The Bishops' Bible (1568)
The Acts of Thomas
[1]Then aunswered Bildad the Suhite, & said [No book]
[2]Howe long wilt thou talke of such thinges? howe long shall the wordes of thy mouth be as a mightie wind [No book]
[3]Doth God paruert the thing that is lawfull? or doth the almightie destroy the thing that is right [No book]
[4]For seyng that thy sonnes sinned against him, did not he send them into the place of their iniquitie [No book]
[5]If thou wouldest nowe resorte vnto God be times, and make thy prayer to the almightie [No book]
[6]If thou wouldest liue a pure and godly life: shoulde he not awake vp vnto thee immediatly, and make the habitation of thy righteousnesse prosperous [No book]
[7]In so much that wherin so euer thou haddest litle afore, thou shouldest haue nowe great aboundaunce [No book]
[8]Enquire I pray thee of the former age, and search diligently among their fathers [No book]
[9](For we are but of yesterday, and consider not that our dayes vpon earth are but a shadowe. [No book]
[10]Shall not they shew thee, and tel thee, yea and gladly confesse the same, and vtter the wordes of their heart [No book]
[11]May a rushe be greene without moystnesse? or may the grasse growe without water [No book]
[12]No, but whilste it is nowe in his greennesse, though it be not cut downe, yet withereth it before any other hearbe [No book]
[13]So are the pathes of al that forget God, and the hypocrites hope shall come to naught [No book]
[14]His confidence shalbe destroyed, and his trust shalbe a spiders webbe [No book]
[15]He shal leane vpon his house, but it shal not stande: he shall holde him fast by it, yet shall it not endure [No book]
[16]It is a greene [tree] before the sunne, & shooteth foorth the braunches ouer his garden [No book]
[17]The rootes thereof are wrapped about the fountayne, and are folden about the house of stones [No book]
[18]If any plucke it from his place, and it denie, saying, I haue not seene thee [No book]
[19]Behold it will reioyce by this meanes, if it may growe in another mould [No book]
[20]Beholde, God will not cast away a vertuous man, neither wil he helpe the vngodly [No book]
[21]Thy mouth shall he fill with laughing, and thy lippes with gladnesse [No book]
[22]They also that hate thee shalbe clothed with shame, & the dwelling of the vngodly shall come to naught [No book]
Source: studybible.org