Wycliffe's English Translation (1388)
Epistle to the Laodiceans (Latin)
[1]These thingis Jhesus spak, and whanne he hadde cast vp hise iyen in to heuene, he seide, Fadir, the our cometh, clarifie thi sone, that thi sone clarifie thee. [No book]
[2]As thou hast youun to hym power on ech fleisch, that al thing that thou hast youun to hym, he yyue to hem euerlastynge lijf. [No book]
[3]And this is euerlastynge lijf, that thei knowe thee very God aloone, and whom thou hast sent, Jhesu Crist. [No book]
[4]Y haue clarified thee on the erthe, Y haue endid the werk, that thou hast youun to me to do. [No book]
[5]And now, fadir, clarifie thou me at thi silf, with the clerenesse that Y hadde at thee, bifor the world was maad. [No book]
[6]Y haue schewid thi name to tho men, whiche thou hast youun to me of the world; thei weren thine, and thou hast youun hem to me, and thei han kept thi word. [No book]
[7]And now thei han knowun, that alle thingis that thou hast youun to me, ben of thee. [No book]
[8]For the wordis that thou hast youun to me, Y yaf to hem; and thei han takun, and han knowun verili, that Y wente out fro thee; and thei bileueden, that thou sentist me. [No book]
[9]Y preie for hem, Y preye not for the world, but for hem that thou hast youun to me, for thei ben thine. [No book]
[10]And alle my thingis ben thine, and thi thingis ben myne; and Y am clarified in hem. [No book]
[11]And now Y am not in the world, and these ben in the world, and Y come to thee. Hooli fadir, kepe hem in thi name, whiche thou yauest to me, that thei ben oon, as we ben. [No book]
[12]While Y was with hem, Y kepte hem in thi name; thilke that thou yauest to me, Y kepte, and noon of hem perischide, but the sone of perdicioun, that the scripture be fulfillid. [No book]
[13]But now Y come to thee, and Y speke these thingis in the world, that thei haue my ioie fulfillid in hem silf. [No book]
[14]Y yaf to hem thi word, and the world hadde hem in hate; for thei ben not of the world, as Y am not of the world. [No book]
[15]Y preye not, that thou take hem awei fro the world, but that thou kepe hem fro yuel. [No book]
[16]They ben not of the world, as Y am not of the world. [No book]
[17]Halewe thou hem in treuth; thi word is treuthe. [No book]
[18]As thou sentist me in to the world, also Y sente hem `in to the world. [No book]
[19]And Y halewe my silf for hem, that also thei ben halewid in treuthe. [No book]
[20]And Y preye not oneli for hem, but also for hem that schulden bileue in to me bi the word of hem; [No book]
[21]that all ben oon, as thou, fadir, in me, and Y in thee, that also thei in vs be oon; that the world bileue, that thou hast sent me. [No book]
[22]And Y haue youun to hem the clerenesse, that thou hast youun to me, that thei ben oon, [No book]
[23]as we ben oon; Y in hem, and thou in me, that thei be endid in to oon; and that the world knowe, that thou sentist me, and hast loued hem, as thou hast loued also me. [No book]
[24]Fadir, thei whiche thou yauest to me, Y wole that where Y am, that thei be with me, that thei see my clerenesse, that thou hast youun to me; for thou louedist me bifor the makyng of the world. [No book]
[25]Fadir, riytfuli the world knew thee not, but Y knew thee, and these knewen, that thou sentist me. [No book]
[26]And Y haue maad thi name knowun to hem, and schal make knowun; that the loue bi which thou `hast loued me, be in hem, and Y in hem. [No book]
Author: John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384)