The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The First Book of Clement
[1]Heare this O thou house of Iacob, ye that are called by the name of Israel, & are come out of one stocke with Iuda: whiche sweare by the name of the Lorde, and beare witnesse by the God of Israel, but not with trueth and ryght [No book]
[2]For they are named of the holy citie, and are grounded vpon the God of Israel, whose name is the Lorde of hoastes [No book]
[3]The thynges that I haue shewed you euer since the begynnyng, haue I not brought them to passe immediatly as they came out of my mouth, and declared them, and they are come [No book]
[4]Howbeit I knowe that thou art obstinate, and that thy necke hath an iron sinowe, and that thy browe is of brasse [No book]
[5]Neuerthelesse, I haue euer since the begynnyng shewed thee of thynges for to come, and declared them vnto thee or euer they came to passe: that thou shouldest not say, myne idoll hath done it, my carued or molten image hath shewed it [No book]
[6]Thou heardest it before, and beholde it is come to passe: And shall not ye your selues shewe foorth or confesse the same? But as for me, I tolde thee before at the begynnyng newe and secrete thynges which thou knewest not of [No book]
[7]And some done of olde tyme, wherof thou neuer heardest before they were brought to passe, that thou canst not say, beholde I knewe of them [No book]
[8]Moreouer, there be some wherof thou hast neither heard nor knowen, neither haue ben opened vnto thyne eares afore tyme: For I knewe that thou wouldest malitiously offende, therfore haue I called thee a transgressour, euen from thy mothers wombe [No book]
[9]Neuerthelesse, for my names sake I wyll withdrawe my wrath, and for my honours sake I will patiently forbeare thee, that I do not roote thee out [No book]
[10]Beholde I haue purged thee, yet not as siluer, I haue chosen thee in the fire of affliction [No book]
[11]And that only for myne owne sake, yea euen for myne owne sake wyll I do this: or els what dishonour woulde they do to my name? surely I wyll not geue my glorie vnto another [No book]
[12]Hearken vnto me O Iacob, and Israel whom I haue called: I am euen he that is, I am the first and the last [No book]
[13]My hande hath layde the foundation of the earth, and my ryght hande hath spanned ouer the heauens: assoone as I call them, they stande together [No book]
[14]Gather you altogether and hearken: Which of yonder gods hath declared this? The Lorde hath a loue vnto him, and he shal perfourme his wyll against Babel, and declare his power against the Chaldees [No book]
[15]I my selfe alone, euen I haue tolde you this, I dyd call him and bryng him foorth, and he shall make his iourney prosperous [No book]
[16]Come to me and heare this: Haue I spoken any thyng darkly since the begynnyng? From the tyme that this thyng begynneth I am there: Wherefore the Lorde God and his spirite hath sent me [No book]
[17]And thus saith the Lorde God thy redeemer, the holy one of Israel: I am the Lorde thy God which teache thee profitable thynges, and leade thee the way that thou shouldest go [No book]
[18]O that thou hadst regarded my commaundementes, then had thy wealthynesse ben as the water streame, and thy ryghteousnesse as the waues flowyng in the sea [No book]
[19]Thy seede also had ben lyke as the sande in the sea, and the fruite of thy body lyke the grauell stones therof: His name shoulde not be rooted out, nor destroyed before me [No book]
[20]Go away from Babylon, flee from the Chaldees, with a mery voyce speake of this, declare it abrode, and go foorth into the ende of the worlde, say: The Lorde hath redeemed his seruaunt Iacob [No book]
[21]They suffred no thirst, he led them through the wildernesse, and caused the waters to flowe out vnto them from out of the rocke: he claue the rocke a sunder, and the water gusshed out [No book]
[22]As for the vngodly, they haue no peace, saith the Lorde [No book]
Source: studybible.org
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com