[1]Go to nowe ye riche men, weepe and howle on your wretchednesse that shall come vpon you |
[1]Go toG33[G5720] nowG3568, ye rich menG4145, weepG2799[G5657] and howlG3649[G5723] forG1909 yourG5216 miseriesG5004 that shall come uponG1904 youG5740. |
[2]Your riches is corrupt, your garmentes are motheaten |
[2]YourG5216 richesG4149 are corruptedG4595[G5754], andG2532 yourG5216 garmentsG2440 areG1096[G5754] motheatenG4598. |
[3]Your golde and siluer is cankred, and the rust of them shalbe a witnesse agaynst you, and shall eate your fleshe as it were fyre. Ye haue heaped treasure together in your last dayes |
[3]YourG5216 goldG5557 andG2532 silverG696 is cankeredG2728[G5769]; andG2532 the rustG2447 of themG846 shall beG2071[G5704] a witnessG3142 againstG1519 youG5213, andG2532 shall eatG5315[G5695] yourG5216 fleshG4561 as it wereG5613 fireG4442. Ye have heaped treasure togetherG2343[G5656] forG1722 the lastG2078 daysG2250. |
[4]Beholde, the hire of labourers, which haue reaped downe your fieldes, which hire is of you kept backe by fraude, cryeth: and the cryes of them which haue reaped, are entred into the eares of the Lorde Sabaoth |
[4]BeholdG2400[G5628], the hireG3408 of the labourersG2040 whoG3588 have reaped downG270[G5660] yourG5216 fieldsG5561, whichG3588 is ofG575 youG5216 kept back by fraudG650[G5772], criethG2896[G5719]: andG2532 the criesG995 of them which have reapedG2325[G5660] are enteredG1525[G5754] intoG1519 the earsG3775 of the LordG2962 of sabaothG4519. |
[5]Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earth, and ben wanton: Ye haue nourisshed your heartes, as in a day of slaughter |
[5]Ye have lived in pleasureG5171[G5656] onG1909 the earthG1093, andG2532 been wantonG4684[G5656]; ye have nourishedG5142[G5656] yourG5216 heartsG2588, asG5613 inG1722 a dayG2250 of slaughterG4967. |
[6]Ye haue condempned and kylled the iust, and he hath not resisted you |
[6]Ye have condemnedG2613[G5656] and killedG5407[G5656] the justG1342; and he dothG498 notG3756 resistG498[G5731] youG5213. |
[7]Be patient therfore brethren, vnto the commyng of the Lorde. Beholde, the husbandman wayteth for the precious fruite of the earth, and hath long patience thervpon, vntill he receaue the early and the later rayne |
[7]Be patientG3114[G5657] thereforeG3767, brethrenG80, untoG2193 the comingG3952 of the LordG2962. BeholdG2400[G5628], the husbandmanG1092 waitethG1551[G5736] for the preciousG5093 fruitG2590 of the earthG1093, and hath long patienceG3114[G5723] forG1909 itG846, untilG2193[G302] he receiveG2983[G5632] the earlyG4406 andG2532 latterG3797 rainG5205. |
[8]Be ye also patient therfore, and settle your heartes, for the commyng of the Lorde draweth nye |
[8]BeG3114 yeG5210 alsoG2532 patientG3114[G5657]; stablishG4741[G5657] yourG5216 heartsG2588: forG3754 the comingG3952 of the LordG2962 draweth nighG1448.[G5758] |
[9]Grudge not one agaynst another brethren, lest ye be dampned: Beholde, the iudge standeth before the doore |
[9]GrudgeG4727[G5720] notG3361 one against anotherG2596[G240], brethrenG80, lestG3363 ye be condemnedG2632[G5686]: beholdG2400[G5628], the judgeG2923 standethG2476[G5707] beforeG4253 the doorG2374. |
[10]Take my brethren, the prophetes for an ensample of suffering aduersitie, and of patience, which spake in the name of the Lorde |
[10]TakeG2983[G5628], myG3450 brethrenG80, the prophetsG4396, whoG3739 have spokenG2980[G5656] in the nameG3686 of the LordG2962, for an exampleG5262 of suffering afflictionG2552, andG2532 of patienceG3115. |
[11]Beholde, we count the happy which endure. Ye haue hearde of the patience of Iob, and haue knowen what ende the Lorde made: For the Lorde is very pitifull and mercifull |
