The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]HearkenH8085[H8798] to me, ye that follow afterH7291[H8802] righteousnessH6664, ye that seekH1245[H8764] the LORDH3068: lookH5027[H8685] unto the rockH6697 whence ye are hewnH2672[H8795], and to the holeH4718 of the pitH953 whence ye are diggedH5365.[H8795] [1]Hear me, ye that follow after righteousness, and ye that seek the Lord: look unto the rock, whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit, whence ye are digged.
[2]LookH5027[H8685] unto AbrahamH85 your fatherH1, and unto SarahH8283 that bareH2342[H8787] you: for I calledH7121[H8804] him aloneH259, and blessedH1288[H8762] him, and increasedH7235 himH8686. [2]Consider Abraham your father, and Sarah that bear you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.
[3]For the LORDH3068 shall comfortH5162[H8765] ZionH6726: he will comfortH5162[H8765] all her waste placesH2723; and he will makeH7760[H8799] her wildernessH4057 like EdenH5731, and her desertH6160 like the gardenH1588 of the LORDH3068; joyH8342 and gladnessH8057 shall be foundH4672[H8735] therein, thanksgivingH8426, and the voiceH6963 of melodyH2172. [3]Surely the Lord shall comfort Zion: he shall comfort all her desolations, and he shall make her desert like Eden, and her wilderness like the garden of the Lord: joy and gladness shall be found therein: praise, and the voice of singing.
[4]HearkenH7181[H8685] unto me, my peopleH5971; and give earH238[H8685] unto me, O my nationH3816: for a lawH8451 shall proceedH3318[H8799] from me, and I will make my judgmentH4941 to restH7280[H8686] for a lightH216 of the peopleH5971. [4]Hearken ye unto me, my people, and give ear unto me, O my people: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will bring forth my judgment for the light of the people.
[5]My righteousnessH6664 is nearH7138; my salvationH3468 is gone forthH3318[H8804], and mine armsH2220 shall judgeH8199[H8799] the peopleH5971; the islesH339 shall waitH6960[H8762] upon me, and on mine armH2220 shall they trustH3176.[H8762] [5]My righteousness is near: my salvation goeth forth, and mine arms shall judge the people: the isles shall wait for me, and shall trust unto mine arm.
[6]Lift upH5375[H8798] your eyesH5869 to the heavensH8064, and lookH5027[H8685] upon the earthH776 beneath: for the heavensH8064 shall vanish awayH4414[H8738] like smokeH6227, and the earthH776 shall wax oldH1086[H8799] like a garmentH899, and they that dwellH3427[H8802] therein shall dieH4191[H8799] in likeH3644 mannerH3654: but my salvationH3444 shall be for everH5769, and my righteousnessH6666 shall not be abolishedH2865.[H8735] [6]Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein, shall perish in like manner: but my salvation shall be forever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.
[7]HearkenH8085[H8798] unto me, ye that knowH3045[H8802] righteousnessH6664, the peopleH5971 in whose heartH3820 is my lawH8451; fearH3372[H8799] ye not the reproachH2781 of menH582, neither be ye afraidH2865[H8735] of their revilingsH1421. [7]Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law. Fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their rebukes.
[8]For the mothH6211 shall eat them upH398[H8799] like a garmentH899, and the wormH5580 shall eatH398[H8799] them like woolH6785: but my righteousnessH6666 shall be for everH5769, and my salvationH3444 from generationH1755 to generationH1755. [8]For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool: but my righteousness shall be forever, and my salvation from generation to generation.
[9]AwakeH5782[H8798], awakeH5782[H8798], put onH3847[H8798] strengthH5797, O armH2220 of the LORDH3068; awakeH5782[H8798], as in the ancientH6924 daysH3117, in the generationsH1755 of oldH5769. Art thou not it that hath cutH2672[H8688] RahabH7294, and woundedH2490[H8781] the dragonH8577? [9]Rise up, rise up, and put on strength, O arm of the Lord: rise up as in the old time in the generations of the world. Art not thou the same that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?
[10]Art thou not it which hath driedH2717[H8688] the seaH3220, the watersH4325 of the greatH7227 deepH8415; that hath madeH7760[H8804] the depthsH4615 of the seaH3220 a wayH1870 for the ransomedH1350[H8803] to pass overH5674?[H8800] [10]Art not thou the same, which hath dried the sea, even the waters of the great deep, making the depth of the sea a way for the redeemed to pass over?
[11]Therefore the redeemedH6299[H8803] of the LORDH3068 shall returnH7725[H8799], and comeH935[H8804] with singingH7440 unto ZionH6726; and everlastingH5769 joyH8057 shall be upon their headH7218: they shall obtainH5381[H8686] gladnessH8342 and joyH8057; and sorrowH3015 and mourningH585 shall flee awayH5127.[H8804] [11]Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with joy unto Zion, and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain joy, and gladness: and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.
