The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]I am soughtH1875[H8738] of them that askedH7592[H8804] notH3808 for me; I am foundH4672[H8738] of them that soughtH1245[H8765] me notH3808: I saidH559[H8804], Behold me, behold me, unto a nationH1471 that was not calledH7121[H8795] by my nameH8034. [1]I have been sought of them that asked not: I was found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that called not upon my name.
[2]I have spread outH6566[H8765] my handsH3027 all the dayH3117 unto a rebelliousH5637[H8802] peopleH5971, which walkethH1980[H8802] in a wayH1870 that was not goodH2896, afterH310 their own thoughtsH4284; [2]I have spread out mine hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walked in a way that was not good, even after their own imaginations:
[3]A peopleH5971 that provoketh me to angerH3707[H8688] continuallyH8548 to my faceH6440; that sacrificethH2076[H8802] in gardensH1593, and burneth incenseH6999[H8764] upon altars of brickH3843; [3]A people that provoked me ever unto my face: that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon bricks.
[4]Which remainH3427[H8802] among the gravesH6913, and lodgeH3885[H8799] in the monumentsH5341[H8803], which eatH398[H8802] swine'sH2386 fleshH1320, and brothH4839[H8675][H6564] of abominableH6292 things is in their vesselsH3627; [4]Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the deserts, which eat swine's flesh, and the broth of things polluted are in their vessels.
[5]Which sayH559[H8802], StandH7126[H8798] by thyself, come not nearH5066[H8799] to me; for I am holierH6942[H8804] than thou. These are a smokeH6227 in my noseH639, a fireH784 that burnethH3344[H8802] all the dayH3117. [5]Which say, Stand apart, come not near to me: for I am holier than thou: these are a smoke in my wrath and a fire that burneth all the day.
[6]Behold, it is writtenH3789[H8803] beforeH6440 me: I will not keep silenceH2814[H8799], but will recompenseH7999[H8765], even recompenseH7999[H8765] into their bosomH2436, [6]Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will render it and recompense it into their bosom.
[7]Your iniquitiesH5771, and the iniquitiesH5771 of your fathersH1 togetherH3162, saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068, which have burned incenseH6999[H8765] upon the mountainsH2022, and blasphemedH2778[H8765] me upon the hillsH1389: therefore will I measureH4058[H8804] their formerH7223 workH6468 into their bosomH2436. [7]Your iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers shall be together (saith the Lord) which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their old work into their bosom.
[8]Thus saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068, As the new wineH8492 is foundH4672[H8735] in the clusterH811, and one saithH559[H8804], DestroyH7843[H8686] it not; for a blessingH1293 is in it: so will I doH6213[H8799] for my servants'H5650 sakes, that I may not destroyH7843 them allH8687. [8]Thus saith the Lord, As the wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not, for a blessing is in it, so will I do for my servant's sakes, that I may not destroy them whole.
[9]And I will bring forthH3318[H8689] a seedH2233 out of JacobH3290, and out of JudahH3063 an inheritorH3423[H8802] of my mountainsH2022: and mine electH972 shall inheritH3423[H8804] it, and my servantsH5650 shall dwellH7931 thereH8799. [9]But I will bring a seed out of Jacob, and out of Judah, that shall inherit my mountain: and mine elect shall inherit it, and my servants shall dwell there.
[10]And SharonH8289 shall be a foldH5116 of flocksH6629, and the valleyH6010 of AchorH5911 a place for the herdsH1241 to lie down inH7258, for my peopleH5971 that have soughtH1875 meH8804. [10]And Sharon shall be a sheepfold, and the valley of Achor shall be a resting place for the cattle of my people, that have sought me.
[11]But ye are they that forsakeH5800[H8802] the LORDH3068, that forgetH7913 my holyH6944 mountainH2022, that prepareH6186[H8802] a tableH7979 for that troopH1409[H8677][H1408], and that furnishH4390[H8764] the drink offeringH4469 unto that numberH4507. [11]But ye are they that have forsaken the Lord and forgotten mine holy mountain, and have prepared a table for the multitude, and furnish the drink offerings unto the number.
[12]Therefore will I numberH4487[H8804] you to the swordH2719, and ye shall all bow downH3766[H8799] to the slaughterH2874: because when I calledH7121[H8804], ye did not answerH6030[H8804]; when I spakeH1696[H8765], ye did not hearH8085[H8804]; but didH6213[H8799] evilH7451 before mine eyesH5869, and did chooseH977[H8804] that wherein I delightedH2654 notH8804. [12]Therefore will I number you to the sword, and all you shall bow down to the slaughter, because I called, and ye did not answer: I spake, and ye heard not, but did evil in my sight, and did choose that thing which I would not.
