Peshitta NT (literal)
Peshitta NT (Etheridge, 1849)
[1]In the first but there was in it an order of ministry and the house of Holiness worldly [1]But in the first there were ordinances of ministry, and a worldly sanctuary.
[2]Tabernacle for the first that was made there was in it the Manorah and the table and the bread of the presence and it called was the place holy [2]For in the first tabernacle that was made there were the candelabrum, and the table, and the presencebread; and this was called the Holy place.
[3]The tabernacle but inner within from ? the veil the second called was holy of holies [3]But the interior tabernacle, that was within the second veil, was called the Holy of Holies:
[4]And there was in it the place of incense of gold and the ark of the covenant overlaid all with gold and is in it a pot of gold that which was in it manna and the rod of Aaron that which budded and the tablets of the covenant [4]In it were the incense-vessel of gold, and the ark of the covenant, which was altogether covered with gold; and within it were the golden urn, in which was the manna, and the rod of Aharun that budded, and the tablets of the covenant:
[5]And above it the Cherubim of glory which shrouded over the mercy seat not there is but time that we may speak about each one of these things that in this way fashioned were [5]And above this the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy-seat. But time there is not to speak upon every one of these which were thus ordained.
[6]And the tabernacle outer in every time entering were the priests and performing were their ministry [6]Now, into the outer sanctuary at all times entered the priests, and fulfilled their offices;
[7]The tabernacle but inner of it once it in a year by himself enter would the High Priest with blood he offering was in the place of his soul and in the place of the evil-doing of the people [7]But into the tabernacle which was within, one day in the year, alone, entered the high priest, with that blood which he offered for himself and the sins of the people.
[8]In this but taught had The Spirit of Holiness that not had been revealed yet a way of Holiness as long a time that was standing tabernacle the first [8]By this the Spirit of Holiness made known that the way of the holies was not yet manifested, so long as was the standing of the first tabernacle.
[9]And it was a symbol this for time that in which gifts and sacrifices offered were those that not able were to perfect the conscience of him who offers them [9]And this was a figurative representation for the time in which oblations and victims have been offered;—those which have not been able to perfect the consciousness of him who offered them;
[10]But in food and in drink only and in washing of various kinds that are ordinances of the flesh that are established until the time of reformation [10]But [have consisted] in meat and drink only, and in various kinds of baptism, being institutions of the flesh appointed until the time of setting right.
[11]The Messiah but Who has come has become The High Priest of the good things that He did and He entered the tabernacle great and perfect that not is made with hands [11]BUT the Meshiha who hath come was a High Priest of good things which he wrought out, and hath entered into the great and perfect tabernacle [which was] not made with hands, nor made from these creatures.
[12]And not He entered with blood of yearling goats and of calves but with the blood of Himself He entered one time the place holy and He has achieved redemption eternal [12]Nor entered he with the blood of goats and calves, but with the blood of himself he entered once the holy place, and hath found eternal redemption.
[13]If for the blood of kids and of calves and ashes of an heifer sprinkled were on those who defiled were and it sanctified them for the purifying of their flesh [13]For if the blood of goats and of calves, and the dust of an heifer, sprinkled upon those who were unclean, sanctifieth them for the purification of their flesh,
[14]How much? therefore more the blood of The Messiah Who by The Spirit Eternal Himself offered without blemish to Alaha will purify our conscience from works dead that we may serve to Alaha The Living One [14]How much more then shall the blood of the Meshiha, who, by the Eternal Spirit, himself hath offered without spot unto Aloha, purify our conscience from dead works, to serve the Aloha the Living?
[15]Because of this He was The Mediator of a covenant new for in His death He was salvation to those who violated against the covenant first that we may receive the promise those who were called to inheritance eternal [15]For this was he made the Mediator of the new covenant, that by his death he might become the ransom for those who had transgressed against the first covenant, [and] that they might receive the promise, they, who are called unto the inheritance which is eternal.
[16]Where for there is a testament the death it shows of him who made it [16]FOR where a covenant is, there is indicated the DEATH of that which made it.
[17]Concerning a dead one but only it is valid because as long as lives he who made it there is no in it use [17]For upon death only is it confirmed; because while he who made it lived there is no value in it.
[18]Because of this not even the first without blood was established [18]Wherefore neither the first without blood was confirmed.
[19]When had been commanded for all the ordinance from Moses to the people all in The Law take did Moses the blood of an heifer and water with wool of scarlet and hyssop and sprinkled upon the scrolls and upon the people all [19]For when every precept had been enjoined by Musha to the whole people according to the law, Musha took the blood of the heifer, and water, with the scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled upon the books and upon all the people,
[20]And he said to them this is the blood of the covenant that was commanded to you from Alaha [20]And said to them, This is the blood of that covenant which is commanded by Aloha.
[21]Also on the tabernacle and upon all of the vessels of the ministration from it from the blood he sprinkled [21]Also upon the tabernacle and upon all the vessels of the service from it with blood he sprinkled.
[22]Because all things by blood are purged in The Written Law and without shedding of blood there is not forgiveness [22]Because every thing with blood was purified under the law; and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
[23]Necessary it is for that these things that symbols are of the heavenly by these things are purified these but heavenly by sacrifices better than these [23]For it was necessary that these which are a type of the heavenlies, with [these] things should be purified; but the heavenlies themselves with sacrifices that are more excellent than they.
[24]Not was for the place holy made by hands entered The Messiah that being the symbol of that real one but to it Heaven He entered to appear before the face of Alaha for our sake [24]For not into the sanctuary made with hands hath the Meshiha entered, which is an emblem of the true one, but into heaven itself hath he entered, that he might appear before the face of Aloha for us.
[25]And not that He should offer Himself times many as doing was High The Priest and entered in every year The Place Holy with blood that not was his [25]Nor [was it needful] that he should offer himself many times, as did the chief of the priests, entering every year into the holy place with blood not his own;
[26]And if not ought He times many to have suffered from the beginning of the world now but in the end of the world one He time has offered Himself in His sacrificing to destroy sin [26]Otherwise he would have been obligated many times to suffer from the beginning of the world. But now, in the end of the world, once hath he offered himself, that by his sacrifice he might abolish sin.
[27]And just as is appointed to the children of men that one time they would die and from after their deaths the judgment [27]And as it is ordained to the sons of men, that they must once die, and after their death the judgment;
[28]In this way also The Messiah one time was offered and His Person He sacrificed for the sins of the many the second but time without our sins He appears for the life of those who expect Him [28]So also the Meshiha was once offered, and in his [own] person sacrificed [for] the sins of many; but the second time without sins he appeareth for the salvation of them who expect him.
[9:1] Olmonoyo, secular; mundana. – SCHAFF.
[9:2] Bread of faces.
[9:4] The house of perfumes.
[9:8] Urcho dakadishee.
[9:8] What time was the standing of the first, &c.
[9:9] Or, parable.
[9:16] Diathike.
[9:28] Or, two times: tarteen zabneen.
Translation: J. W. Etheridge (1849)
Source: studybible.info