[12]I, even I, am he that comfortethH5162[H8764] you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraidH3372[H8799] of a manH582 that shall dieH4191[H8799], and of the sonH1121 of manH120 which shall be madeH5414[H8735] as grassH2682; [12]I, even I am he, that comfort you. Who art thou, that thou shouldest fear a mortal man, and the son of man, which shall be made as grass?
[13]And forgettestH7911[H8799] the LORDH3068 thy makerH6213[H8802], that hath stretched forthH5186[H8802] the heavensH8064, and laid the foundationsH3245[H8801] of the earthH776; and hast fearedH6342[H8762] continuallyH8548 every dayH3117 becauseH6440 of the furyH2534 of the oppressorH6693[H8688], as ifH834 he were readyH3559[H8790] to destroyH7843[H8687]? and where is the furyH2534 of the oppressorH6693?[H8688] [13]And forgettest the Lord thy maker that hath spread out the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth? And hast feared continually all the day, because of the rage of the oppressor, which is ready to destroy? Where is now the rage of the oppressor?
[14]The captive exileH6808[H8802] hastenethH4116[H8765] that he may be loosedH6605[H8736], and that he should not dieH4191[H8799] in the pitH7845, nor that his breadH3899 should failH2637.[H8799] [14]The captive hasteneth to be loosed, and that he should not die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail.
[15]But I am the LORDH3068 thy GodH430, that dividedH7280[H8802] the seaH3220, whose wavesH1530 roaredH1993[H8799]: The LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 is his nameH8034. [15]And I am the Lord thy God that divided the sea, when his waves roared: the Lord of hosts is his name.
[16]And I have putH7760[H8799] my wordsH1697 in thy mouthH6310, and I have coveredH3680[H8765] thee in the shadowH6738 of mine handH3027, that I may plantH5193[H8800] the heavensH8064, and lay the foundationsH3245[H8800] of the earthH776, and sayH559[H8800] unto ZionH6726, Thou art my peopleH5971. [16]And I have put my words in thy mouth, and have defended thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundation of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.
[17]AwakeH5782[H8708], awakeH5782[H8708], stand upH6965[H8798], O JerusalemH3389, which hast drunkH8354[H8804] at the handH3027 of the LORDH3068 the cupH3563 of his furyH2534; thou hast drunkenH8354[H8804] the dregsH6907 of the cupH3563 of tremblingH8653, and wrung them outH4680.[H8804] [17]Awake, awake, and stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast drunk at the hand of the Lord the cup of his wrath: thou hast drunken the dregs of the cup of trembling, and wrung them out.
[18]There is none to guideH5095[H8764] her among all the sonsH1121 whom she hath brought forthH3205[H8804]; neither is there any that takethH2388[H8688] her by the handH3027 of all the sonsH1121 that she hath brought upH1431.[H8765] [18]There is none to guide her among all the sons, whom she hath brought forth: there is none that taketh her by the hand of all the sons that she hath brought up.
[19]These twoH8147 things are comeH7122[H8802] unto thee; who shall be sorryH5110[H8799] for thee? desolationH7701, and destructionH7667, and the famineH7458, and the swordH2719: by whom shall I comfortH5162 theeH8762? [19]These two things are come unto thee: who will lament thee? Desolation and destruction and famine, and the sword: by whom shall I comfort thee?
[20]Thy sonsH1121 have faintedH5968[H8795], they lieH7901[H8804] at the headH7218 of all the streetsH2351, as a wild bullH8377 in a netH4364: they are fullH4392 of the furyH2534 of the LORDH3068, the rebukeH1606 of thy GodH430. [20]Thy sons have fainted, and lie at the head of all the streets as a wild bull in a net, and are full of the wrath of the Lord, and rebuke of thy God.
[21]Therefore hearH8085[H8798] now this, thou afflictedH6041, and drunkenH7937[H8803], but not with wineH3196: [21]Therefore hear now this, thou miserable and drunken, but not with wine.
[22]Thus saithH559[H8804] thy LordH113 the LORDH3068, and thy GodH430 that pleadethH7378[H8799] the cause of his peopleH5971, Behold, I have taken outH3947[H8804] of thine handH3027 the cupH3563 of tremblingH8653, even the dregsH6907 of the cupH3563 of my furyH2534; thou shalt no moreH3254[H8686] drink it againH8354:[H8800] [22]Thus saith thy Lord God, even God that pleadeth the cause of his people, Behold, I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling, even the dregs of the cup of my wrath: thou shalt drink it no more.
[23]But I will putH7760[H8804] it into the handH3027 of them that afflictH3013[H8688] thee; which have saidH559[H8804] to thy soulH5315, Bow downH7812[H8798], that we may go overH5674[H8799]: and thou hast laidH7760[H8799] thy bodyH1460 as the groundH776, and as the streetH2351, to them that went overH5674.[H8802] [23]But I will put it into their hand that spoil thee: which have said to thy soul, Bow down, that we may go over, and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as the street to them that went over.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org