The King James Version (w/Strong's)
The Geneva Bible (1560)
[1]But now they that are youngerH6810[H3117] than I have me in derisionH7832[H8804], whose fathersH1 I would have disdainedH3988[H8804] to have setH7896[H8800] with the dogsH3611 of my flockH6629. [1]But now they that are younger than I, mock me: yea, they whose fathers I have refused to set with the dogs of my flocks.
[2]Yea, wheretoH4100 might the strengthH3581 of their handsH3027 profit me, in whom old ageH3624 was perishedH6?[H8804] [2]For whereto should the strength of their hands have served me, seeing age perished in them?
[3]For wantH2639 and famineH3720 they were solitaryH1565; fleeingH6207[H8802] into the wildernessH6723 in former timeH570 desolateH7722 and wasteH4875. [3]For poverty and famine they were solitary, fleeing into the wilderness, which is dark, desolate and waste.
[4]Who cut upH6998[H8801] mallowsH4408 by the bushesH7880, and juniperH7574 rootsH8328 for their meatH3899. [4]They cut up nettles by the bushes, and the juniper roots was their meat.
[5]They were driven forthH1644[H8792] from amongH1460 men, (they criedH7321[H8686] after them as after a thiefH1590;) [5]They were chased forth from among men: they shouted at them, as at a thief.
[6]To dwellH7931[H8800] in the cliftsH6178 of the valleysH5158, in cavesH2356 of the earthH6083, and in the rocksH3710. [6]Therefore they dwelt in the clefts of rivers, in the holes of the earth and rocks.
[7]Among the bushesH7880 they brayedH5101[H8799]; under the nettlesH2738 they were gathered togetherH5596.[H8792] [7]They roared among the bushes, and under the thistles they gathered themselves.
[8]They were childrenH1121 of foolsH5036, yea, childrenH1121 of base menH8034: they were vilerH5217[H8738] than the earthH776. [8]They were the children of fools and the children of villains, which were more vile than the earth.
[9]And now am I their songH5058, yea, I am their bywordH4405. [9]And now am I their song, and I am their talk.
[10]They abhorH8581[H8765] me, they flee farH7368[H8804] from me, and spareH2820[H8804] not to spitH7536 in my faceH6440. [10]They abhor me, and flee far from me, and spare not to spit in my face.
[11]Because he hath loosedH6605[H8765] my cordH3499, and afflictedH6031[H8762] me, they have also let looseH7971[H8765] the bridleH7448 before meH6440. [11]Because that God hath loosed my cord and humbled me, they have loosed the bridle before me.
[12]Upon my rightH3225 hand riseH6965[H8799] the youthH6526; they push awayH7971[H8765] my feetH7272, and they raise upH5549[H8799] against me the waysH734 of their destructionH343. [12]The youth rise up at my right hand: they have pushed my feet, and have trode on me as on the paths of their destruction.
[13]They marH5420[H8804] my pathH5410, they set forwardH3276[H8686] my calamityH1942[H8675][H1962], they have no helperH5826.[H8802] [13]They have destroyed my paths: they took pleasure at my calamity, they had none help.
[14]They cameH857[H8799] upon me as a wideH7342 breakingH6556 in of waters: inH8478 the desolationH7722 they rolledH1556 themselves upon meH8701. [14]They came as a great breach of waters, and under this calamity they come on heaps.
[15]TerrorsH1091 are turnedH2015[H8717] upon me: they pursueH7291[H8799] my soulH5082 as the windH7307: and my welfareH3444 passeth awayH5674[H8804] as a cloudH5645. [15]Fear is turned upon me: and they pursue my soul as the wind, and mine health passeth away as a cloud.
[16]And now my soulH5315 is poured outH8210[H8691] upon me; the daysH3117 of afflictionH6040 have taken holdH270 upon meH8799. [16]Therefore my soul is now poured out upon me, and the days of affliction have taken hold on me.
[17]My bonesH6106 are piercedH5365[H8765] in me in the night seasonH3915: and my sinewsH6207[H8802] take no restH7901.[H8799] [17]It pierceth my bones in the night, and my sinews take no rest.
[18]By the greatH7230 forceH3581 of my disease is my garmentH3830 changedH2664[H8691]: it bindeth me aboutH247[H8799] as the collarH6310 of my coatH3801. [18]For the great vehemency is my garment changed, which compasseth me about as the collar of my coat.
[19]He hath castH3384[H8689] me into the mireH2563, and I am become likeH4911[H8691] dustH6083 and ashesH665. [19]He hath cast me into the mire, and I am become like ashes and dust.
[20]I cryH7768[H8762] unto thee, and thou dost not hearH6030[H8799] me: I stand upH5975[H8804], and thou regardestH995 me notH8709. [20]When I cry unto thee, thou dost not hear me, neither regardest me, when I stand up.
[21]Thou art becomeH2015[H8735] cruelH393 to me: with thy strongH6108 handH3027 thou opposestH7852 thyself against meH8799. [21]Thou turnest thyself cruelly against me, and art enemy unto me with the strength of thine hand.
[22]Thou liftest me upH5375[H8799] to the windH7307; thou causest me to rideH7392[H8686] upon it, and dissolvestH4127[H8787] my substanceH8454[H8675][H7738].[H8762] [22]Thou takest me up and causest me to ride upon the wind, and makest my strength to fail.
[23]For I knowH3045[H8804] that thou wilt bringH7725[H8686] me to deathH4194, and to the houseH1004 appointedH4150 for all livingH2416. [23]Surely I know that thou wilt bring me to death, and to the house appointed for all the living.
[24]Howbeit he will not stretch outH7971[H8799] his handH3027 to the graveH1164, though they cryH7769 in his destructionH6365. [24]Doubtless none can stretch his hand unto the grave, though they cry in his destruction.
[25]Did not I weepH1058[H8804] for him that was in troubleH7186[H3117]? was not my soulH5315 grievedH5701[H8804] for the poorH34? [25]Did not I weep with him that was in trouble? Was not my soul in heaviness for the poor?
[26]When I lookedH6960[H8765] for goodH2896, then evilH7451 cameH935[H8799] unto me: and when I waitedH3176[H8762] for lightH216, there cameH935[H8799] darknessH652. [26]Yet when I looked for good, evil came unto me: and when I waited for light, there came darkness.
[27]My bowelsH4578 boiledH7570[H8795], and restedH1826[H8804] not: the daysH3117 of afflictionH6040 preventedH6923 meH8765. [27]My bowels did boil without rest: for the days of affliction are come upon me.
[28]I wentH1980[H8765] mourningH6937[H8802] without the sunH2535: I stood upH6965[H8804], and I criedH7768[H8762] in the congregationH6951. [28]I went mourning without sun: I stood up in the congregation and cried.
[29]I am a brotherH251 to dragonsH8577, and a companionH7453 to owlsH1323.[H3284] [29]I am a brother to the dragons, and a companion to the ostriches.
[30]My skinH5785 is blackH7835[H8804] upon me, and my bonesH6106 are burnedH2787[H8804] with heatH2721. [30]My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.
[31]My harpH3658 also is turned to mourningH60, and my organH5748 into the voiceH6963 of them that weepH1058.[H8802] [31]Therefore mine harp is turned to mourning, and mine organs into the voice of them that weep.
Source: studybible.info
Source: archive.org