe fro the lyuynge God. |
[12]Take heed therefore, my brethren, lest perhaps there is a man among you who has an evil heart and is not a believer, and you will be cut off from the living God. |
[13]But moneste you silf bi alle daies, the while to dai is named, that noon of you be hardned bi fallas of synne. |
[13]But search your hearts daily, until the day which is called, The day; to the end that no man among you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. |
[14]For we ben maad parceneris of Crist, if netheles we holden the bigynnyng of his substaunce sad in to the ende. |
[14]For we are made partakers of Christ, if from the beginning to the very end we hold steadfast to this true covenant, |
[15]While it is seid, to dai, if ye han herd the vois of hym, nyle ye hardne youre hertis, as in that wraththing. |
[15]As it is said, Today, if you hear even the echoes of his voice, do not harden your hearts to anger him. |
[16]For summen heringe wraththiden, but not alle thei that wenten out of Egipt bi Moises. |
[16]Who are those who have heard and provoked him? Were they not those who came out of Egypt under Moses, although not all of them? |
[17]But to whiche was he wraththid fourti yeeris? Whether not to hem that synneden, whos careyns weren cast doun in desert? |
[17]But with whom was he displeased for forty years? Was it not especially with those who had sinned and whose bones lay in the wilderness? |
[18]And to whiche swoor he, that thei schulden not entre in to the reste of hym, not but to hem that weren vnbileueful? |
[18]And against whom did he swear that they should not enter into his rest, except against those who did not listen? |
[19]And we seen, that thei myyten not entre in to the reste of hym for vnbileue. |
[19]So we see that they could not enter in because they did not believe. |