[1]From whence cometh warre and fightyng among you? come they not here hence, euen of your lustes that fight in your members |
[1]From whenceG4159 come warsG4171 andG2532 fightingsG3163 amongG1722 youG5213? come they notG3756 henceG1782, even ofG1537 yourG5216 lustsG2237 that warG4754[G5734] inG1722 yourG5216 membersG3196? |
[2]Ye lust, and haue not: Ye enuie, and haue indignation, and can not obtayne: Ye fyght and warre, ye haue not, because ye aske not |
[2]Ye lustG1937[G5719], andG2532 haveG2192[G5719] notG3756: ye killG5407[G5719], andG2532 desire to haveG2206[G5719], andG2532 cannotG3756[G1410][G5736] obtainG2013[G5629]: ye fightG3164[G5736] andG2532 warG4170[G5719], yetG1161 ye haveG2192[G5719] notG3756, becauseG1223 yeG5209 askG154[G5733] notG3361. |
[3]Ye aske and receaue not, because ye aske amisse, euen to consume it vpon your lustes |
[3]Ye askG154[G5719], andG2532 receiveG2983[G5719] notG3756, becauseG1360 ye askG154[G5731] amissG2560, thatG2443 ye may consumeG1159[G5661] it uponG1722 yourG5216 lustsG2237. |
[4]Ye adulterers & adultresses, knowe you not howe that the frendship of the world is enmitie with God? Whosoeuer therfore wylbe a friende of the worlde, is made the enemie of God |
[4]Ye adulterersG3432 andG2532 adulteressesG3428, know yeG1492[G5758] notG3756 thatG3754 the friendshipG5373 of the worldG2889 isG2076[G5748] enmityG2189 with GodG2316? whosoeverG3739[G302] thereforeG3767 will beG1511[G5750][G1014][G5680] a friendG5384 of the worldG2889 isG2525[G5743] the enemyG2190 of GodG2316. |
[5]Either do ye thynke that the scripture sayth in vayne, the spirite that dwelleth in vs, lusteth after enuie |
[5][G2228]Do ye thinkG1380[G5719] thatG3754 the scriptureG1124 saithG3004[G5719] in vainG2761, The spiritG4151 thatG3739 dwellethG2730[G5656] inG1722 usG2254 lustethG1971[G5719] toG4314 envyG5355? |
[6]But [the scripture] offereth more grace, and therefore sayth, God resisteth the proude, but geueth grace vnto ye lowlie |
[6]ButG1161 he givethG1325[G5719] moreG3187 graceG5485. WhereforeG1352 he saithG3004[G5719], GodG2316 resistethG498[G5731] the proudG5244, butG1161 givethG1325[G5719] graceG5485 unto the humbleG5011. |
[7]Submit your selues therfore to God: but resist the deuyll, and he wyll flee from you |
[7]Submit yourselvesG5293[G5649] thereforeG3767 to GodG2316. ResistG436[G5628] the devilG1228, andG2532 he will fleeG5343[G5695] fromG575 youG5216. |
[8]Drawe nye to God, and he wyll drawe nye to you. Clense your handes ye sinners, and purifie your heartes ye double mynded |
[8]Draw nighG1448[G5657] to GodG2316, andG2532 he will draw nighG1448[G5692] to youG5213. CleanseG2511[G5657] your handsG5495, ye sinnersG268; andG2532 purifyG48[G5657] your heartsG2588, ye double mindedG1374. |
[9]Suffer afflictions, and mourne, and weepe: Let your laughter be turned to mournyng, and your ioy to heauinesse |
[9]Be afflictedG5003[G5657], andG2532 mournG3996[G5657], andG2532 weepG2799[G5657]: let yourG5216 laughterG1071 be turnedG3344[G5649] toG1519 mourningG3997, andG2532 your joyG5479 toG1519 heavinessG2726. |
[10]Humble your selues in the sight of the Lorde, and he shall lyft you vp |
[10]Humble yourselvesG5013[G5682] in the sightG1799 of the LordG2962, andG2532 he shall liftG5312 youG5209 upG5312.[G5692] |
[11]Backbite not one another brethren. He that backbiteth his brother, and he that iudgeth his brother, backbiteth ye lawe, and iudgeth the lawe: But and yf thou iudge the lawe, thou art not an obseruer of the lawe, but a iudge |
[11]SpeakG2635 notG3361 evilG2635[G5720] one of anotherG240, brethrenG80. He that speaketh evilG2635[G5723] of his brotherG80, andG2532 judgethG2919[G5723] hisG846 brotherG80, speaketh evilG2635[G5719] of the lawG3551, andG2532 judgethG2919[G5719] the lawG3551: butG1161 ifG1487 thou judgeG2919[G5719] the lawG3551, thou artG1488[G5748] notG3756 a doerG4163 of the lawG3551, butG235 a judgeG2923. |
[12]There is one lawe geuer, which is able to saue and to destroy. What art thou that iudgest another |
[12]There isG2076[G5748] oneG1520 lawgiverG3550, whoG3588 is ableG1410[G5740] to saveG4982[G5658] andG2532 to destroyG622[G5658]: whoG5101 artG1488[G5748] thouG4771 thatG3739 judgestG2919[G5719] anotherG2087? |
[13]Go to nowe ye that say, to day and to morowe let vs go into such a citie, and continue there a yere, and bye and sell, and wynne |
[13]Go toG33[G5720] nowG3568, ye that sayG3004[G5723], To dayG4594 orG2532 to morrowG839 we will goG4198[G5667] intoG1519 suchG3592 a cityG4172, andG2532 continueG4160[G5661][G5625][G4160][G5692] thereG1563 aG1520 yearG1763, andG2532 buy and sellG1710[G5667][G5625][G1710][G5695], andG2532 get gainG2770[G5661][G5625][G2770]:[G5692] |
[14]And yet can not ye tel what shall happen on the morowe. For what thyng is your lyfe? It is euen a vapour, that appeareth for a litle tyme, and then he vanisheth away |
[14]WhereasG3748 ye knowG1987[G5736] notG3756 whatG3588 shall be on the morrowG839. ForG1063 whatG4169 is yourG5216 lifeG2222? It isG2076[G5748] evenG1063 a vapourG822, thatG4314 appeareth forG5316[G5730] a little timeG3641, andG1161 thenG1899 vanisheth awayG853.[G5746] |
[15]For that ye ought to say: If the Lorde wyll, and yf we lyue, let vs do this or that |
[15]For thatG473 yeG5209 ought to sayG3004[G5721], IfG1437 the LordG2962 willG2309[G5661],[G2532] we shall liveG2198[G5661][G5625][G2198][G5692], andG2532 doG4160[G5661][G5625][G4160][G5692] thisG5124, orG2228 thatG1565. |
[16]But now ye reioyce in your boastinges: All such reioycyng is euyll |
[16]ButG1161 nowG3568 ye rejoiceG2744[G5736] inG1722 yourG5216 boastingsG212: allG3956 suchG5108 rejoicingG2746 isG2076[G5748] evilG4190. |
[17]Therfore to hym that knoweth howe to do good, and doth it not, to hym it is sinne |
[17]ThereforeG3767 to him that knowethG1492[G5761] to doG4160[G5721] goodG2570, andG2532 doethG4160[G5723] it notG3361, to himG846 it isG2076[G5748] sinG266. |