[11]BeholdG2400[G5628], we count them happyG3106[G5719] which endureG5278[G5723]. Ye have heardG191[G5656] of the patienceG5281 of JobG2492, andG2532 have seenG1492[G5627] the endG5056 of the LordG2962; thatG3754 the LordG2962 isG2076[G5748] very pitifulG4184, andG2532 of tender mercyG3629. |
[12]But aboue all thynges my brethren, sweare not, neither by heauen, neither by earth, neither any other othe: Let your yea, be yea, and your nay nay, lest you fall into condempnation |
[12]ButG1161 aboveG4253 all thingsG3956, myG3450 brethrenG80, swearG3660[G5720] notG3361, neitherG3383 by heavenG3772, neitherG3383 by the earthG1093, neitherG3383 by anyG5100 otherG243 oathG3727: butG1161 letG2277 yourG5216 yeaG3483 beG2277[G5749] yeaG3483; andG2532 your nayG3756, nayG3756; lestG3363 ye fallG4098[G5632] intoG1519 condemnationG5272. |
[13]Is any among you afflicted? let hym pray. Is any mery? let him sing psalmes |
[13]IsG2553 anyG5100 amongG1722 youG5213 afflictedG2553[G5719]? let him prayG4336[G5737]. IsG2114 anyG5100 merryG2114[G5719]? let him sing psalmsG5567.[G5720] |
[14]Is any diseased among you? let hym call for the elders of the Churche, and let them pray for him, and annoynt him with oyle in the name of the Lorde |
[14]IsG770 anyG5100 sickG770[G5719] amongG1722 youG5213? let him callG4341[G5663] for the eldersG4245 of the churchG1577; andG2532 let them prayG4336[G5663] overG1909 himG846, anointingG218[G5660] himG846 with oilG1637 inG1722 the nameG3686 of the LordG2962: |
[15]And the prayer of fayth shall saue the sicke, and the Lorde shall raise him vp: and yf he haue committed sinnes, they shalbe forgeuen hym |
[15]AndG2532 the prayerG2171 of faithG4102 shall saveG4982[G5692] the sickG2577[G5723], andG2532 the LordG2962 shall raiseG1453 himG846 upG1453[G5692]; and ifG2579 he haveG5600[G5753] committedG4160[G5761] sinsG266, they shall be forgivenG863[G5701] himG846. |
[16]Knowledge your faultes one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed: For ye feruent prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth much |
[16]ConfessG1843[G5732] your faultsG3900 one to anotherG240, andG2532 prayG2172[G5737] oneG240 forG5228 anotherG240, thatG3704 ye may be healedG2390[G5686]. The effectual ferventG1754[G5734] prayerG1162 of a righteous manG1342 availethG2480[G5719] muchG4183. |
[17]Elias was a man vnder infirmities euen as we are, and he prayed in his prayer that it myght not rayne: and it rayned not on the earth by the space of three yeres and sixe monethes |
[17]EliasG2243 wasG2258[G5713] a manG444 subject to like passions asG3663 we areG2254, andG2532 he prayedG4336[G5662] earnestlyG4335 that it mightG1026 notG3361 rainG1026[G5658]: andG2532 it rainedG1026[G5656] notG3756 onG1909 the earthG1093 by the space of threeG5140 yearsG1763 andG2532 sixG1803 monthsG3376. |
[18]And he prayed againe, and the heauen gaue rayne, & the earth brought foorth her fruite |
[18]AndG2532 he prayedG4336[G5662] againG3825, andG2532 the heavenG3772 gaveG1325[G5656] rainG5205, andG2532 the earthG1093 brought forthG985[G5656] herG846 fruitG2590. |
[19]Brethren, yf any of you do erre from the trueth, and another conuert hym |
[19]BrethrenG80, ifG1437 anyG5100 ofG1722 youG5213 do errG4105[G5686] fromG575 the truthG225, andG2532 oneG5100 convertG1994[G5661] himG846; |
[20]Let the same knowe, that he which conuerteth the sinner from going astray out of his way, shall saue a soule from death, and shall hyde the multitude of sinnes |
[20]LetG1097 himG846 knowG1097[G5720], thatG3754 he which convertethG1994[G5660] the sinnerG268 fromG1537 the errorG4106 of hisG846 wayG3598 shall saveG4982[G5692] a soulG5590 fromG1537 deathG2288, andG2532 shall hideG2572[G5692] a multitudeG4128 of sinsG266. |