[1]The word which came unto Jeremiah from 饜饜饜饜, when king Zedekiah sent unto him Pashhur the son of Malchiah, and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest, saying: |
[1]讛址讚旨指讘指专 讗植砖讈侄专志讛指讬指讛 讗侄诇志讬执专职诪职讬指讛讜旨 诪值讗值转 讬职讛讜指讛 讘旨执砖讈职诇止讞址 讗值诇指讬讜 讛址诪旨侄诇侄讱职 爪执讚职拽执讬旨指讛讜旨 讗侄转志驻旨址砖讈职讞讜旨专 讘旨侄谉志诪址诇职讻旨执讬旨指讛 讜职讗侄转志爪职驻址谞职讬指讛 讘侄谉志诪址注植砖讉值讬指讛 讛址讻旨止讛值谉 诇值讗诪止专變 |
[2]'Inquire, I pray thee, of 饜饜饜饜 for us; for Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon maketh war against us; peradventure 饜饜饜饜 will deal with us according to all His wondrous works, that he may go up from us.' |
[2]讚旨职专指砖讈志谞指讗 讘址注植讚值谞讜旨 讗侄转志讬职讛讜指讛 讻旨执讬 谞职讘讜旨讻址讚职专侄讗爪旨址专 诪侄诇侄讱职志讘旨指讘侄诇 谞执诇职讞指诐 注指诇值讬谞讜旨 讗讜旨诇址讬 讬址注植砖讉侄讛 讬职讛讜指讛 讗止讜转指谞讜旨 讻旨职讻指诇志谞执驻职诇职讗止转指讬讜 讜职讬址注植诇侄讛 诪值注指诇值讬谞讜旨變 |
[3]Then said Jeremiah unto them: Thus shall ye say to Zedekiah: |
[3]讜址讬旨止讗诪侄专 讬执专职诪职讬指讛讜旨 讗植诇值讬讛侄诐 讻旨止讛 转止讗诪职专只谉 讗侄诇志爪执讚职拽执讬旨指讛讜旨變 |
[4]Thus saith 饜饜饜饜, the God of Israel: Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, wherewith ye fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, that besiege you without the walls, and I will gather them into the midst of this city. |
[4]讻旨止讛志讗指诪址专 讬职讛讜指讛 讗直诇止讛值讬 讬执砖讉职专指讗值诇 讛执谞职谞执讬 诪值住值讘 讗侄转志讻旨职诇值讬 讛址诪旨执诇职讞指诪指讛 讗植砖讈侄专 讘旨职讬侄讚职讻侄诐 讗植砖讈侄专 讗址转旨侄诐 谞执诇职讞指诪执讬诐 讘旨指诐 讗侄转志诪侄诇侄讱职 讘旨指讘侄诇 讜职讗侄转志讛址讻旨址砖讉职讚旨执讬诐 讛址爪旨指专执讬诐 注植诇值讬讻侄诐 诪执讞讜旨抓 诇址讞止讜诪指讛 讜职讗指住址驻职转旨执讬 讗止讜转指诐 讗侄诇志转旨止讜讱职 讛指注执讬专 讛址讝旨止讗转變 |
[5]And I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and with a strong arm, even in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath. |
[5]讜职谞执诇职讞址诪职转旨执讬 讗植谞执讬 讗执转旨职讻侄诐 讘旨职讬指讚 谞职讟讜旨讬指讛 讜旨讘执讝职专止讜注址 讞植讝指拽指讛 讜旨讘职讗址祝 讜旨讘职讞值诪指讛 讜旨讘职拽侄爪侄祝 讙旨指讚止讜诇變 |
[6]And I will smite the inhabitants of this city, both man and beast; they shall die of a great pestilence. |
[6]讜职讛执讻旨值讬转执讬 讗侄转志讬止讜砖讈职讘值讬 讛指注执讬专 讛址讝旨止讗转 讜职讗侄转志讛指讗指讚指诐 讜职讗侄转志讛址讘旨职讛值诪指讛 讘旨职讚侄讘侄专 讙旨指讚止讜诇 讬指诪只转讜旨變 |
[7]And afterward, saith 饜饜饜饜, I will deliver Zedekiah king of Judah, and his servants, and the people, and such as are left in this city from the pestilence, from the sword, and from the famine, into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of those that seek their life; and he shall smite them with the edge of the sword; he shall not spare them, neither have pity, nor have compassion. |
