[1]And the thridde dai weddyngis weren maad in the Cane of Galilee; and the modir of Jhesu was there. |
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[2]And Jhesus was clepid, and hise disciplis, to the weddyngis. |
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[3]And whanne wijn failide, the modir of Jhesu seide to hym, Thei han not wijn. |
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[4]And Jhesus seith to hir, What to me and to thee, womman? myn our cam not yit. |
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[5]His modir seith to the mynystris, What euere thing he seie to you, do ye. |
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[6]And there weren set `sixe stonun cannes, aftir the clensyng of the Jewis, holdynge ech tweyne ether thre metretis. |
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[7]And Jhesus seith to hem, Fille ye the pottis with watir. And thei filliden hem, vp to the mouth. |
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[8]And Jhesus seide to hem, Drawe ye now, and bere ye to the architriclyn. And thei baren. |
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[9]And whanne the architriclyn hadde tastid the watir maad wiyn, and wiste not wherof it was, but the mynystris wisten that drowen the watir, the architriclyn clepith the spouse, |
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[10]and seith to hym, Ech man settith first good wiyn, and whanne men ben fulfillid, thanne that that is worse; but thou hast kept the good wiyn `in to this tyme. |
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[11]Jhesus dide this the bigynnyng of signes in the Cane of Galilee, and schewide his glorie; and hise disciplis bileueden in hym. |
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[12]Aftir these thingis he cam doun to Cafarnaum, and his modir, and hise britheren, and hise disciplis; and thei dwelliden `there not many daies. |
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[13]And the pask of Jewis was nyy, and Jhesus wente vp to Jerusalem. |
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[14]And he foond in the temple men sillynge oxun, and scheep, and culueris, and chaungeris sittynge. |
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[15]And whanne he hadde maad as it were a scourge of smale cordis, he droof out alle of the temple, and oxun, and scheep; and he schedde the money of chaungeris, and turnede vpsedoun the boordis. |
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[16]And he seide to hem that selden culueris, Take awei fro hennus these thingis, and nyle ye make the hous of my fadir an hous of marchaundise. |
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[17]And hise disciplis hadden mynde, for it was writun, The feruent loue of thin hous hath etun me. |
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[18]Therfor the Jewis answeriden, and seiden to hym, What token schewist thou to vs, that thou doist these thingis? |
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[19]Jhesus answerde, and seide to hem, Vndo ye this temple, and in thre daies Y schal reise it. |
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[20]Therfor the Jewis seiden to hym, In fourti and sixe yeer this temple was bildid, and schalt thou in thre daies reise it? |
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[21]But he seide of the temple of his bodi. |
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[22]Therfor whanne he was risun fro deeth, hise disciplis hadden mynde, that he seide these thingis of his bodi; and thei bileueden to the scripture, and to the word that Jhesus seide. |
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[23]And whanne Jhesus was at Jerusalem in pask, in the feeste dai, many bileueden in his name, seynge his signes that he dide. |
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[24]But Jhesus trowide not hym silf to hem, for he knewe alle men; |
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[25]and for it was not nede to hym, that ony man schulde bere witnessyng, for he wiste, what was in man. |
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