[1]SingH7442[H8798], O barrenH6135, thou that didst not bearH3205[H8804]; break forthH6476[H8798] into singingH7440, and cry aloudH6670[H8761], thou that didst not travail with childH2342[H8804]: for moreH7227 are the childrenH1121 of the desolateH8074[H8802] than the childrenH1121 of the married wifeH1166[H8803], saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068. |
[1]Rejoice, O barren that didst not bear: break forth into joy and rejoice, thou that didst not travail with child: for the desolate hath more children than the married wife, saith the Lord. |
[2]EnlargeH7337[H8685] the placeH4725 of thy tentH168, and let them stretch forthH5186[H8686] the curtainsH3407 of thine habitationsH4908: spareH2820[H8799] not, lengthenH748[H8685] thy cordsH4340, and strengthenH2388[H8761] thy stakesH3489; |
[2]Enlarge the place of thy tents, and let them spread out the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, stretch out thy cords and make fast thy stakes. |
[3]For thou shalt break forthH6555[H8799] on the right handH3225 and on the leftH8040; and thy seedH2233 shall inheritH3423[H8799] the GentilesH1471, and make the desolateH8074[H8737] citiesH5892 to be inhabitedH3427.[H8686] |
[3]For thou shalt increase on the right hand and on the left, and thy seed shall possess the Gentiles, and dwell in the desolate cities. |
[4]FearH3372[H8799] not; for thou shalt not be ashamedH954[H8799]: neither be thou confoundedH3637[H8735]; for thou shalt not be put to shameH2659[H8686]: for thou shalt forgetH7911[H8799] the shameH1322 of thy youthH5934, and shalt not rememberH2142[H8799] the reproachH2781 of thy widowhood any moreH491. |
[4]Fear not: for thou shalt not be ashamed, neither shalt thou be confounded: for thou shalt not be put to shame: yea, thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood anymore. |
[5]For thy MakerH6213[H8802] is thine husbandH1166[H8802]; the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 is his nameH8034; and thy RedeemerH1350[H8802] the Holy OneH6918 of IsraelH3478; The GodH430 of the whole earthH776 shall he be calledH7121.[H8735] |
[5]For he that made thee, is thine husband (whose name is the Lord of hosts) and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel, shall be called the God of the whole world. |
[6]For the LORDH3068 hath calledH7121[H8804] thee as a womanH802 forsakenH5800[H8803] and grievedH6087[H8803] in spiritH7307, and a wifeH802 of youthH5271, when thou wast refusedH3988[H8735], saithH559[H8804] thy GodH430. |
[6]For the Lord hath called thee, being as a woman forsaken, and afflicted in spirit, and as a young wife when thou wast refused, saith thy God. |
[7]For a smallH6996 momentH7281 have I forsakenH5800[H8804] thee; but with greatH1419 merciesH7356 will I gatherH6908 theeH8762. |
[7]For a little while have I forsaken thee, but with great compassion will I gather thee. |
[8]In a littleH8241 wrathH7110 I hidH5641[H8689] my faceH6440 from thee for a momentH7281; but with everlastingH5769 kindnessH2617 will I have mercyH7355[H8765] on thee, saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068 thy RedeemerH1350.[H8802] |
[8]For a moment, in mine anger, I hid my face from thee for a little season, but with everlasting mercy have I had compassion on thee, saith the Lord thy redeemer. |
[9]For this is as the watersH4325 of NoahH5146 unto me: for as I have swornH7650[H8738] that the watersH4325 of NoahH5146 should no more go overH5674[H8800] the earthH776; so have I swornH7650[H8738] that I would not be wrothH7107[H8800] with thee, nor rebukeH1605 theeH8800. |
[9]For this is unto me as the waters of Noah: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth, so have I sworn that I would not be angry with thee, nor rebuke thee. |
[10]For the mountainsH2022 shall departH4185[H8799], and the hillsH1389 be removedH4131[H8799]; but my kindnessH2617 shall not departH4185[H8799] from thee, neither shall the covenantH1285 of my peaceH7965 be removedH4131[H8799], saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068 that hath mercyH7355 on theeH8764. |
[10]For the mountains shall remove and the hills shall fall down: but my mercy shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace fall away, saith the Lord, that hath compassion on thee. |
[11]O thou afflictedH6041, tossed with tempestH5590[H8802], and not comfortedH5162[H8794], behold, I will layH7257[H8688] thy stonesH68 with fair coloursH6320, and lay thy foundationsH3245[H8804] with sapphiresH5601. |
[11]O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest, that hast no comfort, behold, I will lay thy stones with the carbuncle, and lay thy foundation with sapphires, |
[12]And I will makeH7760[H8804] thy windowsH8121 of agatesH3539, and thy gatesH8179 of carbunclesH68[H688], and all thy bordersH1366 of pleasantH2656 stonesH68. |
[12]And I will make thy windows of emeralds, and thy gates shining stones, and all thy borders of pleasant stones. |
[13]And all thy childrenH1121 shall be taughtH3928 of the LORDH3068; and greatH7227 shall be the peaceH7965 of thy childrenH1121. |
[13]And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and much peace shall be to thy children. |
[14]In righteousnessH6666 shalt thou be establishedH3559[H8709]: thou shalt be farH7368[H8798] from oppressionH6233; for thou shalt not fearH3372[H8799]: and from terrorH4288; for it shall not come nearH7126 theeH8799. |
[14]In righteousness shalt thou be established, and be far from oppression: for thou shalt not fear it: and from fear, for it shall not come near thee. |
[15]Behold, they shall surelyH1481[H8800] gather togetherH1481[H8799], but notH657 by me: whosoeverH4310 shall gather togetherH1481[H8804] against thee shall fallH5307 for thy sakeH8799. |
[15]Behold, the enemy shall gather himself, but without me: whosoever shall gather himself in thee, against thee, shall fall. |
[16]Behold, I have createdH1254[H8804] the smithH2796 that blowethH5301[H8802] the coalsH6352 in the fireH784, and that bringeth forthH3318[H8688] an instrumentH3627 for his workH4639; and I have createdH1254[H8804] the wasterH7843[H8688] to destroyH2254.[H8763] |
[16]Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and him that bringeth forth an instrument for his work, and I have created the destroyer to destroy. |
[17]No weaponH3627 that is formedH3335[H8714] against thee shall prosperH6743[H8799]; and every tongueH3956 that shall riseH6965[H8799] against thee in judgmentH4941 thou shalt condemnH7561[H8686]. This is the heritageH5159 of the servantsH5650 of the LORDH3068, and their righteousnessH6666 is of me, saithH5002[H8803] the LORDH3068. |
[17]But all the weapons that are made against thee, shall not prosper: and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment, thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the Lord's servants, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. |