The Septuagint in English by Brenton
Jewish Publication Society (1917)
[1]And Elius further continued, and said, [1]Elihu also proceeded, and said:
[2]Wait for me yet a little while, that I may teach thee: for there is yet speech in me. [2]Suffer me a little, and I will tell thee; for there are yet words on God's behalf.
[3]Having fetched my knowledge from afar, and according to my works, [3]I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.
[4]I will speak just things truly, and thou shalt not unjustly receive unjust words. [4]For truly my words are not false; one that is upright in mind is with thee.
[5]But know that the Lord will not cast off an innocent man: being mighty in strength of wisdom, [5]Behold, God is mighty, yet He despiseth not any; He is mighty in strength of understanding.
[6]he will not by any means save alive the ungodly: and he will grant the judgment of the poor. [6]He preserveth not the life of the wicked; but giveth to the poor their right.
[7]He will not turn away his eyes from the righteous, but they shall be with kings on the throne: and he will establish them in triumph, and they shall be exalted. [7]He withdraweth not His eyes from the righteous; but with kings upon the throne He setteth them for ever, and they are exalted.
[8]But they that are bound in fetters shall be holden in cords of poverty. [8]And if they be bound in fetters, and be holden in cords of affliction;
[9]And he shall recount to them their works, and their transgressions, for such will act with violence. [9]Then He declareth unto them their work, and t transgressions, that they have behaved themselves proudly.
[10]But he will hearken to the righteous: and he has said that they shall turn from unrighteousness. [10]He openeth also their ear to discipline, and commandeth that they return from iniquity.
[11]If they should hear and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in honour. [11]If they hearken and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
[12]But he preserves not the ungodly; because they are not willing to know the Lord, and because when reproved they were disobedient. [12]But if they hearken not, they shall perish by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge.
[13]And the hypocrites in heart will array wrath against themselves; they will not cry, because he has bound them. [13]But they that are godless in heart lay up anger; they cry not for help when He bindeth them.
[14]Therefore let their soul die in youth, and their life be wounded by messengers of death. [14]Their soul perisheth in youth, and their life as that of the depraved.
[15]Because they afflicted the weak and helpless: and he will vindicate the judgment of the meek. [15]He delivereth the afflicted by His affliction, and openeth their ear by tribulation.
[16]And he has also enticed thee out of the mouth of the enemy: [16]Yea, He hath allured thee out of distress into a broad place, where there is no straitness; and that which is set on thy table is full of fatness;
[17]there is a deep gulf and a rushing stream beneath it, and thy table came down full of fatness. Judgment shall not fail from the righteous; [17]And thou art full of the judgment of the wicked; judgment and justice take hold on them.
[18]but there shall be wrath upon the ungodly, by reason of the ungodliness of the bribes which they received for iniquities. [18]For beware of wrath, lest thou be led away by thy sufficiency; neither let the greatness of the ransom turn thee aside.
[19]Let not thy mind willingly turn thee aside from the petition of the feeble that are in distress. [19]Will thy riches avail, that are without stint, or all the forces of thy strength?
[20]And draw not forth all the mighty men by night, so that the people should go up instead of them. [20]Desire not the night, when peoples are cut off in their place.
[21]But take heed lest thou do that which is wrong: for of this thou has made choice because of poverty. [21]Take heed, regard not iniquity; for this hast thou chosen rather than affliction.
[22]Behold, the Mighty One shall prevail by his strength: for who is powerful as he is? [22]Behold, God doeth loftily in His power; who is a teacher like Him?
[23]And who is he that examines his works? or who can say, he has wrought injustice? [23]Who hath enjoined Him His way? Or who hath said: 'Thou hast wrought unrighteousness'?
[24]Remember that his works are great beyond those which men have attempted. [24]Remember that thou magnify His work, whereof men have sung.
[25]Every man has seen in himself, how many mortals are wounded. [25]All men have looked thereon; man beholdeth it afar off.
[26]Behold, the Mighty One is great, and we shall not know him: the number of his years is even infinite. [26]Behold, God is great, beyond our knowledge; the number of His years is unsearchable.
[27]And the drops of rain are numbered by him, and shall be poured out in rain to form a cloud. [27]For He draweth away the drops of water, which distil rain from His vapour;
[28]The ancient heavens shall flow, and the clouds overshadow innumerable mortals: he has fixed a time to cattle, and they know the order of rest. Yet by all these things thy understanding is not astonished, neither is thy mind disturbed in thy body. [28]Which the skies pour down and drop upon the multitudes of men.
[29]And though one should understand the outspreadings of the clouds, or the measure of his tabernacle; [29]Yea, can any understand the spreadings of the clouds, the crashings of His pavilion?
[30]behold he will stretch his bow against him, and he covers the bottom of the sea. [30]Behold, He spreadeth His light upon it; and He covereth the depths of the sea.
[31]For by them he will judge the nations: he will give food to him that has strength. [31]For by these He judgeth the peoples; He giveth food in abundance.
[32]He has hidden the light in his hands, and given charge concerning it to the interposing cloud. [32]He covereth His hands with the lightning, and giveth it a charge that it strike the mark.
[33]The Lord will declare concerning this to his friend: but there is a portion also for unrighteousness. [33]The noise thereof telle concerning it, the cattle also concerning the storm that cometh up.
Author: Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton (1851)
Source: ecmarsh.com
Translation: Jewish Publication Society (1917)
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