The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]WoeH1945 to them that go downH3381[H8802] to EgyptH4714 for helpH5833; and stayH8172[H8735] on horsesH5483, and trustH982[H8799] in chariotsH7393, because they are manyH7227; and in horsemenH6571, because they are veryH3966 strongH6105[H8804]; but they lookH8159[H8804] not unto the Holy OneH6918 of IsraelH3478, neither seekH1875[H8804] the LORDH3068! [1]Woe unto them that go down into Egypt for help, and stay upon horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many, and in horsemen, because they be very strong: but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, nor seek unto the Lord.
[2]Yet he also is wiseH2450, and will bringH935[H8686] evilH7451, and will not call backH5493[H8689] his wordsH1697: but will ariseH6965[H8804] against the houseH1004 of the evildoersH7489[H8688], and against the helpH5833 of them that workH6466[H8802] iniquityH205. [2]But he yet is wisest: therefore he will bring evil, and not turn back his word, but he will arise against the house of the wicked, and against the help of them that work vanity.
[3]Now the EgyptiansH4714 are menH120, and not GodH410; and their horsesH5483 fleshH1320, and not spiritH7307. When the LORDH3068 shall stretch outH5186[H8686] his handH3027, both he that helpethH5826[H8802] shall fallH3782[H8804], and he that is holpenH5826[H8803] shall fall downH5307[H8804], and they all shall failH3615[H8799] togetherH3162. [3]Now the Egyptians are men, and not God, and their horses flesh and not spirit: and when the Lord shall stretch out his hand, the helper shall fall, and he that is holpen shall fall, and they shall altogether fail.
[4]For thus hath the LORDH3068 spokenH559[H8804] unto me, Like as the lionH738 and the young lionH3715 roaringH1897[H8799] on his preyH2964, when a multitudeH4393 of shepherdsH7462[H8802] is called forthH7121[H8735] against him, he will not be afraidH2865[H8735] of their voiceH6963, nor abaseH6031[H8799] himself for the noiseH1995 of them: so shall the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 come downH3381[H8799] to fightH6633[H8800] for mountH2022 ZionH6726, and for the hill thereofH1389. [4]For thus hath the Lord spoken unto me, As the lion or lion's whelp roareth upon his prey, against whom if a multitude of shepherds be called, he will not be afraid at their voice, neither will humble himself at their noise: so shall the Lord of hosts come down to fight for mount Zion, and for the hill thereof.
[5]As birdsH6833 flyingH5774[H8802], so will the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 defendH1598[H8686] JerusalemH3389; defendingH1598[H8800] also he will deliverH5337[H8689] it; and passing overH6452[H8800] he will preserveH4422 itH8689. [5]As birds that fly, so shall the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem by defending and delivering, by passing through and preserving it.
[6]TurnH7725[H8798] ye unto him from whom the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 have deeplyH6009[H8689] revoltedH5627. [6]O ye children of Israel, turn again, in as much as ye are sunken deep in rebellion.
[7]For in that dayH3117 every manH376 shall cast awayH3988[H8799] his idolsH457 of silverH3701, and his idolsH457 of goldH2091, which your own handsH3027 have madeH6213[H8804] unto you for a sinH2399. [7]For in that day every man shall cast out his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which your hands have made you, even a sin.
[8]Then shall the AssyrianH804 fallH5307[H8804] with the swordH2719, not of a mighty manH376; and the swordH2719, not of a mean manH120, shall devourH398[H8799] him: but he shall fleeH5127[H8804] fromH6440 the swordH2719, and his young menH970 shall be discomfitedH4522. [8]Then shall Asshur [Assyria] fall by the sword, not of man, neither shall the sword of man devour him, and he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall faint.
[9]And he shall pass overH5674[H8799] to his strong holdH5553 for fearH4032, and his princesH8269 shall be afraidH2865[H8804] of the ensignH5251, saithH5002[H8803] the LORDH3068, whose fireH217 is in ZionH6726, and his furnaceH8574 in JerusalemH3389. [9]And he shall go for fear to his tower, and his princes shall be afraid of the standard, saith the Lord, whose fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org