The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The Acts of Thomas
[1]I made a couenaunt with myne eyes: why then should I loke vpon a mayden [No book]
[2]For how great a portion shall I haue of God? and what inheritaunce from the almightie on hye [No book]
[3]Is not destruction to the wicked? and straunge punishement to the workers of iniquitie [No book]
[4]Doth not he see my wayes, and tell all my goynges [No book]
[5]If I haue walked in vanitie, or if my feete haue runne to disceaue [No book]
[6]Let me be wayed in an euen balaunce, that God may see myne innocencie [No book]
[7]If my steppe hath turned out of the way, & myne heart walked after myne eyes, and if any blot haue cleaued to my handes [No book]
[8]Then shall I sowe, and an other eate: yea my posteritie shalbe cleane rooted out [No book]
[9]If my heart haue ben deceaued by a woman, or if I haue layde wayte at my neyghbours doore [No book]
[10]Then let my wife grinde vnto an other man, and let other men lye with her [No book]
[11]For this is a wickednesse, and sinne that is worthy to be punished [No book]
[12]Yea a fire that vtterly should consume and roote out all my increase [No book]
[13]If I euer thought scorne to do right vnto my seruauntes & maydens, when they had any matter against me [No book]
[14]When God will sit in iudgement, what shall I do? & when he will visite me, what aunswere shal I geue him [No book]
[15]He that fashioned me in my mothers wombe, made he not him also? were we not both shapen a like in our mothers bodies [No book]
[16]If I denied the poore of their desire, or haue caused the eyes of the wydow to wayte in vayne [No book]
[17]If I haue eaten my morsell alone, that ye fatherlesse hath not eaten therof [No book]
[18](For from my youth it hath growen vp with me as with a father, and from my mothers wombe I haue ben guyde to the [wydowe] [No book]
[19]If I haue seene any perishe for want of clothing, or any poore for lake of rayment [No book]
[20]If his loynes haue not blessed me, because he was warmed with the fleece of my sheepe [No book]
[21]If I haue lift vp mine hand against the fatherlesse, when I sawe that I might helpe him in the gate [No book]
[22]Then let myne arme fall fro my shoulder, and myne arme holes be broken from the bone [No book]
[23]For I haue euer feared the vengeaunce and punishment of God, and [knewe very well that] I was not able to beare his burthen [No book]
[24]Haue I put my trust in golde? or haue I sayde to the wedge of golde, thou art my confidence [No book]
[25]Haue I reioyced because my power was great, and because my hande gat so much [No book]
[26]Dyd I euer greatly regarde the rysing of the sunne? or had I the goyng downe of the moone in great reputation [No book]
[27]Hath my heart medled priuyly with any disceite? or did I euer kisse myne owne hande [No book]
[28](That were a wickednesse worthy to be punished: for then shoulde I haue denyed the God that is aboue. [No book]
[29]Haue I euer reioyced at the hurt of myne enemie? or was I euer glad that any harme happened vnto him? [Oh, no. [No book]
[30]I neuer suffred my mouth to sinne, by wishing a curse to his soule [No book]
[31]Dyd not the men of myne owne housholde say, Who shall let vs to haue our belly full of his fleshe [No book]
[32]The straunger dyd not lodge in the streete, but I opened my doores vnto him that went by the way [No book]
[33]Haue I kept secrete my sinne, and hyd myne iniquitie, as Adam dyd [No book]
[34]Though I coulde haue made afeard a great multitude, yet the most contemptible of the families dyd feare me: so I kept scilence, and went not out of the doore [No book]
[35]O that I had one which woulde heare me: beholde my signe in the whiche the almightie shal aunswere for me, though he that is my contrarie partie hath written a booke against me [No book]
[36]Yet will I take it vpon my shoulder, & as a garlande binde it about my head [No book]
[37]I will tell hym the number of my goinges, & go vnto him as to a prince [No book]
[38]But if case be that my lande crye against me, or that the forowes thereof make any complaynt [No book]
[39]If I haue eaten the fruites therof vnpayed for, yea if I haue greeued the soules of the maisters therof [No book]
[40]Then let thystles growe in steede of my wheate, and cockle for my barlye [No book]
Source: studybible.org