[1]KnowestH3045[H8804] thou the timeH6256 when the wild goatsH3277 of the rockH5553 bring forthH3205[H8800]? or canst thou markH8104[H8799] when the hindsH355 do calveH2342?[H8790] |
[1]Wilt thou hunt the prey for the lion? Or fill the appetite of the lion's whelps, |
[2]Canst thou numberH5608[H8799] the monthsH3391 that they fulfilH4390[H8762]? or knowestH3045[H8804] thou the timeH6256 when they bring forthH3205?[H8800] |
[2]When they couch in their places , and remain in the covert to lie in wait? |
[3]They bowH3766[H8799] themselves, they bring forthH6398[H8762] their young onesH3206, they cast outH7971[H8762] their sorrowsH2256. |
[3]Who prepareth for the raven his meat, when his birds cry unto God, wandering for lack of meat? |
[4]Their young onesH1121 are in good likingH2492[H8799], they grow upH7235[H8799] with cornH1250; they go forthH3318[H8804], and returnH7725 not unto themH8804. |
[4]Knowest thou the time when the wild goats bring forth young? Or dost thou mark when the hinds do calve? |
[5]Who hath sent outH7971[H8765] the wild assH6501 freeH2670? or who hath loosedH6605[H8765] the bandsH4147 of the wild assH6171? |
[5]Canst thou number the months that they fulfill? Or knowest thou the time when they bring forth? |
[6]Whose houseH1004 I have madeH7760[H8804] the wildernessH6160, and the barrenH4420 land his dwellingsH4908. |
[6]They bow themselves: they bruise their young and cast out their sorrows. |
[7]He scornethH7832[H8799] the multitudeH1995 of the cityH7151, neither regardethH8085[H8799] he the cryingH8663 of the driverH5065.[H8802] |
[7]Yet their young wax fat, and grow up with corn: they go forth and return not unto them. |
[8]The rangeH3491 of the mountainsH2022 is his pastureH4829, and he searchethH1875[H8799] afterH310 every green thingH3387. |
[8]Who hath set the wild ass at liberty? Or who hath loosed the bones of the wild ass? |
[9]Will the unicornH7214 be willingH14[H8799] to serveH5647[H8800] thee, or abideH3885[H8799] by thy cribH18? |
[9]It is I which have made the wilderness his house, and the salt places his dwellings. |
[10]Canst thou bindH7194[H8799] the unicornH7214 with his bandH5688 in the furrowH8525? or will he harrowH7702[H8762] the valleysH6010 after theeH310? |
[10]He derideth the multitude of the city: he heareth not the cry of the driver. |
[11]Wilt thou trustH982[H8799] him, because his strengthH3581 is greatH7227? or wilt thou leaveH5800[H8799] thy labour to himH3018? |
[11]He seeketh out the mountain for his pasture, and searcheth after every green thing. |
[12]Wilt thou believeH539[H8686] him, that he will bring homeH7725[H8686][H8675][H7725][H8799] thy seedH2233, and gatherH622[H8799] it into thy barnH1637? |
[12]Will the unicorn serve thee? Or will he tarry by thy crib? |
[13]Gavest thou the goodlyH7443 wingsH3671 unto the peacocksH5965[H8738]? or wingsH84 and feathersH2624 unto the ostrichH5133? |
[13]Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band to labor in the furrow? Or will he plow the valleys after thee? |
[14]Which leavethH5800[H8799] her eggsH1000 in the earthH776, and warmethH2552[H8762] them in dustH6083, |
[14]Wilt thou trust in him, because his strength is great, and cast off thy labor unto him? |
[15]And forgettethH7911[H8799] that the footH7272 may crushH2115[H8799] them, or that the wildH7704 beastH2416 may breakH1758 themH8799. |
[15]Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it unto thy barn? |
[16]She is hardenedH7188[H8689] against her young onesH1121, as though they were notH3808 hers: her labourH3018 is in vainH7385 without fearH6343; |
[16]Hast thou given the pleasant wings unto the peacocks? Or wings and feathers unto the ostrich? |
[17]Because GodH433 hath deprivedH5382[H8689] her of wisdomH2451, neither hath he impartedH2505[H8804] to her understandingH998. |
