[1]Moreover the LORDH3068 saidH559[H8799] unto me, TakeH3947[H8798] thee a greatH1419 rollH1549, and writeH3789[H8798] in it with a man'sH582 penH2747 concerning MahershalalhashbazH4122. |
[1]Moreover, the Lord said unto me, Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man's pen, Make speed to the spoil: haste to the prey. |
[2]And I tookH5749 unto me faithfulH539[H8737] witnessesH5707 to recordH5749[H8686], UriahH223 the priestH3548, and ZechariahH2148 the sonH1121 of JeberechiahH3000. |
[2]Then I took unto me faithful witnesses to record, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah. |
[3]And I wentH7126[H8799] unto the prophetessH5031; and she conceivedH2029[H8799], and bareH3205[H8799] a sonH1121. Then saidH559[H8799] the LORDH3068 to me, CallH7121[H8798] his nameH8034 MahershalalhashbazH4122. |
[3]After, I came unto the prophetess, which conceived, and bear a son. Then said the Lord to me, Call his name, Mahershalalhash-baz. |
[4]For before the childH5288 shall have knowledgeH3045[H8799] to cryH7121[H8800], My fatherH1, and my motherH517, the richesH2428 of DamascusH1834 and the spoilH7998 of SamariaH8111 shall be taken awayH5375[H8799] beforeH6440 the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804. |
[4]For before the child shall have knowledge to cry, My father, and my mother, he shall take away the riches of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria, before the king of Asshur [Assyria]. |
[5]The LORDH3068 spakeH1696[H8763] also unto me againH3254[H8686], sayingH559,[H8800] |
[5]And the Lord spake yet again unto me, saying, |
[6]ForasmuchH3282 as this peopleH5971 refusethH3988[H8804] the watersH4325 of ShiloahH7975 that goH1980[H8802] softlyH328, and rejoiceH4885 in RezinH7526 and Remaliah'sH7425 sonH1121; |
[6]Because this people hath refused the waters of Shiloah that run softly, and rejoice with Rezin, and the son of Remaliah, |
[7]Now therefore, behold, the LordH136 bringeth upH5927[H8688] upon them the watersH4325 of the riverH5104, strongH6099 and manyH7227, even the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804, and all his gloryH3519: and he shall come upH5927[H8804] over all his channelsH650, and go overH1980[H8804] all his banksH1415: |
[7]Now therefore, behold, the Lord bringeth up upon them the waters of the river mighty and great, even the king of Asshur [Assyria] with all his glory, and he shall come up upon all their rivers, and go over all their banks, |
[8]And he shall passH2498[H8804] through JudahH3063; he shall overflowH7857[H8804] and go overH5674[H8804], he shall reachH5060[H8686] even to the neckH6677; and the stretching outH4298 of his wingsH3671 shall fillH4393 the breadthH7341 of thy landH776, O ImmanuelH6005.[H410] |
[8]And shall break into Judah, and shall overflow and pass through, and shall come up to the neck, and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel. |
[9]AssociateH7489[H8798] yourselves, O ye peopleH5971, and ye shall be broken in piecesH2865[H8798]; and give earH238[H8685], allH3605 ye of farH4801 countriesH776: girdH247[H8690] yourselves, and ye shall be broken in piecesH2865[H8798]; girdH247[H8690] yourselves, and ye shall be broken in piecesH2865.[H8798] |
[9]Gather together on heaps, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces, and hearken all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and you shall be broken in pieces: gird yourselves, and you shall be broken in pieces. |
[10]TakeH5779 counselH6098 togetherH5779[H8798], and it shall come to noughtH6565[H8714]; speakH1696[H8761] the wordH1697, and it shall not standH6965[H8799]: for God is with usH410. |
[10]Take counsel together, yet it shall be brought to naught: pronounce a decree, yet shall it not stand: for God is with us. |
[11]For the LORDH3068 spakeH559[H8804] thus to me with a strongH2393 handH3027, and instructedH3256[H8765] me that I should not walkH3212[H8800] in the wayH1870 of this peopleH5971, sayingH559,[H8800] |
