The Septuagint in English by Brenton
The Second Book of Clement
1[No verse] [No book]
2[No verse] [No book]
3[No verse] [No book]
4[No verse] [No book]
5[No verse] [No book]
6[No verse] [No book]
7[No verse] [No book]
8[No verse] [No book]
9[No verse] [No book]
10[No verse] [No book]
11[No verse] [No book]
12[No verse] [No book]
13[No verse] [No book]
14[No verse] [No book]
[15]Thus said the Lord God of Israel; Take the cup of this unmixed wine from mine hand, and thou shalt cause all the nations to drink, to whom I send thee. [No book]
[16]And they shall drink, and vomit, and be mad, because of the sword which I send among them. [No book]
[17]So I took the cup out of the Lord's hand, and caused the nations to whom the Lord sent me to drink: [No book]
[18]Jerusalem, and the cities of Juda, and the kings of Juda, and his princes, to make them a desert place, a desolation, and a hissing; [No book]
[19]and Pharao king of Egypt, and his servants, and his nobles, and all his people; [No book]
[20]and all the mingled people, and all the kings of the Philistines, and Ascalon, and Gaza, and Accaron, and the remnant of Azotus, [No book]
[21]and Idumea, and the land of Moab, and the children of Ammon, [No book]
[22]and the kings of Tyre, and the kings of Sidon, and the kings in the country beyond the sea, [No book]
[23]and Daedan, and Thaeman, and Ros, and every one that is shaved round about the face, [No book]
[24]and all the mingled people lodging in the wilderness, [No book]
[25]and all the kings of Ælam, and all the kings of the Persians, [No book]
[26]and all the kings from the north, the far and the near, each one with his brother, and all the kingdom s which are on the face of the earth. [No book]
[27]And thou shalt say to them, Thus said the Lord Almighty; Drink ye, be ye drunken; and ye shall vomit, and shall fall, and shall in nowise rise, because of the sword which I send among you. [No book]
[28]And it shall come to pass, when they refuse to take the cup out of thine hand, to drink it, that thou shalt say, Thus said the Lord; Ye shall surely drink. [No book]
[29]For I am beginning to afflict the city whereon my name is called, and ye shall by no means be held guiltless: for I am calling a sword upon all that dwell upon the earth. [No book]
[30]And thou shalt prophesy against them these words, and shalt say, The Lord shall speak from on high, from his sanctuary he will utter his voice; he will pronounce a declaration on his place; and these shall answer like men gathering grapes: and destruction is coming on them that dwell on the earth, [No book]
[31]even upon the extreme part of the earth; for the Lord has a controversy with the nations, he is pleading with all flesh, and the ungodly are given to the sword, saith the Lord. [No book]
[32]Thus said the Lord; Behold, evils are proceeding from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind goes forth from the end of the earth. [No book]
[33]And the slain of the Lord shall be in the day of the Lord from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth: they shall not be buried; they shall be as dung on the face of the earth. [No book]
[34]Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and lament, ye rams of the flock: for your days have been completed for slaughter, and ye shall fall as the choice rams. [No book]
[35]And flight shall perish from the shepherds, and safety from the rams of the flock. [No book]
[36]A voice of the crying of the shepherds, and a moaning of the sheep and the rams: for the Lord has destroyed their pastures. [No book]
[37]And the peaceable abodes that remain shall be destroyed before the fierceness of my anger. [No book]
[38]He has forsaken his lair, as a lion: for their land is become desolate before the great sword. [No book]
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com