[17]Which leaveth his eggs in the earth and maketh them hot in the dust, |
[18]What timeH6256 she lifteth upH4754[H8686] herself on highH4791, she scornethH7832[H8799] the horseH5483 and his riderH7392.[H8802] |
[18]And forgetteth that the foot might scatter them, or that the wild beast might break them. |
[19]Hast thou givenH5414[H8799] the horseH5483 strengthH1369? hast thou clothedH3847[H8686] his neckH6677 with thunderH7483? |
[19]He showeth himself cruel unto his young ones, as they were not his, and is without fear, as if he travailed in vain. |
[20]Canst thou make him afraidH7493[H8686] as a grasshopperH697? the gloryH1935 of his nostrilsH5170 is terribleH367. |
[20]For God had deprived him of wisdom, and hath given him no part of understanding. |
[21]He pawethH2658[H8799] in the valleyH6010, and rejoicethH7797[H8799] in his strengthH3581: he goeth onH3318[H8799] to meetH7125[H8800] the armed menH5402. |
[21]When time is, he mounteth on high: he mocketh the horse and his rider. |
[22]He mockethH7832[H8799] at fearH6343, and is not affrightedH2865[H8735]; neither turneth he backH7725[H8799] fromH6440 the swordH2719. |
[22]Hast thou given the horse strength? Or covered his neck with neighing? |
[23]The quiverH827 rattlethH7439[H8799] against him, the glitteringH3851 spearH2595 and the shieldH3591. |
[23]Hast thou made him afraid as the grasshopper? His strong neighing is fearful. |
[24]He swallowethH1572[H8762] the groundH776 with fiercenessH7494 and rageH7267: neither believethH539[H8686] he that it is the soundH6963 of the trumpetH7782. |
[24]He diggeth in the valley, and rejoiceth in his strength: he goeth forth to meet the harnessed man. |
[25]He saithH559[H8799] amongH1767 the trumpetsH7782, HaH1889, haH1889; and he smellethH7306[H8686] the battleH4421 afar offH7350, the thunderH7482 of the captainsH8269, and the shoutingH8643. |
[25]He mocketh at fear, and is not afraid, and turneth not back from the sword, |
[26]Doth the hawkH5322 flyH82[H8686] by thy wisdomH998, and stretchH6566[H8799] her wingsH3671 toward the southH8486? |
[26]Though the quiver rattle against him, the glittering spear and the shield. |
[27]Doth the eagleH5404 mount upH1361[H8686] at thy commandH6310, and makeH7311 her nestH7064 on highH7311?[H8686] |
[27]He swalloweth the ground for fierceness and rage, and he believeth not that it is the noise of the trumpet. |
[28]She dwellethH7931[H8799] and abidethH3885[H8698] on the rockH5553, upon the cragH8127 of the rockH5553, and the strong placeH4686. |
[28]He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha: he smelleth the battle afar off, and the noise of the captains, and the shouting. |
[29]From thence she seekethH2658[H8804] the preyH400, and her eyesH5869 beholdH5027[H8686] afar offH7350. |
[29]Shall the hawk fly by thy wisdom, stretching out his wings toward the south? |
[30]Her young onesH667 also suck upH5966[H8762] bloodH1818: and where the slainH2491 are, there is sheH1931. |
[30]Doth the eagle mount up at thy commandment, or make his nest on high? |
31[No verse] |
[31]She abideth and remaineth in the rock, even upon the top of the rock, and the tower. |
32[No verse] |
[32]From thence she spieth for meat , and her eyes behold afar off. |
33[No verse] |
[33]His young ones also suck up blood: and where the slain are, there is she. |
34[No verse] |
[34]Moreover the Lord spake unto Job, and said, |
35[No verse] |
[35]Is this to learn to strive with the Almighty? He that reproveth God, let him answer to it. |
36[No verse] |
[36]Then Job answered the Lord, saying, |
37[No verse] |
[37]Behold, I am vile: what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth. |
38[No verse] |
[38]Once have I spoken, but I will answer no more, yea twice, but I will proceed no further. |