Peshitta NT (literal)
Vita Adae et Evae from "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
[1]? there was but a certain one who was sick Lazar from Byth-anya the village the brother of Miriam and of Martha [No book]
[2]Mary but this is she the one who anointed with ointment the feet of Jesus and wiped with her hair the brother was of this one Lazar who sick was [No book]
[3]And sent two his sisters to Ieshu and they were saying our Lord Behold he whom love you is sick [No book]
[4]Ieshu but said this sickness not was of death but for the glory of Alaha that may be glorified The Son of Alaha because of it [No book]
[5]Love did but He Ieshu Martha and Mary and Lazar [No book]
[6]And when He heard that he was sick He remained in the place where He was two days [No book]
[7]And after this He said to his disciples come we shall go again to Judea [No book]
[8]Were saying to Him His disciples our Rabbi now The Jews seeking were to stone You and again? going you are there [No book]
[9]Said to them Ieshu not twelve hours are in a day and if a man walks in daylight not he stumbles because he sees the light of the world this [No book]
[10]If a man but in the night he shall walk he stumbles because light there is no in him [No book]
[11]These said Ieshu and afterwards He said to them Lazar our friend is resting but going I am that I may wake him [No book]
[12]Were saying to Him His disciples our Lord if he is sleeping he is recovering health [No book]
[13]He but Ieshu spoke about his death and they thought that about lying down that of sleep He had spoken [No book]
[14]Then said to them Ieshu plainly Lazar has died ? [No book]
[15]And am glad I that not I was there for your sakes that you may believe but you go there [No book]
[16]Said Thoma who is called The Twin to the disciples his fellow let us go also we shall die with Him [No book]
[17]And came Ieshu to Byth-anya and found four him days being in house tomb [No book]
[18]? was but Byth-anya ? beside Jerusalem while separated from it about furlongs fifteen [No book]
[19]And many of The Jews coming were to Martha and Mary that they may comfort their hearts concerning their brother [No book]
[20]Martha but when she heard that Jesus had came she went out to meet Him Mary but in the house sitting was [No book]
[21]And said Martha to Jesus my Lord if here you had been not died would have my brother [No book]
[22]But even now know I that as much as You ask to Alaha He shall give to you [No book]
[23]Said to her Ieshu shall rise your brother [No book]
[24]And said to Him Martha I know that he shall rise in the resurrection in the day last [No book]
[25]Said to her Ieshu I I The Resurrection and The Life whoever trusts in Me even if he dies he shall live [No book]
[26]And everyone who lives and believes in Me to eternity not shall die Do you believe? this [No book]
[27]And she said to Him Yes my Lord I believe do that You are The Messiah The Son of Alaha that has come into the world [No book]
[28]And when she had said these things having gone she called Mary her sister secretly and she said to her our Rabbi has come and has called for you [No book]
[29]And Mary when heard she arose quickly and coming was to Him [No book]
[30]Was but Ieshu not yet come had to the village but in it He was in that place in which He met Martha [No book]
[31]Also there were but The Jews ? who were with her in the house who comforting were her who saw Mary quickly rise and go out they went themselves after her they thought for that to the tomb she went to weep [No book]
[32]She but Mary when she came where ? was Ieshu and saw Him she fell before His feet and she said to him Oh that! here would have my brother you were my Lord not died [No book]
[33]Ieshu but when saw that she wept and Jews those who came with her weeping He was powerfully moved in His Spirit and was moved His Soul [No book]
[34]And He said where? have you laid him and they were saying to Him our Lord Come see [No book]
[35]And come did the tears of Jesus [No book]
[36]And saying were The Jews Behold how much loved He him [No book]
[37]The people but among them said not? able was This One Who opened the eyes of him who is blind that he should cause that even this one not would die [No book]
[38]Ieshu but as He was powerfully moved within Himself ? also came to house tomb and that house tomb ? was a cave and a stone placed was over its door way [No book]
[39]And said Ieshu take away stone this said to him Martha the sister of him who died my Lord by now it is putrid on him four are upon it for days [No book]
[40]Said to her Ieshu not? said I to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of Alaha [No book]
[41]And they took away stone that and Himself Ieshu lifted His eyes above and said Father thank I You that You have heard Me [No book]
[42]And I know I that always hear You Me but for the sake of crowd this that is standing said I these things that they may believe that You have sent Me [No book]
[43]And when He had said these things He cried in a voice loud Lazar come out [No book]
[44]And came out He who had died while were bound his hands and his feet in swathing bands and his face was bound in a turban said to them Ieshu unbind him and let him go [No book]
[45]And many of The Jews that came to Mary when they saw the thing did Ieshu believed in Him [No book]
[46]And people among them went to the Pharisees and they told them the thing did Ieshu [No book]
[47]And were gathered the chief priests and Pharisees and saying they were What? shall we do This Man miracles great is doing [No book]
[48]And if allow we Him thus all the people shall believe in Him and shall come The Romans taking away our position and our nation [No book]
[49]One but of them whose name was Qaipha the high priest he was that year and he said to them you not know do anything [No book]
[50]And not calculate you that it is profitable for us that one man should die instead of the nation and not the whole nation should perish [No book]
[51]This but from accord his own not said but because high priest he was that year prophesied that prepared was Ieshu that He should die for the nation [No book]
[52]And not only in place of the nation but so that also the children of Alaha who had scattered He should gather into one [No book]
[53]And from that day calculating they were that they should kill Him [No book]
[54]He but Ieshu not walking was openly among The Jews but He went ? from there to a region that is near the Arabah to a fortress city which is called Ephraim and there was employed He with His disciples [No book]
[55]Drawing near was but The Passover of The Jews and came up many from the villages to Jerusalem before the feast to purify their souls [No book]
[56]And seeking they were for Ieshu and saying they were one to another in the temple what? think do you ? shall He come? to the feast [No book]
[57]Chief the priests but and Pharisees ordered they that if a man should know where He is he should show them so they might sieze Him [No book]