Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]Amen Amen speak I to you that whoever not enters from the gate to the fold of the sheep but comes up from place another he a thief is and a robber [No book]
[2]He but who enters from the gate The Shepherd is of the flock [No book]
[3]And to this one the keeper of the gate opens ? the gate and the flock hears His voice and his sheep He calls by their names and leads out them [No book]
[4]And when He has brought forth His flock before it He goes and His sheep His own go after Him because they know His voice [No book]
[5]After a stranger but not goes the flock but flee from him for not it knows the voice of a stranger [No book]
[6]This allegory spoke to them Ieshu they but not knew what He spoke with them [No book]
[7]Said to them but again Ieshu Amen Amen speak I to you I I The Gate of the flock [No book]
[8]And all those who came thieves were and robbers but not heard them the flock [No book]
[9]I I The Gate and by Me if a man will enter he shall live and shall enter and shall go out and the pasture shall find [No book]
[10]A thief not comes but that he may steal and that he may kill and that he may destroy I have come that life shall be to them and whatever abundant thing may be to them [No book]
[11]I I The Shepherd Good The Shepherd Good His life lays down in place of His flock [No book]
[12]A hired man but that not is a shepherd and not his own are the sheep whenever he sees a wolf is coming leaves the flock and flees [No book]
[13]A hired man but flees because a hired man he is and not cares ? about the flock and comes a wolf snatches and scatters it the flock [No book]
[14]I I The Shepherd The Good know I mine and am known I by mine [No book]
[15]Just as knows Me My Father and I knowing am My Father and My Soul lay down I for the sake of the flock [No book]
[16]There are to me but also sheep other which not were from fold this and also them it is necessary for Me to bring they also shall hear My voice and shall be the fold entire one and One The Shepherd [No book]
[17]Because of this My Father delights in Me because I laying down am My Life that again I shall take it [No book]
[18]Not it a man takes it from me but I laying down am it of My will am authorized I for to lay it down and am authorized I that again I shall take it this commandment I have received from My Father [No book]
[19]And there was again division among The Judeans because of words these [No book]
[20]And saying were many among them that a demon is in Him and raving he is mad Why? are listening you Him [No book]
[21]The others but saying were these words not are of one possessed interrogative a demon can? the eyes of the blind open [No book]
[22]It was but the feast day of dedication in Jerusalem and winter it was [No book]
[23]And walking was Ieshu in the temple in the porch of Solomon [No book]
[24]And surrounded Him The Jews and they were saying to Him ? How long? are taking you our souls if you are The Messiah tell us openly [No book]
[25]Answered Ieshu and said to them I told you and not believing you are and the works that I doing am in the Name of My Father they testify of Me [No book]
[26]But you not believing are because that not you are of My sheep just as I said to you [No book]
[27]Sheep My My voice hear and I knowing am them and they come after me [No book]
[28]And I giving am to them life eternal and not they shall perish forever and not a man shall snatch them from My hand [No book]
[29]My Father for Who gives to Me than all greater is and not a man is able a thing from the hand of My Father to snatch [No book]
[30]I and My Father one we are [No book]
[31]And picked up again The Judeans stones to stone Him [No book]
[32]Said to them Ieshu many works excellent from the presence My Father I have shown you for which? works among them stoning are you Me [No book]
[33]Were saying to Him The Judeans not it is for works excellent stoning we are You but because blaspheme You and when being a son of man make You Yourself Alaha [No book]
[34]Said to them Ieshu not? is it thus written in your Law I have said that gods you are [No book]
[35]If those He called gods because with them was the Word of Alaha and not can the scripture be destroyed [No book]
[36]The One Whom The Father sanctified Him and sent Him into the world you saying are? blaspheme You because I said to you The Son I am of Alaha [No book]
[37]If not do I the works of My Father not you should believe Me [No book]
[38]If but do I even if Me not believing you are those deeds believe that you may know and that you may believe that My Father is in Me and I in My Father [No book]
[39]And sought they again to seize Him and He escaped ? from among their hands [No book]
[40]And went on to it to the crossing of The Jordan to the place where been had Yokhannan from before when baptized he and He stayed there [No book]
[41]And came men many to Him and saying they were that Yokhannan even not one sign did everything but that had said John about Man This true is [No book]
[42]And many believed in Him [No book]