The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]The righteousH6662 perishethH6[H8804], and no manH376 layethH7760[H8802] it to heartH3820: and mercifulH2617 menH582 are taken awayH622[H8737], none consideringH995[H8688] that the righteousH6662 is taken awayH622[H8738] fromH6440 the evil to comeH7451. [1]The righteous perisheth, and no man considereth it in heart: and merciful men are taken away, and no man understandeth that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.
[2]He shall enterH935[H8799] into peaceH7965: they shall restH5117[H8799] in their bedsH4904, each one walkingH1980[H8802] in his uprightnessH5228. [2]Peace shall come: they shall rest in their beds, every one that walketh before him.
[3]But draw nearH7126[H8798] hither, ye sonsH1121 of the sorceressH6049[H8781], the seedH2233 of the adultererH5003[H8764] and the whoreH2181.[H8799] [3]But you witches' children, come hither, the seed of the adulterer and of the whore.
[4]Against whom do ye sportH6026[H8691] yourselves? against whom make ye a wideH7337[H8686] mouthH6310, and draw outH748[H8686] the tongueH3956? are ye not childrenH3206 of transgressionH6588, a seedH2233 of falsehoodH8267, [4]On whom have ye jested? Upon whom have ye gaped and thrust out your tongue? Are not ye rebellious children, and a false seed?
[5]EnflamingH2552[H8737] yourselves with idolsH410 under every greenH7488 treeH6086, slayingH7819[H8802] the childrenH3206 in the valleysH5158 under the cliftsH5585 of the rocksH5553? [5]Inflamed with idols under every green tree? And sacrificing the children in the valleys under the tops of the rocks?
[6]Among the smoothH2511 stones of the streamH5158 is thy portionH2506; they, they are thy lotH1486: even to them hast thou pouredH8210[H8804] a drink offeringH5262, thou hast offeredH5927[H8689] a meat offeringH4503. Should I receive comfortH5162 in theseH8735? [6]Thy portion is in the smooth stones of the river: they, they are thy lot: even to them hast thou poured a drink offering: thou hast offered a sacrifice. Should I delight in these?
[7]Upon a loftyH1364 and highH5375[H8737] mountainH2022 hast thou setH7760[H8804] thy bedH4904: even thither wentest thou upH5927[H8804] to offerH2076[H8800] sacrificeH2077. [7]Thou hast made thy bed upon a very high mountain: thou wentest up thither, even thither wentest thou to offer sacrifice.
[8]BehindH310 the doorsH1817 also and the postsH4201 hast thou set upH7760[H8804] thy remembranceH2146: for thou hast discoveredH1540[H8765] thyself to another than me, and art gone upH5927[H8799]; thou hast enlargedH7337[H8689] thy bedH4904, and madeH3772[H8799] thee a covenant with them; thou lovedstH157[H8804] their bedH4904 whereH3027 thou sawestH2372 itH8804. [8]Behind the doors also and posts hast thou set up thy remembrance: for thou hast discovered thyself to another than me, and wentest up, and didst enlarge thy bed, and make a covenant between thee and them, and lovest their bed in every place where thou sawest it.
[9]And thou wentestH7788[H8799] to the kingH4428 with ointmentH8081, and didst increaseH7235[H8686] thy perfumesH7547, and didst sendH7971[H8762] thy messengersH6735 far offH7350, and didst debaseH8213[H8686] thyself even unto hellH7585. [9]Thou wentest to the kings with oil, and didst increase thine ointments and send thy messengers far off, and didst humble thyself unto hell.
[10]Thou art weariedH3021[H8804] in the greatnessH7230 of thy wayH1870; yet saidstH559[H8804] thou not, There is no hopeH2976[H8737]: thou hast foundH4672[H8804] the lifeH2416 of thine handH3027; therefore thou wast not grievedH2470.[H8804] [10]Thou weariest thyself in thy manifold journeys, yet saidest thou not, There is no hope: thou hast found life by thine hand, therefore thou wast not grieved.
