[1]O 饜饜饜饜, Thou art my God, I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name, for Thou hast done wonderful things; even counsels of old, in faithfulness and truth. |
[1]讬职讛讜指证讛 讗直诇止讛址讬謾 讗址转旨指謹讛 讗植专止纸讜诪执诪职讱指謾 讗止讜讚侄郑讛 砖讈执诪职讱指謹 讻旨执芝讬 注指砖讉执謻讬转指 驻旨侄謶诇侄讗 注值爪止芝讜转 诪值纸专指讞止謻讜拽 讗直诪芝讜旨谞指讛 讗止纸诪侄谉變 |
[2]For Thou hast made of a city a heap, of a fortified city a ruin; a castle of strangers to be no city, it shall never be built. |
[2]讻旨执郑讬 砖讉址证诪职转旨指 诪值注执讬专謾 诇址讙旨指謹诇 拽执专职讬指芝讛 讘职爪讜旨专指謻讛 诇职诪址驻旨值诇指謶讛 讗址专职诪止证讜谉 讝指专执讬诐謾 诪值注执謹讬专 诇职注止讜诇指謻诐 诇止芝讗 讬执讘旨指谞侄纸讛變 |
[3]Therefore shall the strong people glorify Thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear Thee. |
[3]注址诇志讻旨值謻谉 讬职讻址讘旨职讚郑讜旨讱指 注址诐志注指謶讝 拽执专职讬址譀转 讙旨止讜讬执芝诐 注指专执讬爪执謻讬诐 讬执讬专指讗纸讜旨讱指變 |
[4]For Thou hast been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat; for the blast of the terrible ones was as a storm against the wall. |
[4]讻旨执纸讬志讛指讬执吱讬转指 诪指注止芝讜讝 诇址讚旨指譀诇 诪指注止芝讜讝 诇指讗侄讘职讬止謻讜谉 讘旨址爪旨址专志诇止謶讜 诪址讞职住侄证讛 诪执讝旨侄謾专侄诐謾 爪值郑诇 诪值讞止謹专侄讘 讻旨执譀讬 专芝讜旨讞址 注指专执讬爪执謻讬诐 讻旨职讝侄芝专侄诐 拽执纸讬专變 |
[5]As the heat in a dry place, Thou didst subdue the noise of strangers; as the heat by the shadow of a cloud, the song of the terrible ones was brought low. |
[5]讻旨职讞止郑专侄讘 讘旨职爪指讬止謹讜谉 砖讈职讗止芝讜谉 讝指专执謻讬诐 转旨址讻职谞执謶讬注址 讞止謿专侄讘 讘旨职爪值郑诇 注指謹讘 讝职诪执芝讬专 注指纸专执讬爪执謻讬诐 讬址注植谞侄纸讛變 |
[6]And in this mountain will 饜饜饜饜 of hosts make unto all peoples a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. |
[6]讜职注指砖讉指讛蜘 讬职讛讜指吱讛 爪职讘指讗止譁讜转 诇职讻指诇志讛指纸注址诪旨执讬诐謾 讘旨指讛指郑专 讛址讝旨侄謹讛 诪执砖讈职转旨值芝讛 砖讈职诪指谞执謻讬诐 诪执砖讈职转旨值郑讛 砖讈职诪指专执謶讬诐 砖讈职诪指谞执讬诐謾 诪职诪只郑讞指讬执謹诐 砖讈职诪指专执謻讬诐 诪职讝只拽旨指拽执纸讬诐變 |
[7]And He will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering that is cast over a peoples, and the veil that is spread over all nations. |
[7]讜旨讘执诇旨址注謾 讘旨指讛指郑专 讛址讝旨侄謹讛 驻旨职谞值纸讬志讛址诇旨止芝讜讟 讇 讛址诇旨止謻讜讟 注址诇志讻旨指诇志讛指纸注址诪旨执謶讬诐 讜职讛址诪旨址住旨值讻指芝讛 讛址谞旨职住讜旨讻指謻讛 注址诇志讻旨指诇志讛址讙旨止讜讬执纸诐變 |
[8]He will swallow up death for ever; and the Lord 饜饜饜饜 will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the reproach of His people will He take away from off all the earth; for 饜饜饜饜 hath spoken it. |
[8]讘旨执诇旨址证注 讛址诪旨指謾讜侄转謾 诇指谞侄謹爪址讞 讜旨诪指讞指吱讛 讗植讚止谞指支讬 讬职讛讜执譀讛 讚旨执诪职注指謻讛 诪值注址郑诇 讻旨指诇志驻旨指谞执謶讬诐 讜职讞侄专职驻旨址郑转 注址诪旨止謼讜 讬指住执讬专謾 诪值注址郑诇 讻旨指诇志讛指讗指謹专侄抓 讻旨执芝讬 讬职讛讜指謻讛 讚旨执讘旨值纸专變 |
[9]And it shall be said in that day: 'Lo, this is our God, for whom we waited, that He might save us; this is 饜饜饜饜, for whom we waited, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.' |
[9]讜职讗指诪址专謾 讘旨址讬旨止郑讜诐 讛址讛謹讜旨讗 讛执谞旨值吱讛 讗直诇止讛值芝讬谞讜旨 讝侄譀讛 拽执讜旨执芝讬谞讜旨 诇止謻讜 讜职讬止纸讜砖讈执讬注值謶谞讜旨 讝侄证讛 讬职讛讜指讛謾 拽执讜旨执郑讬谞讜旨 诇止謹讜 谞指讙执芝讬诇指讛 讜职谞执砖讉职诪职讞指謻讛 讘旨执讬砖讈讜旨注指转止纸讜變 |
[10]For in this mountain will the hand of 饜饜饜饜 rest, and Moab shall be trodden down in his place, even as straw is trodden down in the dunghill. |
[10]讻旨执纸讬志转指谞芝讜旨讞址 讬址讚志讬职讛讜指謻讛 讘旨指讛指郑专 讛址讝旨侄謶讛 讜职谞指证讚止讜砖讈 诪止讜讗指讘謾 转旨址讞职转旨指謹讬讜 讻旨职讛执讚旨芝讜旨砖讈 诪址转职讘旨值謻谉 [讘旨职诪值讬 讻] (讘旨职诪止芝讜 拽) 诪址讚职诪值谞指纸讛變 |
[11]And when he shall spread forth his hands in the midst thereof, as he that swimmeth spreadeth forth his hands to swim, his pride shall be brought down together with the cunning of his hands. |
[11]讜旨驻值专址证砖讉 讬指讚指讬讜謾 讘旨职拽执专职讘旨止謹讜 讻旨址讗植砖讈侄譀专 讬职驻指专值芝砖讉 讛址砖讉旨止讞侄謻讛 诇执砖讉职讞止謶讜转 讜职讛执砖讈职驻旨执讬诇謾 讙旨址纸讗植讜指转止謹讜 注执謻诐 讗指专职讘旨止芝讜转 讬指讚指纸讬讜變 |
[12]And the high fortress of thy walls will He bring down, lay low, and bring to the ground, even to the dust. |
[12]讜旨诪执讘职爪址譃专 诪执砖讉职讙旨址郑讘 讞止讜诪止转侄謼讬讱指 讛值砖讈址芝讞 讛执砖讈职驻旨执譀讬诇 讛执讙旨执芝讬注址 诇指讗指謻专侄抓 注址讚志注指驻指纸专變 |