[1]Therfor Pilat took thanne Jhesu, and scourgide. |
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[2]And kniytis writhen a coroun of thornes, and setten on his heed, and diden aboute hym a cloth of purpur, |
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[3]and camen to him, and seiden, Heil, kyng of Jewis. And thei yauen to him buffatis. |
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[4]Eftsoone Pilat wente out, and seide to hem, Lo! Y brynge hym out to you, that ye knowe, that Y fynde no cause in him. |
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[5]And so Jhesus wente out, berynge a coroun of thornes, and a cloth of purpur. And he seith to hem, Lo! the man. |
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[6]But whanne the bischopis and mynystris hadden seyn hym, thei crieden, and seiden, Crucifie, crucifie hym. Pilat seith to hem, Take ye hym, and crucifie ye, for Y fynde no cause in hym. |
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[7]The Jewis answeriden to hym. We han a lawe, and bi the lawe he owith to die, for he made hym Goddis sone. |
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[8]Therfor whanne Pilat hadde herd this word, he dredde the more. |
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[9]And he wente in to the moot halle eftsoone, and seide to Jhesu, Of whennus art thou? But Jhesus yaf noon answere to him. |
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[10]Pilat seith to him, Spekist thou not to me? Woost thou not, that Y haue power to crucifie thee, and Y haue power to delyuere thee? |
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[11]Jhesus answeride, Thou schuldist not `haue ony power ayens me, but it were youun to thee from aboue; therfor he that bitook me to thee, hath the more synne. |
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[12]Fro that tyme Pilat souyte to delyuere hym; but the Jewis crieden, and seiden, If thou delyuerist this man, thou art not the emperouris freend; for ech man that makith hym silf king, ayen seith the emperoure. |
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[13]And Pilat, whanne he hadde herd these wordis, ledde Jhesu forth, and sat for domesman in a place, that is seid Licostratos, but in Ebrew Golgatha. |
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[14]And it was pask eue, as it were the sixte our. And he seith to the Jewis, Lo! youre king. |
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[15]But thei crieden, and seiden, Take awei, take awei; crucifie him. Pilat seith to hem, Schal I crucifie youre king? The bischops answeriden, We han no king but the emperour. |
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[16]And thanne Pilat bitook him to hem, that he schulde be crucified. And thei token Jhesu, and ledden him out. |
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[17]And he bar to hym silf a cros, and wente out in to that place, that is seid of Caluarie, in Ebreu Golgatha; |
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[18]where thei crucifieden him, and othere tweyne with him, oon on this side and oon on that side, and Jhesus in the myddil. |
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[19]And Pilat wroot a title, and sette on the cros; and it was writun, Jhesu of Nazareth, king of Jewis. |
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[20]Therfor manye of the Jewis redden this title, for the place where Jhesus was crucified, was niy the citee, and it was writun in Ebreu, Greek, and Latyn. |
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[21]Therfor the bischops of the Jewis seiden to Pilat, Nyle thou write kyng of Jewis, but for he seide, Y am king of Jewis. |
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[22]Pilat answeride, That that Y haue writun, Y haue writun. |
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[23]Therfor the knyytis whanne thei hadden crucified hym, token hise clothis, and maden foure partis, to ech knyyt a part, and a coot. And the coot was without seem, and wouun al aboute. |
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[24]Therfor thei seiden togidere, Kitte we not it, but caste we lot, whos it is; that the scripture be fulfillid, seiynge, Thei partiden my clothis to hem, and on my cloth thei casten lot. And the kniytis diden these thingis. |
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[25]But bisidis the cros of Jhesu stoden his modir, and the sistir of his modir, Marie Cleofe, and Marie Maudeleyne. |
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[26]Therfor whanne Jhesu hadde seyn his modir, and the disciple stondynge, whom he louyde, he seith to hise modir, Womman, lo thi sone. |
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[27]Aftyrward he seith to the disciple, Lo! thi modir. And fro that our the disciple took hir in to his modir. |
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[28]Aftirward Jhesus witynge, that now alle thingis ben endid, that the scripture were fulfillid, he seith, Y thirste. |
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[29]And a vessel was set ful of vynegre. And thei `leiden in isope aboute the spounge ful of vynegre, and putten to his mouth. |
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[30]Therfor whanne Jhesus hadde `takun the vynegre, he seid, It is endid. And `whanne his heed was bowid doun, `he yaf vp the goost. |
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[31]Therfor for it was the pask eue, that the bodies schulden not abide on the cros in the sabat, for that was a greet sabat dai, the Jewis preiden Pilat, that the hipis of hem schulden be brokun, and thei takun awei. |
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[32]Therfor knyytis camen, and thei braken the thies of the firste, and of the tothere, that was crucified with hym. |
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[33]But whanne thei weren comun to Jhesu, as thei sayn him deed thanne, thei braken not hise thies; |
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[34]but oon of the knyytis openyde his side with a spere, and anoon blood and watir wenten out. |
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[35]And he that saiy, bare witnessyng, and his witnessing is trewe; and he woot that he seith trewe thingis, that ye bileue. |
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[36]And these thingis weren don, that the scripture schulde be fulfillid, Ye schulen not breke a boon of hym. |
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[37]And eftsoone another scripture seith, Thei schulen se in whom thei piyten thorow. |
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[38]But after these thingis Joseph of Armathi preyede Pilat, that he schulde take awei the bodi of Jhesu, for that he was a disciple of Jhesu, but priui for drede of the Jewis. And Pilat suffride. And so he cam, and took awei the bodi of Jhesu. |
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[39]And Nychodeme cam also, that hadde come to hym first bi nyyt, and brouyte a meddlynge of myrre and aloes, as it were an hundrid pound. |
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[40]And thei token the bodi of Jhesu, and boundun it in lynun clothis with swete smellynge oynementis, as it is custom to Jewis for to birie. |
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[41]And in the place where he was crucified, was a yerd, and in the yerd a newe graue, in which yit no man was leid. |
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[42]Therfor there thei putten Jhesu, for the vigilie of Jewis feeste, for the sepulcre was niy. |
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