[11]And of whom hast thou been afraidH1672[H8804] or fearedH3372[H8799], that thou hast liedH3576[H8762], and hast not rememberedH2142[H8804] me, nor laidH7760[H8804] it to thy heartH3820? have not I held my peaceH2814[H8688] even of oldH5769, and thou fearestH3372 me notH8799? [11]And whom didst thou reverence or fear, seeing thou hast lied unto me, and hast not remembered me, neither set thy mind thereon? Is it not because I hold my peace, and that of long time? Therefore thou fearest not me.
[12]I will declareH5046[H8686] thy righteousnessH6666, and thy worksH4639; for they shall not profitH3276 theeH8686. [12]I will declare thy righteousness and thy works, and they shall not profit thee.
[13]When thou criestH2199[H8800], let thy companiesH6899 deliverH5337[H8686] thee; but the windH7307 shall carry them all awayH5375[H8799]; vanityH1892 shall takeH3947[H8799] them: but he that putteth his trustH2620[H8802] in me shall possessH5157[H8799] the landH776, and shall inheritH3423[H8799] my holyH6944 mountainH2022; [13]When thou cryest, let them that thou hast gathered together deliver thee: but the wind shall take them all away: vanity shall pull them away: but he that trusteth in me, shall inherit the land, and shall possess mine holy mountain.
[14]And shall sayH559[H8804], Cast ye upH5549[H8798], cast ye upH5549[H8798], prepareH6437[H8761] the wayH1870, take upH7311[H8685] the stumblingblockH4383 out of the wayH1870 of my peopleH5971. [14]And he shall say, Cast up, cast up: prepare the way: take up the stumbling blocks out of the way of my people.
[15]For thus saithH559[H8804] the highH7311[H8802] and lofty OneH5375[H8737] that inhabitethH7931[H8802] eternityH5703, whose nameH8034 is HolyH6918; I dwellH7931[H8799] in the highH4791 and holyH6918 place, with him also that is of a contriteH1793 and humbleH8217 spiritH7307, to reviveH2421[H8687] the spiritH7307 of the humbleH8217, and to reviveH2421[H8687] the heartH3820 of the contrite onesH1792.[H8737] [15]For thus saith he that is high and excellent, he that inhabiteth the eternity, whose name is the Holy One, I dwell in the high and holy place: with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble, and to give life to them that are of a contrite heart.
[16]For I will not contendH7378[H8799] for everH5769, neither will I be alwaysH5331 wrothH7107[H8799]: for the spiritH7307 should failH5848[H8799] beforeH6440 me, and the soulsH5397 which I have madeH6213.[H8804] [16]For I will not contend forever, neither will I be always wroth, for the spirit should fail before me: and I have made the breath.
[17]For the iniquityH5771 of his covetousnessH1215 was I wrothH7107[H8804], and smoteH5221[H8686] him: I hidH5641[H8687] me, and was wrothH7107[H8799], and he went onH3212[H8799] frowardlyH7726 in the wayH1870 of his heartH3820. [17]For his wicked covetousness I am angry with him, and have smitten him: I hid me and was angry, yet he went away, and turned after the way of his own heart.
[18]I have seenH7200[H8804] his waysH1870, and will healH7495[H8799] him: I will leadH5148[H8686] him also, and restoreH7999[H8762] comfortsH5150 unto him and to his mournersH57. [18]I have seen his ways, and will heal him: I will lead him also, and restore comfort unto him, and to those that lament him.
[19]I createH1254[H8802] the fruitH5108 of the lipsH8193; PeaceH7965, peaceH7965 to him that is far offH7350, and to him that is nearH7138, saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068; and I will healH7495 himH8804. [19]I create the fruit of the lips, to be peace: peace unto them that are far off, and to them that are near, saith the Lord: for I will heal him.
[20]But the wickedH7563 are like the troubledH1644[H8737] seaH3220, when it cannotH3201[H8799] restH8252[H8687], whose watersH4325 cast upH1644[H8799] mireH7516 and dirtH2916. [20]But the wicked are like the raging sea that cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.
[21]There is no peaceH7965, saithH559[H8804] my GodH430, to the wickedH7563. [21]There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org