[1]And on the day third there was a wedding feast in Qatna a city of Galilee and the mother of Jesus there was |
[1]And the thirde day, was there a mariage in Cana [a citie] of Galilee, and the mother of Iesus was there |
[2]And also Himself Ieshu and his disciples were invited to it to the wedding banquet |
[2]And Iesus was called, and his disciples vnto the mariage |
[3]And lacking It was wine and said to Him His mother to Jesus wine there is not for them |
[3]And whe the wyne fayled, the mother of Iesus sayth vnto hym: they haue no wyne |
[4]Said to her Ieshu what? to me and to you woman not quite has come My hour |
[4]Iesus saith vnto her: Woman, what haue I to do with thee, myne houre is not yet come |
[5]Said His mother to the servants anything that He says to you do |
[5]His mother sayth vnto the ministers: Whatsoeuer he sayth vnto you, do it |
[6]? there were But there watercasks of stone six that were set for the purifying of The Jews that held two each nine gallon measures or three |
[6]And there were set there, sixe water pottes of stone, after the maner of the purifiyng of the Iewes, conteynyng two or three firkins a peece |
[7]Said to them Ieshu Fill them with water the watercasks and they filled them up to the brim |
[7]Iesus sayth vnto them: fyll the water pottes with water. And they fylled them vp to the brym |
[8]He said to them Draw out henceforth and take to the master of ceremonies and they took |
[8]And he sayth vnto them: drawe out nowe, and beare vnto the gouernour of feast. And they bare it |
[9]And when tasted that the master of ceremonies the waters those that were become wine and not knew he from where? it was the servants but knowing were for those filled them with water called the master of ceremonies the bridegroom |
[9]When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wyne, and knewe not whence it was (but the ministers which drewe the water knewe) the gouernour of the feast calleth the brydegrome |
[10]And he said to him every man first the wine good summons and when they are drunk then whatever is inferior You but you have kept the wine good until now |
[10]And sayth vnto hym, Euery man at the begynnyng doth set foorth good wine, and when men haue well dronke, then that which is worse: But thou hast kept the good wyne vntyll nowe |
[11]This is the sign first that did Ieshu in Qatna of Galilee and manifested His glory and believed in Him His disciples |
[11]This begynnyng of miracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galilee, and shewed his glory, & his disciples beleued on hym |
[12]After this He went down to Capernaum He and His mother and his brothers and His disciples and there they were a few the days |
[12]After this, he went downe to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples, and there continued not many dayes |
[13]And drawing near was The Passover of The Jews and He went up to Jerusalem Ieshu |
[13]And the Iewes Passouer was at hande, & Iesus went vp to Hierusalem |
[14]And He found in the temple those that were selling lambs and sheep and doves and money exchangers who were sitting |
[14]And founde sittyng in the temple, those that solde oxen, and sheepe, and doues, and chaungers of money |
[15]And He made for himself a whip from rope and all of them He cast out from the temple and the sheep and the lambs and the money exchangers and He poured out their money and their tables overturned |
[15]And when he had made [as it were] a scourge of small cordes, he droue them all out of the temple, with the sheepe, & oxen, and powred out the chaungers money, and ouerthrewe the tables |
[16]And to those that had been selling doves He said Carry these things from this place and not make house My Father's a house of commerce |
[16]And saide vnto them that solde doues: Haue these thinges hence, and make not my fathers house an house of marchaundize |
[17]And called to mind His disciples that which is written The zeal of Thy house has consumed me |
[17]And his disciples remembred that it was written: The zeale of thine house hath euen eaten me |
[18]Answered but The Jews and they said to him what? sign are showing you to us that these things do you |
[18]Then aunswered the Iewes, & sayde vnto hym: What token shewest thou vnto vs, seeyng that thou doest these thynges |
[19]Answered Ieshu and He said to them Tear down temple this and in three days I raising am it |
[19]Iesus aunswered, & sayde vnto them: Destroy this temple, & in three dayes I wyll reare it vp |
[20]Were saying to him The Jews for forty and six years has been being built temple this and you in three days raising are it? |
[20]Then sayde the Iewes, fourtie and sixe yeres was this temple a buildyng, and wilt thou reare it vp in three dayes |
[21]This but said He concerning the temple of His body |
[21]But he spake of the temple of his body |
[22]When He arose but from the house of death were reminded his disciples that this said He and they believed the scriptures and the word that said Ieshu |
[22]Assoone therfore, as he was rysen from death [agayne,] his disciples remembred that he thus had sayde: And they beleued the scripture, & the wordes which Iesus had sayde |
[23]When staying was but Ieshu in Jerusalem at Passover during the feast many trusted in Him because they saw the signs that He performed |
[23]When he was in Hierusalem at the Passouer, in the feast day, many beleued on his name, when they sawe his miracles which he dyd |
[24]He but Ieshu not entrusting was to them Himself because He knowing was all men |
[24]But Iesus dyd not commit hym selfe vnto them, because he knewe all men |
[25]And not needed He that a man should testify to him about every man Himself for knew He what is in a man |
[25]And neded not, that any shoulde testifie of man: For he knewe what was in man |