The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]Then EliphazH464 the TemaniteH8489 answeredH6030[H8799] H559and saidH8799 [1]Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, and said,
[2]Can a manH1397 be profitableH5532[H8799] unto GodH410, asH3588 he that is wiseH7919[H8688] may be profitableH5532 unto himselfH8799? [2]May a man be profitable unto God, as he that is wise, may be profitable to himself?
[3]Is it any pleasureH2656 to the AlmightyH7706, that thou art righteousH6663[H8799]? or is it gainH1215 to him, that thou makest thy waysH1870 perfectH8552?[H8686] [3]Is it anything unto the Almighty, that thou art righteous? Or is it profitable to him, that thou makest thy ways upright?
[4]Will he reproveH3198[H8686] thee for fearH3374 of thee? will he enterH935[H8799] with thee into judgmentH4941? [4]Is it for fear of thee that he will accuse thee? Or go with thee into judgment?
[5]Is not thy wickednessH7451 greatH7227? and thine iniquitiesH5771 infiniteH7093? [5]Is not thy wickedness great, and thine iniquities innumerable?
[6]For thou hast taken a pledgeH2254[H8799] from thy brotherH251 for noughtH2600, and strippedH6584[H8686] the nakedH6174 of their clothingH899. [6]For thou hast taken the pledge from thy brother for naught, and spoiled the clothes of the naked.
[7]Thou hast not given waterH4325 to the wearyH5889 to drinkH8248[H8686], and thou hast withholdenH4513[H8799] breadH3899 from the hungryH7457. [7]To such as were weary, thou hast not given water to drink, and hast withdrawn bread from the hungry.
[8]But as for the mightyH2220 manH376, he had the earthH776; and the honourable manH5375[H8803][H6440] dweltH3427 in itH8799. [8]But the mighty man had the earth, and he that was in authority, dwelt in it.
[9]Thou hast sentH7971[H8765] widowsH490 away emptyH7387, and the armsH2220 of the fatherlessH3490 have been brokenH1792.[H8792] [9]Thou hast cast out widows empty, and the arms of the fatherless were broken.
[10]Therefore snaresH6341 are round aboutH5439 thee, and suddenH6597 fearH6343 troublethH926 theeH8762; [10]Therefore snares are round about thee, and fear shall suddenly trouble thee:
[11]Or darknessH2822, that thou canst not seeH7200[H8799]; and abundanceH8229 of watersH4325 coverH3680 theeH8762. [11]Or darkness that thou shouldest not see, and abundance of waters shall cover thee.
[12]Is not GodH433 in the heightH1363 of heavenH8064? and beholdH7200[H8798] the heightH7218 of the starsH3556, how highH7311 they areH8804! [12]Is not God on high in the heaven? And behold the height of the stars how high they are.
[13]And thou sayestH559[H8804], How doth GodH410 knowH3045[H8804]? can he judgeH8199[H8799] through the dark cloudH6205? [13]But thou sayest, How should God know? can he judge through the dark cloud?
[14]Thick cloudsH5645 are a coveringH5643 to him, that he seethH7200[H8799] not; and he walkethH1980[H8691] in the circuitH2329 of heavenH8064. [14]The clouds hide him that he cannot see, And he walketh in the circle of heaven.
[15]Hast thou markedH8104[H8799] the oldH5769 wayH734 which wickedH205 menH4962 have troddenH1869?[H8804] [15]Hast thou marked the way of the world, wherein wicked men have walked?
[16]Which were cut downH7059[H8795] out of timeH6256, whose foundationH3247 was overflownH3332[H8714] with a floodH5104: [16]Which were cut down before the time, whose foundation was as a river that overflowed:
[17]Which saidH559[H8802] unto GodH410, DepartH5493[H8798] from us: and what can the AlmightyH7706 doH6466 for themH8799? [17]Which said unto God, Depart from us, and asked what the Almighty could do for them.
[18]Yet he filledH4390[H8765] their housesH1004 with goodH2896 things: but the counselH6098 of the wickedH7563 is farH7368 from meH8804. [18]Yet he filled their houses with good things: but let the counsel of the wicked be far from me.
[19]The righteousH6662 seeH7200[H8799] it, and are gladH8055[H8799]: and the innocentH5355 laugh them to scornH3932.[H8799] [19]The righteous shall see them, and shall rejoice, and the innocent shall laugh them to scorn.
[20]WhereasH518 our substanceH7009 is not cut downH3582[H8738], but the remnantH3499 of them the fireH784 consumethH398.[H8804] [20]Surely our substance is hid: but the fire hath devoured the remnant of them.
[21]AcquaintH5532[H8685] now thyself with him, and be at peaceH7999[H8798]: thereby goodH2896 shall comeH935 unto theeH8799. [21]Therefore acquaint thyself, I pray thee, with him, and make peace: thereby thou shalt have prosperity.
[22]ReceiveH3947[H8798], I pray thee, the lawH8451 from his mouthH6310, and lay upH7760[H8798] his wordsH561 in thine heartH3824. [22]Receive, I pray thee, the law of his mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart.
[23]If thou returnH7725[H8799] to the AlmightyH7706, thou shalt be built upH1129[H8735], thou shalt put awayH7368 iniquityH5766 farH7368[H8686] from thy tabernaclesH168. [23]If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, and thou shalt put iniquity far from thy tabernacle.
[24]Then shalt thou lay upH7896[H8800] goldH1220 asH5921 dustH6083, and the gold of OphirH211 as the stonesH6697 of the brooksH5158. [24]Thou shalt lay up gold for dust, and the gold of Ophir, as the flints of the rivers.
[25]Yea, the AlmightyH7706 shall be thy defenceH1220, and thou shalt have plentyH8443 of silverH3701. [25]Yea, the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver.
[26]For then shalt thou have thy delightH6026[H8691] in the AlmightyH7706, and shalt lift upH5375[H8799] thy faceH6440 unto GodH433. [26]And thou shalt then delight in the Almighty, and lift up thy face unto God.
[27]Thou shalt make thy prayerH6279[H8686] unto him, and he shall hearH8085[H8799] thee, and thou shalt payH7999[H8762] thy vowsH5088. [27]Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt render thy vows.
[28]Thou shalt also decreeH1504[H8799] a thingH562, and it shall be establishedH6965[H8799] unto thee: and the lightH216 shall shineH5050[H8804] upon thy waysH1870. [28]Thou shalt also decree a thing, and he shall establish it unto thee, and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
[29]When men are cast downH8213[H8689], then thou shalt sayH559[H8799], There is lifting upH1466; and he shall saveH3467[H8686] the humbleH7807 personH5869. [29]When others are cast down, then shalt thou say, I am lifted up: and God shall save the humble person.
[30]He shall deliverH4422[H8762] the islandH336 of the innocentH5355: and it is deliveredH4422[H8738] by the purenessH1252 of thine handsH3709. [30]The innocent shall deliver the island, and it shall be preserved by the pureness of thine hands.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org