The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]There was a manH376 in the landH776 of UzH5780, whose nameH8034 was JobH347; and that manH376 was perfectH8535 and uprightH3477, and one that fearedH3373 GodH430, and eschewedH5493[H8802] evilH7451. [1]There was a man in the land of Uz called Job, and this man was an upright and just man, one that feared God, and eschewed evil.
[2]And there were bornH3205[H8735] unto him sevenH7651 sonsH1121 and threeH7969 daughtersH1323. [2]And he had seven sons, and three daughters.
[3]His substanceH4735 also was sevenH7651 thousandH505 sheepH6629, and threeH7969 thousandH505 camelsH1581, and fiveH2568 hundredH3967 yokeH6776 of oxenH1241, and fiveH2568 hundredH3967 she assesH860, and a veryH3966 greatH7227 householdH5657; so that this manH376 was the greatestH1419 of all the menH1121 of the eastH6924. [3]His substance also was seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and his family was very great, so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east.
[4]And his sonsH1121 wentH1980[H8804] and feastedH4960[H6213][H8804] in their housesH1004, every oneH376 his dayH3117; and sentH7971[H8804] and calledH7121[H8804] for their threeH7969 sistersH269 to eatH398[H8800] and to drinkH8354 with themH8800. [4]And his sons went and banqueted in their houses, every one his day, and sent, and called their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.
[5]And it was so, when the daysH3117 of their feastingH4960 were gone aboutH5362[H8689], that JobH347 sentH7971[H8799] and sanctifiedH6942[H8762] them, and rose up earlyH7925[H8689] in the morningH1242, and offeredH5927[H8689] burnt offeringsH5930 according to the numberH4557 of them all: for JobH347 saidH559[H8804], It may beH194 that my sonsH1121 have sinnedH2398[H8804], and cursedH1288[H8765] GodH430 in their heartsH3824. Thus didH6213[H8799] JobH347 continuallyH3117. [5]And when the days of their banqueting were gone about, Job sent, and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job thought, It may be that my sons have sinned, and blasphemed God in their hearts: thus did Job every day.
[6]Now there was a dayH3117 when the sonsH1121 of GodH430 cameH935[H8799] to presentH3320[H8692] themselves before the LORDH3068, and SatanH7854 cameH935[H8799] also among themH8432. [6]Now on a day when the children of God came and stood before the Lord, Satan came also among them.
[7]And the LORDH3068 saidH559[H8799] unto SatanH7854, WhenceH370 comestH935[H8799] thou? Then SatanH7854 answeredH6030[H8799] the LORDH3068, and saidH559[H8799], From going to and froH7751[H8800] in the earthH776, and from walking up and downH1980 in itH8692. [7]Then the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? And Satan answered the Lord, saying, From compassing the earth to and from, and from walking in it.
[8]And the LORDH3068 saidH559[H8799] unto SatanH7854, Hast thou consideredH7760[H8804][H3820] my servantH5650 JobH347, that there is none like him in the earthH776, a perfectH8535 and an uprightH3477 manH376, one that fearethH3373 GodH430, and eschewethH5493[H8802] evilH7451? [8]And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou not considered my servant Job, how none is like him in the earth? An upright and just man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?
[9]Then SatanH7854 answeredH6030[H8799] the LORDH3068, and saidH559[H8799], Doth JobH347 fearH3372[H8804] GodH430 for noughtH2600? [9]Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, Doth Job fear God for naught?
[10]Hast not thou made an hedgeH7753[H8804] about him, and aboutH1157 his houseH1004, and about all that he hath on every sideH5439? thou hast blessedH1288[H8765] the workH4639 of his handsH3027, and his substanceH4735 is increasedH6555[H8804] in the landH776. [10]Hast thou not made an hedge about him and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
[11]ButH199 put forthH7971[H8798] thine handH3027 now, and touchH5060[H8798] all that he hath, and he will curseH1288[H8762][H3808] thee to thy faceH6440. [11]But stretch out now thine hand and touch all that he hath, to see if he will not blaspheme thee to thy face.