[11]For the Lord spake thus to me in taking of mine hand, and taught me, that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying, |
[12]SayH559[H8799] ye not, A confederacyH7195, to all them to whom this peopleH5971 shall sayH559[H8799], A confederacyH7195; neither fearH3372[H8799] ye their fearH4172, nor be afraidH6206.[H8686] |
[12]Say ye not, A confederacy to all them, to whom this people saith a confederacy, neither fear you their fear, nor be afraid of them. |
[13]SanctifyH6942[H8686] the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 himself; and let him be your fearH4172, and let him be your dreadH6206.[H8688] |
[13]Sanctify the Lord of hosts, and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread, |
[14]And he shall be for a sanctuaryH4720; but for a stoneH68 of stumblingH5063 and for a rockH6697 of offenceH4383 to bothH8147 the housesH1004 of IsraelH3478, for a ginH6341 and for a snareH4170 to the inhabitantsH3427[H8802] of JerusalemH3389. |
[14]And he shall be as a Sanctuary: but as a stumbling stone, and as a rock to fall upon, to both the houses of Israel, and as a snare and as a net to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. |
[15]And manyH7227 among them shall stumbleH3782[H8804], and fallH5307[H8804], and be brokenH7665[H8738], and be snaredH3369[H8738], and be takenH3920.[H8738] |
[15]And many among them shall stumble, and shall fall and shall be broken and shall be snared and shall be taken. |
[16]Bind upH6887[H8798] the testimonyH8584, sealH2856[H8798] the lawH8451 among my disciplesH3928. |
[16]Bind up the testimony: seal up the law among my disciples. |
[17]And I will waitH2442[H8765] upon the LORDH3068, that hidethH5641[H8688] his faceH6440 from the houseH1004 of JacobH3290, and I will lookH6960 for himH8765. |
[17]Therefore I will wait upon the Lord that hath hid his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. |
[18]Behold, I and the childrenH3206 whom the LORDH3068 hath givenH5414[H8804] me are for signsH226 and for wondersH4159 in IsraelH3478 from the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635, which dwellethH7931[H8802] in mountH2022 ZionH6726. |
[18]Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me, are as signs and as wonders in Israel, by the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. |
[19]And when they shall sayH559[H8799] unto you, SeekH1875[H8798] unto them that have familiar spiritsH178, and unto wizardsH3049 that peepH6850[H8772], and that mutterH1897[H8688]: should not a peopleH5971 seekH1875[H8799] unto their GodH430? for the livingH2416 to the deadH4191?[H8801] |
[19]And when they shall say unto you, Inquire at them that have a spirit of divination, and at the soothsayers, which whisper and murmur, Should not a people inquire at their God? From the living to the dead? |
[20]To the lawH8451 and to the testimonyH8584: if they speakH559[H8799] not according to this wordH1697, it is because there is no light in themH7837. |
[20]To the law, and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word: it is because there is no light in them. |
[21]And they shall passH5674[H8804] through it, hardly besteadH7185[H8737] and hungryH7457: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungryH7456[H8799], they shall fretH7107[H8694] themselves, and curseH7043[H8765] their kingH4428 and their GodH430, and lookH6437[H8804] upwardH4605. |
[21]Then he that is afflicted and famished, shall go to and from in it: and when he shall be hungry, he shall even fret himself, and curse his king and his gods, and shall look upward. |
[22]And they shall lookH5027[H8686] unto the earthH776; and behold troubleH6869 and darknessH2825, dimnessH4588 of anguishH6695; and they shall be drivenH5080[H8794] to darknessH653. |
[22]And when he shall look to the earth, behold trouble, and darkness, vexation and anguish, and he is driven to darkness. |