[1]These are the wordes that Ieremie the prophete spake vnto Baruch the sonne of Neriah, after that he had written these sermons in a booke at the mouth of Ieremie, in the fourth yere of Iehoakim the sonne of Iosias kyng of Iuda, saying |
[1]These are the wordes that Ieremie the prophete spake vnto Baruch the sonne of Neriah, after that he had written these sermons in a booke at the mouth of Ieremie, in the fourth yere of Iehoakim the sonne of Iosias kyng of Iuda, saying |
[2]Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel vnto thee, O Baruch |
[2]Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel vnto thee, O Baruch |
[3]Insomuch as thou thoughtest thus [when thou wast wrytyng] wo is me, the Lorde hath geuen me payne for my trauayle, I haue weeried my selfe with sighing, and haue founde no rest |
[3]Insomuch as thou thoughtest thus [when thou wast wrytyng] wo is me, the Lorde hath geuen me payne for my trauayle, I haue weeried my selfe with sighing, and haue founde no rest |
[4]Therefore tell hym O Ieremie, that the Lord saith thus: Beholde, the thing that I haue buylded, wyll I breake downe agayne, and roote out the thing that I haue planted, yea this whole lande |
[4]Therefore tell hym O Ieremie, that the Lord saith thus: Beholde, the thing that I haue buylded, wyll I breake downe agayne, and roote out the thing that I haue planted, yea this whole lande |
[5]And seekest thou yet promotion [looke not for it, and] desire it not, for I wyll bryng a miserable plague vpon all flesh saith the Lorde: but thy lyfe wyll I geue thee for a pray in all places whythersoeuer thou goest |
[5]And seekest thou yet promotion [looke not for it, and] desire it not, for I wyll bryng a miserable plague vpon all flesh saith the Lorde: but thy lyfe wyll I geue thee for a pray in all places whythersoeuer thou goest |