[13]Therefore thus saithH559[H8804] the LordH136 GODH3069, Behold, my servantsH5650 shall eatH398[H8799], but ye shall be hungryH7456[H8799]: behold, my servantsH5650 shall drinkH8354[H8799], but ye shall be thirstyH6770[H8799]: behold, my servantsH5650 shall rejoiceH8055[H8799], but ye shall be ashamedH954:[H8799] [13]Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, my servants shall eat, and ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants shall drink, and ye shall be thirsty: behold, my servants shall rejoice, and ye shall be ashamed.
[14]Behold, my servantsH5650 shall singH7442[H8799] for joyH2898 of heartH3820, but ye shall cryH6817[H8799] for sorrowH3511 of heartH3820, and shall howlH3213[H8686] for vexationH7667 of spiritH7307. [14]Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, and ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of mind.
[15]And ye shall leaveH3240[H8689] your nameH8034 for a curseH7621 unto my chosenH972: for the LordH136 GODH3069 shall slayH4191[H8689] thee, and callH7121[H8799] his servantsH5650 by anotherH312 nameH8034: [15]And ye shall leave your name as a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord God shall slay you and call his servants by another name.
[16]That he who blessethH1288[H8693] himself in the earthH776 shall blessH1288[H8691] himself in the GodH430 of truthH543; and he that swearethH7650[H8737] in the earthH776 shall swearH7650[H8735] by the GodH430 of truthH543; because the formerH7223 troublesH6869 are forgottenH7911[H8738], and because they are hidH5641[H8738] from mine eyesH5869. [16]He that shall bless in the earth, shall bless himself in the true God, and he that sweareth in the earth, shall swear by the true God: for the former troubles are forgotten, and shall surely hide themselves from mine eyes.
[17]For, behold, I createH1254[H8802] newH2319 heavensH8064 and a newH2319 earthH776: and the formerH7223 shall not be rememberedH2142[H8735], nor comeH5927[H8799] into mindH3820. [17]For lo, I will create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered nor come into mind.
[18]But be ye gladH7797[H8798] and rejoiceH1523[H8798] for everH5703 in that which I createH1254[H8802]: for, behold, I createH1254[H8802] JerusalemH3389 a rejoicingH1525, and her peopleH5971 a joyH4885. [18]But be you glad and rejoice forever in the things that I shall create: for behold, I will create Jerusalem, as a rejoicing and her people as a joy,
[19]And I will rejoiceH1523[H8804] in JerusalemH3389, and joyH7797[H8804] in my peopleH5971: and the voiceH6963 of weepingH1065 shall be no more heardH8085[H8735] in her, nor the voiceH6963 of cryingH2201. [19]And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people, and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.
[20]There shall be no more thence an infantH5764 of daysH3117, nor an old manH2205 that hath not filledH4390[H8762] his daysH3117: for the childH5288 shall dieH4191[H8799] an hundredH3967 yearsH8141 oldH1121; but the sinnerH2398[H8802] being an hundredH3967 yearsH8141 oldH1121 shall be accursedH7043.[H8792] [20]There shall be no more there a child of years, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for he that shall be an hundred years old, shall die as a young man: but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.
[21]And they shall buildH1129[H8804] housesH1004, and inhabitH3427[H8804] them; and they shall plantH5193[H8804] vineyardsH3754, and eatH398[H8804] the fruit of themH6529. [21]And they shall build houses and inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.
[22]They shall not buildH1129[H8799], and anotherH312 inhabitH3427[H8799]; they shall not plantH5193[H8799], and anotherH312 eatH398[H8799]: for as the daysH3117 of a treeH6086 are the daysH3117 of my peopleH5971, and mine electH972 shall long enjoyH1086[H8762] the workH4639 of their handsH3027. [22]They shall not build, and another inhabit: they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of the tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall enjoy in old age the work of their hands.
[23]They shall not labourH3021[H8799] in vainH7385, nor bring forthH3205[H8799] for troubleH928; for they are the seedH2233 of the blessedH1288[H8803] of the LORDH3068, and their offspring with themH6631. [23]They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth in fear: for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their buds with them.
[24]And it shall come to pass, that before they callH7121[H8799], I will answerH6030[H8799]; and while they are yet speakingH1696[H8764], I will hearH8085.[H8799] [24]Yea, before they call, I will answer, and whiles they speak, I will hear.
[25]The wolfH2061 and the lambH2924 shall feedH7462[H8799] togetherH259, and the lionH738 shall eatH398[H8799] strawH8401 like the bullockH1241: and dustH6083 shall be the serpent'sH5175 meatH3899. They shall not hurtH7489[H8686] nor destroyH7843[H8686] in all my holyH6944 mountainH2022, saithH559[H8804] the LORDH3068. [25]The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and to the serpent dust shall be his meat. They shall no more hurt nor destroy in all mine holy mountain, saith the Lord.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org