[1]Wo be vnto the crowne of pryde, euen to the drunken people of Ephraim, whose great pompe is as a floure that fadeth away vpon the head of the valley of suche as be in wealth, and are ouerladen with wine |
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[2]Behold, there commeth a vehement and sore day from the Lord, like an vnmeasurable hayle and perillous tempest, euen like the force of mightie and horrible waters that violently beareth downe all thinges |
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[3]The crowne of the pryde of the drunken Ephraemites shalbe troden vnder foote |
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[4]So that the floure of his fayrenesse and beautie whiche is in the head of the valley of fatnesse, shall fade away as doth an vntimely ripe figge before haruest: whiche when a man espieth, he loketh vpon it, and whyle it is yet in his hande he eateth it vp |
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[5]In that day shal the Lord of hoastes be the crowne of glory and diamonde of beautie vnto the residue of his people |
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[6]He wylbe also a spirite of perfect knowledge to him that sitteth in iudgement, and strength vnto them that turne away the battayle to the gate [of the enemies. |
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[7]But they are out of the way by reason of wine, yea farre out of the way are they thorowe strong drinke: The priest also and the prophete are gone astray by the meanes of strong drinke, they are drunken with wine, they go amisse thorowe strong drinke, they fayle in propheciyng, and stumble in iudgement |
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[8]For all tables are full of vomit and filthynesse, that no place is cleane |
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[9]Whom then shall suche one teache knowledge? and whom shall he make to vnderstande the thing that he heareth? for they are as ignoraunt as young chyldren that are taken from the milke, and are weaned |
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[10]For they that be suche, must take after one lesson, another lesson, after one commaundement, another commaundement, for one rule, another rule, after one instruction, another instruction, there a litle, and there a litle |
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[11]For he that speaketh vnto this people, is euen as one that vseth rudenesse of speache, and a straunge language |
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[12]If any man say vnto them, lo, this is the rest wherewith ye may ease hym that is weerie, this is the refreshing: they wyll not hearken |
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[13]Therfore shall the word of the Lord be vnto them, lesson vpon lesson, commaundement vpon commaundement, rule vpon rule, instruction vpon instruction, there a litle, and there a litle: that they may go on and fall backwarde, be brused, tangled, and snared |
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[14]Wherfore heare the word of the Lord ye mockers, ye that haue rule of this people whiche is at Hierusalem |
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[15]Because ye haue sayd, We haue made a couenaunt with death, and with hell are we at agreement: and though there go foorth a sore plague, it shall not come vnto vs, for we haue made falsehood our refuge, and vnder vanitie are we hid |
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[16]Therfore thus saith the Lorde God, Beholde, I lay in Sion for a foundation a stone, euen a tryed stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: who so beleueth, let hym not be to hastie |
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[17]Iudgement also wyll I laye to the rule, and righteousnesse to the balaunce, so that the hayle shall sweepe away as a broome your vayne confidence, and the priuie place of your refuge shall the waters runne ouer |
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[18]And thus the couenaunt that ye made with death, shalbe disanulled, and your agreement that ye made with hell shall not stand, yea when the sore plague goeth foorth, ye shalbe troden downe vnder it |
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[19]From the tyme that it goeth foorth it shall take you away: for early in the morning euery day, yea both day and night shall it go thorowe, and when the noyse thereof is perceaued, it shall gender vexation |
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[20]For the bed is narrowe and not large, and the couering so small that a man can not winde him selfe [vnder it. |
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[21]For the Lord shall stand as in mount Perazim, and shalbe wroth like as in the valley Gibeon, that he may do his worke, his straunge worke, and bryng to passe his acte, his straunge acte |
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[22]Nowe therefore see that ye be no mockers, lest your punishment increase: For I hearde of the Lorde of hoastes, that there shall come a short ende vpon the whole earth |
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[23]Heare ye then, and hearken vnto my voyce, consider and ponder my speache |
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[24]Doth not the husbandman plowe all the day, and openeth and breaketh the clottes of his grounde, that he may sowe |
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[25]When he hath made it playne, wyll he not spreade abrode the fitches, and sowe comin, and cast in wheate by measure, and the appointed barlye and rye in their place |
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[26]God wyll instruct hym to haue discretion, euen his God wyll teache hym |
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[27]For fitches shall not be threshed with an harrowe, neither shall a cart wheele be brought thorowe the comin: but the fitches are beaten out with a staffe, and comin with a rodde |
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[28]But the seede that bread is made of, is threshed, though it be not alway a threshing, and the cart wheele must be brought ouer it, lest he grinde it with his teeth |
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[29]This also commeth of the Lorde of hoastes, which worketh with wonderfull wysdome, and bringeth excellent workes to passe |
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