[7]讜职讗址讞植专值讬志讻值谉 谞职讗只诐志讬职讛讜指讛 讗侄转旨值谉 讗侄转志爪执讚职拽执讬旨指讛讜旨 诪侄诇侄讱职志讬职讛讜旨讚指讛 讜职讗侄转志注植讘指讚指讬讜 讜职讗侄转志讛指注指诐 讜职讗侄转志讛址谞旨执砖讈职讗指专执讬诐 讘旨指注执讬专 讛址讝旨止讗转 诪执谉志讛址讚旨侄讘侄专 诪执谉志讛址讞侄专侄讘 讜旨诪执谉志讛指专指注指讘 讘旨职讬址讚 谞职讘讜旨讻址讚职专侄讗爪旨址专 诪侄诇侄讱职志讘旨指讘侄诇 讜旨讘职讬址讚 讗止讬职讘值讬讛侄诐 讜旨讘职讬址讚 诪职讘址拽职砖讈值讬 谞址驻职砖讈指诐 讜职讛执讻旨指诐 诇职驻执讬志讞侄专侄讘 诇止讗志讬指讞讜旨住 注植诇值讬讛侄诐 讜职诇止讗 讬址讞职诪止诇 讜职诇止讗 讬职专址讞值诐變 |
[8]And unto this people thou shalt say: Thus saith 饜饜饜饜: Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death. |
[8]讜职讗侄诇志讛指注指诐 讛址讝旨侄讛 转旨止讗诪址专 讻旨止讛 讗指诪址专 讬职讛讜指讛 讛执谞职谞执讬 谞止转值谉 诇执驻职谞值讬讻侄诐 讗侄转志讚旨侄专侄讱职 讛址讞址讬旨执讬诐 讜职讗侄转志讚旨侄专侄讱职 讛址诪旨指讜侄转變 |
[9]He that abideth in this city shall die by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence; but he that goeth out, and falleth away to the Chaldeans that besiege you, he shall live, and his life shall be unto him for a prey. |
[9]讛址讬旨止砖讈值讘 讘旨指注执讬专 讛址讝旨止讗转 讬指诪讜旨转 讘旨址讞侄专侄讘 讜旨讘指专指注指讘 讜旨讘址讚旨指讘侄专 讜职讛址讬旨止讜爪值讗 讜职谞指驻址诇 注址诇志讛址讻旨址砖讉职讚旨执讬诐 讛址爪旨指专执讬诐 注植诇值讬讻侄诐 讬执讞职讬侄讛 [Q: 讜职讞指讬指讛] 讜职讛指讬职转指讛志诇旨止讜 谞址驻职砖讈止讜 诇职砖讈指诇指诇變 |
[10]For I have set My face against this city for evil, and not for good, saith 饜饜饜饜; it shall be given into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire. |
[10]讻旨执讬 砖讉址诪职转旨执讬 驻指谞址讬 讘旨指注执讬专 讛址讝旨止讗转 诇职专指注指讛 讜职诇止讗 诇职讟止讜讘指讛 谞职讗只诐志讬职讛讜指讛 讘旨职讬址讚志诪侄诇侄讱职 讘旨指讘侄诇 转旨执谞旨指转值谉 讜旨砖讉职专指驻指讛旨 讘旨指讗值砖讈變 |
[11]And unto the house of the king of Judah: Hear ye the word of 饜饜饜饜; |
[11]讜旨诇职讘值讬转 诪侄诇侄讱职 讬职讛讜旨讚指讛 砖讈执诪职注讜旨 讚旨职讘址专志讬职讛讜指讛變 |
[12]O house of David, thus saith 饜饜饜饜: Execute justice in the morning, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor, lest My fury go forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings. |
[12]讘旨值讬转 讚旨指讜执讚 讻旨止讛 讗指诪址专 讬职讛讜指讛 讚旨执讬谞讜旨 诇址讘旨止拽侄专 诪执砖讈职驻旨指讟 讜职讛址爪旨执讬诇讜旨 讙指讝讜旨诇 诪执讬旨址讚 注止讜砖讈值拽 驻旨侄谉志转旨值爪值讗 讻指讗值砖讈 讞植诪指转执讬 讜旨讘指注植专指讛 讜职讗值讬谉 诪职讻址讘旨侄讛 诪执驻旨职谞值讬 专止注址 诪址注址诇职诇值讬讛侄诐 [Q: 诪址注址诇职诇值讬讻侄诐]變 |
[13]Behold, I am against thee, O inhabitant of the valley, and rock of the plain, saith 饜饜饜饜; ye that say: 'Who shall come down against us? or who shall enter into our habitations?' |
[13]讛执谞职谞执讬 讗值诇址讬执讱职 讬止砖讈侄讘侄转 讛指注值诪侄拽 爪讜旨专 讛址诪旨执讬砖讈止专 谞职讗只诐志讬职讛讜指讛 讛指讗止诪职专执讬诐 诪执讬志讬值讞址转 注指诇值讬谞讜旨 讜旨诪执讬 讬指讘止讜讗 讘旨执诪职注止讜谞止讜转值讬谞讜旨變 |
[14]And I will punish you according to the fruit of your doings, saith 饜饜饜饜; and I will kindle a fire in her forest, and it shall devour all that is round about her. |
[14]讜旨驻指拽址讚职转旨执讬 注植诇值讬讻侄诐 讻旨执驻职专执讬 诪址注址诇职诇值讬讻侄诐 谞职讗只诐志讬职讛讜指讛 讜职讛执爪旨址转旨执讬 讗值砖讈 讘旨职讬址注职专指讛旨 讜职讗指讻职诇指讛 讻旨指诇志住职讘执讬讘侄讬讛指變 |