[1]For beholde, in those dayes and in that time when I shall bryng agayne the captiuitie of Iuda & Hierusalem |
[1]For beholde, in those dayes and in that time when I shall bryng agayne the captiuitie of Iuda & Hierusalem |
[2]I wyll also gather all the gentiles, and cause them to come into the valley of Iehosaphat, and I will pleade with them there for my people and heritage Israel, which they haue scattered amongst the nations, and haue parted my lande |
[2]I wyll also gather all the gentiles, and cause them to come into the valley of Iehosaphat, and I will pleade with them there for my people and heritage Israel, which they haue scattered amongst the nations, and haue parted my lande |
[3]And thei haue cast lottes for my people, and chaunged the boy for an harlot, and solde the gyrle for wine, that they might drynke |
[3]And thei haue cast lottes for my people, and chaunged the boy for an harlot, and solde the gyrle for wine, that they might drynke |
[4]And what haue you to do with me O Tyre and Sidon, and all the coastes of Palestine? wyll ye render me recompence? and if you recompence me, I shal swiftly [and] speedyly returne your recompence vpon your owne heades |
[4]And what haue you to do with me O Tyre and Sidon, and all the coastes of Palestine? wyll ye render me recompence? and if you recompence me, I shal swiftly [and] speedyly returne your recompence vpon your owne heades |
[5]For ye haue taken my siluer and my golde, my pleasaunt & pretious thinges, & haue caryed them into your temples |
[5]For ye haue taken my siluer and my golde, my pleasaunt & pretious thinges, & haue caryed them into your temples |
[6]You haue solde also the children of Iuda and the children of Hierusalem to the Gretians, that you might send them farre from their owne countrey |
[6]You haue solde also the children of Iuda and the children of Hierusalem to the Gretians, that you might send them farre from their owne countrey |
[7]Beholde, I will rayse them out of that place whither you haue solde them, and wyll returne your recompence vpon your owne heades |
[7]Beholde, I will rayse them out of that place whither you haue solde them, and wyll returne your recompence vpon your owne heades |
[8]And I wyll sell your sonnes and your daughters into the handes of the children of Iuda, and they shall sell them vnto the Sabeans, to a nation that dwelleth farre of: for the Lorde hath spoken it |
[8]And I wyll sell your sonnes and your daughters into the handes of the children of Iuda, and they shall sell them vnto the Sabeans, to a nation that dwelleth farre of: for the Lorde hath spoken it |
[9]Publishe this thyng among the gentiles, proclayme warre, wake vp the mightie men, let all the men of warre drawe neare and come vp |
[9]Publishe this thyng among the gentiles, proclayme warre, wake vp the mightie men, let all the men of warre drawe neare and come vp |
[10]Breake your plowe shares into swordes, and your sithes into speares, let the weake say, I am strong |
[10]Breake your plowe shares into swordes, and your sithes into speares, let the weake say, I am strong |
[11]Assemble your selues and come all you heathen, and gather your selues together rounde about, there shall the Lord cast downe thy mightie men |
[11]Assemble your selues and come all you heathen, and gather your selues together rounde about, there shall the Lord cast downe thy mightie men |
[12]Let the heathen arise and come vp to the valley of Iehosaphat: for there will I sit to iudge all nations rounde about |
[12]Let the heathen arise and come vp to the valley of Iehosaphat: for there will I sit to iudge all nations rounde about |
[13]Put in your sithes, for ye haruest is ripe: come ye [and] descende, for the wine presse is full, [yea] the presses ouerflowe: for their wickednesse is multiplied |
[13]Put in your sithes, for ye haruest is ripe: come ye [and] descende, for the wine presse is full, [yea] the presses ouerflowe: for their wickednesse is multiplied |
[14]O people, people [come] into the valley of finall iudgement: for the day of the Lorde is at hande in the valley of finall iudgement |
[14]O people, people [come] into the valley of finall iudgement: for the day of the Lorde is at hande in the valley of finall iudgement |
[15]The sunne and the moone shalbe darkned, and the starres shall withdrawe their light |
[15]The sunne and the moone shalbe darkned, and the starres shall withdrawe their light |
[16]The Lord also shall rose out of Sion, and out of Hierusalem shall he geue his voyce, the heauens and the earth shall shake: but the Lorde wyll be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel |
[16]The Lord also shall rose out of Sion, and out of Hierusalem shall he geue his voyce, the heauens and the earth shall shake: but the Lorde wyll be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel |
[17]So shall you knowe that I am the Lorde your God dwellyng in Sion my holy mountayne: then shall Hierusalem be holy, and there shall no straungers passe through here any more |
[17]So shall you knowe that I am the Lorde your God dwellyng in Sion my holy mountayne: then shall Hierusalem be holy, and there shall no straungers passe through here any more |
[18]And in that day shall the mountaynes drop downe sweete wine, and the hylles shall flowe with mylke, & all the riuers of Iuda shall runne with water, and a fountayne shall come out of the house of the Lorde, and shall water the valley of Sittim |
[18]And in that day shall the mountaynes drop downe sweete wine, and the hylles shall flowe with mylke, & all the riuers of Iuda shall runne with water, and a fountayne shall come out of the house of the Lorde, and shall water the valley of Sittim |
[19]Egypt shalbe waste, and Edom shalbe a desolate wildernesse: for the iniuries [done] to the children of Iuda: because they haue shed innocent blood in their lande |
[19]Egypt shalbe waste, and Edom shalbe a desolate wildernesse: for the iniuries [done] to the children of Iuda: because they haue shed innocent blood in their lande |
[20]But Iuda shal dwel for euermore, and Hierusalem from generation to generation |
[20]But Iuda shal dwel for euermore, and Hierusalem from generation to generation |
[21]I wil also clense the blood of them [that] I haue not clensed, and the Lord dwelleth in Sion |
[21]I wil also clense the blood of them [that] I haue not clensed, and the Lord dwelleth in Sion |