[12]And the LORDH3068 saidH559[H8799] unto SatanH7854, Behold, all that he hath is in thy powerH3027; only upon himself put not forthH7971[H8799] thine handH3027. So SatanH7854 went forthH3318[H8799] from the presenceH6440 of the LORDH3068. [12]Then the Lord said unto Satan, Lo, all that he hath is in thine hand: only upon himself shalt thou not stretch out thine hand. So Satan departed from the presence of the Lord.
[13]And there was a dayH3117 when his sonsH1121 and his daughtersH1323 were eatingH398[H8802] and drinkingH8354[H8802] wineH3196 in their eldestH1060 brother'sH251 houseH1004: [13]And on a day, when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house,
[14]And there cameH935[H8804] a messengerH4397 unto JobH347, and saidH559[H8799], The oxenH1241 were plowingH2790[H8802], and the assesH860 feedingH7462[H8802] beside themH3027: [14]There came a messenger unto Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding in their places,
[15]And the SabeansH7614 fellH5307[H8799] upon them, and took them awayH3947[H8799]; yea, they have slainH5221[H8689] the servantsH5288 with the edgeH6310 of the swordH2719; and I only am escapedH4422[H8735] alone to tellH5046 theeH8687. [15]And the Shabeans came violently, and took them: yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword: but I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
[16]While he was yet speakingH1696[H8764], there cameH935[H8802] also another, and saidH559[H8799], The fireH784 of GodH430 is fallenH5307[H8804] from heavenH8064, and hath burned upH1197[H8799] the sheepH6629, and the servantsH5288, and consumedH398[H8799] them; and I only am escapedH4422[H8735] alone to tellH5046 theeH8687. [16]And whiles he was yet speaking, another came, and said, The fire of God is fallen from the heaven, and hath burned up the sheep and the servants, and devoured them: but I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
[17]While he was yet speakingH1696[H8764], there cameH935[H8802] also another, and saidH559[H8799], The ChaldeansH3778 made outH7760[H8804] threeH7969 bandsH7218, and fellH6584[H8799] upon the camelsH1581, and have carried them awayH3947[H8799], yea, and slainH5221[H8689] the servantsH5288 with the edgeH6310 of the swordH2719; and I only am escapedH4422[H8735] alone to tellH5046 theeH8687. [17]And whiles he was yet speaking, another came, and said, The Chaldeans set out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have taken them, and have slain the servants with the edge of the sword: but I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
[18]While he was yet speakingH1696[H8764], there cameH935[H8802] also another, and saidH559[H8799], Thy sonsH1121 and thy daughtersH1323 were eatingH398[H8802] and drinkingH8354[H8802] wineH3196 in their eldestH1060 brother'sH251 houseH1004: [18]And whiles he was yet speaking, came another, and said, Thy sons, and thy daughters were eating, and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house,
[19]And, behold, there cameH935[H8804] a greatH1419 windH7307 fromH5676 the wildernessH4057, and smoteH5060[H8799] the fourH702 cornersH6438 of the houseH1004, and it fellH5307[H8799] upon the young menH5288, and they are deadH4191[H8799]; and I only am escapedH4422[H8735] alone to tellH5046 theeH8687. [19]And behold, there came a great wind from beyond the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, which fell upon the children, and they are dead, and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
[20]Then JobH347 aroseH6965[H8799], and rentH7167[H8799] his mantleH4598, and shavedH1494[H8799] his headH7218, and fell downH5307[H8799] upon the groundH776, H7812and worshippedH8691 [20]Then Job arose, and rent his garment, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshiped,
[21]And saidH559[H8799], NakedH6174 came I outH3318[H8804] of my mother'sH517 wombH990, and nakedH6174 shall I returnH7725[H8799] thither: the LORDH3068 gaveH5414[H8804], and the LORDH3068 hath taken awayH3947[H8804]; blessedH1288[H8794] be the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068. [21]And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken it: blessed be the name of the Lord.
[22]In all this JobH347 sinnedH2398[H8804] not, nor chargedH5414[H8804] GodH430 foolishlyH8604. [22]In all this did not Job sin, nor charge God foolishly.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org