[1]Then Job answered and said, |
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[2]I know of a truth that it is so: for how shall a mortal man be just before the Lord? |
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[3]For if he would enter into judgment with him, God would not hearken to him, so that he should answer to one of his charges of a thousand. |
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[4]For he is wise in mind, and mighty, and great: who has hardened himself against him and endured? |
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[5]Who wears out the mountains, and men know it not: who overturns them in anger. |
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[6]Who shakes the earth under heaven from its foundations, and its pillars totter. |
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[7]Who commands the sun, and it rises not; and he seals up the stars. |
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[8]Who alone has stretched out the heavens, and walks on the sea as on firm ground. |
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[9]Who makes Pleias, and Hesperus, and Arcturus, and the chambers of the south. |
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[10]Who does great and unsearchable things; glorious also and excellent things, innumerable. |
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[11]If ever he should go beyond me, I shall not see him: if he should pass by me, neither thus have I known it. |
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[12]If he would take away, who shall turn him back? or who shall say to him, What hast thou done? |
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[13]For if he has turned away his anger, the whales under heaven have stooped under him. |
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[14]Oh then that he would hearken to me, or judge my cause. |
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[15]For though I be righteous, he will not hearken to me: I will intreat his judgment. |
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[16]And if I should call and he should not hearken, I cannot believe that he has listened to my voice. |
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[17]Let him not crush me with a dark storm: but he has made by bruises many without cause. |
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[18]For he suffers me not to take breath, but he has filled me with bitterness. |
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[19]For indeed he is strong in power: who then shall resist his judgment? |
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[20]For though I should seem righteous, my mouth will be profane: and though I should seem blameless, I shall be proved perverse. |
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[21]For even if I have sinned, I know it not in my soul: but my life is taken away. |
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[22]Wherefore I said, Wrath slays the great and mighty man. |
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[23]For the worthless die, but the righteous are laughed to scorn. |
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[24]For they are delivered into the hands of the unrighteous man: he covers the faces of the judges of the earth: but if it be not he, who is it? |
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[25]But my life is swifter than a post: my days have fled away, and they knew it not. |
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[26]Or again, is there a trace of their path left by ships? or is there one of the flying eagle as it seeks its prey? |
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[27]And if I should say, I will forget to speak, I will bow down my face and groan; |
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[28]I quake in all my limbs, for I know that thou wilt not leave me alone as innocent. |
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[29]But since I am ungodly, why have I not died? |
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[30]For if I should wash myself with snow, and purge myself with pure hands, |
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[31]thou hadst thoroughly plunged me in filth, and my garment had abhorred me. |
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[32]For thou art not man like me, with whom I could contend, that we might come together to judgment. |
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[33]Would that he our mediator were present, and a reprover, and one who should hear the cause between both. |
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[34]Let him remove his rod from me, and let not his fear terrify me: |
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[35]so shall I not be afraid, but I will speak: for I am not thus conscious of guilt. |
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