Peshitta NT (literal)
The Gospel of Barnabas
[1]Ieshu but before six days of the Passover came to Byth-anya where ? was Lazar he whom raised from ? the grave Himself Ieshu [No book]
[2]And they made for Him there a supper and Martha serving was and Lazar one of the guests was with Him [No book]
[3]Mary but took an alabaster vase of ointment of Indian Spikenard the best very precious and she anointed the feet of Jesus and she wiped with her hair His feet and was filled the house from the fragrance of the ointment [No book]
[4]And said Judah Scariota the one of His disciples he who prepared was to betray Him [No book]
[5]Why? not was sold oil this for three hundred denarii and given to the poor [No book]
[6]This but he said not was it because about the poor concerned it him but because a thief he was and the money box with him was and anything that which fell ? into it he carry did [No book]
[7]Said but Ieshu Let her alone for the day of my burial she has kept it [No book]
[8]In all times- always for the poor ? you have with you me but not in all times- always ? you have [No book]
[9]And heard the crowds great from The Jews that there is Ieshu and they came not because of Ieshu only but also that they may see to Lazar him whom He had raised from house death-grave [No book]
[10]And determined were chief the priests so that also Lazar they should kill him [No book]
[11]Because many of The Judeans because of him departing were and believing in Jesus [No book]
[12]And the day next crowd a great which come had to the feast when they had heard that Jesus had come to Jerusalem [No book]
[13]They took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him and shouting were and saying Hosanna Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord the King of Israel [No book]
[14]Found but Ieshu a donkey and sat down upon it just as it is written [No book]
[15]Not Fear Daughter of Zion Behold your King comes to you and rides on a foal a colt of a donkey [No book]
[16]These things but not knew His disciples at that time but when was glorified Ieshu were reminded His disciples that these things written were about Him and these things they did to Him [No book]
[17]And testify did crowd this that with Him was Who called Lazar from the tomb and raised him from among the dead [No book]
[18]And because of this went out in front of Him crowds great who heard that miracle this He did [No book]
[19]The Pharisees but saying were one to another see you not gaining are a thing behold the world whole is moving itself after Him [No book]
[20]? there were but also from the nations men among them who came up to worship at the feast [No book]
[21]These came approached to Phillip he who was from Bythsaida of Galilee and they asked him and were saying to him my Lord wish we to see Ieshu [No book]
[22]And came ? Phillip himself and told Andraeus and Andraeus and Phillip they told Ieshu [No book]
[23]Ieshu but answered and said to them has come the hour for to be glorified The Son of Man [No book]
[24]Amen Amen speak I to you that a grain of wheat unless falls and dies in the ground alone it remains if but it dies fruit much it yields [No book]
[25]Whoever loves his life shall destroy it and whoever hates his life in world this shall keep it for life eternal [No book]
[26]If me a man serves he shall come after me and where I am there shall be also My servant whoever to Me ministers shall honor him The Father [No book]
[27]Now My soul Behold is troubled and what I? shall say My Father deliver Me from this hour? but because of this I have come to this hour [No book]
[28]Father glorify Your Name and a voice was heard from Heaven I have glorified and again am glorifying I [No book]
[29]And the crowd that standing was heard and were saying thunder it was others but were saying an angel spoke with Him [No book]
[30]Answered Ieshu and said to them not was for My benefit was voice this but for your benefit [No book]
[31]Now the judgment is of world this now the ruler of world this is hurled outside [No book]
[32]And I whenever I am lifted up from the earth I will draw everyone to Me [No book]
[33]This but He said that He might show by which death He would die [No book]
[34]Were saying to Him the crowds we have heard from The Torah that The Messiah forever abides How? say you that prepared is to be lifted up The Son of Man who is? this Son of Man [No book]
[35]Said to them Ieshu a little longer time the Light with you is walk while is with you the Light lest the darkness overtakes you and whoever walks in the darkness not knows where he is going [No book]
[36]While is with you The Light believe in The Light that the children of The Light you may be these things spoke Ieshu and departing He hid Himself from them [No book]
[37]And whereas these all miracles He did before them not they trusted in Him [No book]
[38]That may be fulfilled the word of Isaiah the Prophet who said my Lord who is? believing our report and the arm of the Lord to whom? is revealed [No book]
[39]Because of this not able they were to believe because again said Isaiah [No book]
[40]They have put out their eyes and darkened their hearts lest they shall see with their eyes and understand in their hearts and should be converted and I should heal them [No book]
[41]These things said Isaiah when He saw His glory and spoke about Him [No book]
[42]Also among the rulers but many believed in Him but because of The Pharisees not confessing they were lest they would end up outside of the synagogue [No book]
[43]They loved for the praise of children of men more than the praise of Alaha [No book]
[44]Ieshu but cried and said whoever trusts in Me not is in Me trusts but in Him Who has sent Me [No book]
[45]And whoever Me sees sees Him Who has sent Me [No book]
[46]I The Light have come to the world that everyone who believes in Me not shall abide in the darkness [No book]
[47]And whoever hears my words and not keeps them I not judging am him not for I have come that I should judge the world but that I should give life to the world [No book]
[48]Whoever rejects Me and not receives my words there is one who judges him the word that I have spoken that shall judge him in the day last [No book]
[49]For I from Myself not have spoken but The Father Who has sent Me He gave me commandments what I will say and what I will utter [No book]
[50]Know I that His commandments lives are eternal these things therefore which am speaking I just as tells Me My Father thus speak I [No book]
Translation: Charles H. Hoole (1885)
Source: www.earlychristianwritings.com