[1]In the first day in the week but came Mary Magdalitha in the very early morning while it was dark to the house of burial and she saw the stone that had been removed from the tomb |
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[2]And she ran she came to Shimeon Kaypha and to that disciple other whom loved had Ieshu and she said to them they have taken away our Lord from the house of burial and not know I where they have laid Him |
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[3]And went out Shimeon that disciple other and came they to the house of burial |
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[4]And running they were both at once that but disciple ran in front of Shimeon and came first to the house of burial |
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[5]And he looked gazing on the linens where they were lying to enter but not he entered |
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[6]Came but Shimeon after him and entered to the house of burial and gazing on the linens where they were lying |
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[7]And a grave cloth that bound had been about His head not with the linens but as it was wrapped and set on the side in one side |
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[8]Then entered also that disciple who came first to the house of burial and he stared and he believed |
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[9]And departed those disciples again to their place |
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[10]Not for yet knowing they were from the scriptures prepared He had been to rise from the dead |
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[11]Mary but standing was at the tomb and was weeping and while weeping she looked in the tomb |
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[12]And she saw two angels in white sitting one at His pillow and one at the foot where laid had been the body of Ieshu |
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[13]And they were saying to her woman why? weeping are you she said to them they have taken away My Lord and not know I where they have laid Him |
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[14]This she said and turned behind her and saw Ieshu Who was standing and not knowing she was that Ieshu he was |
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[15]Said to her Ieshu woman why? weeping are you and Whom? seek do you she but thought the gardener He was and she said to Him Sir if you have taken Him tell me where you have laid Him I will go take Him away |
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[16]Said to her Ieshu Mary and she turned and she said |
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[17]Said to her Ieshu stop touching Me not for yet I have ascended to join My Father Go but join My brothers and say to them ascend I to join My Father and your Father and My Alaha and your Alaha |
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[18]Then came Mary Magdalitha and announced to the disciples I have seen our Lord and that these things He had said to her |
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[19]When it was but evening of the day that first day in the week and the doors barred they were where staying were the disciples because of fear of the Judeans came Ieshu stood in their midst and said to them peace be with you |
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[20]This He said and He showed them His hands and His side and rejoiced the disciples because they saw our Lord |
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[21]Said to them but again Ieshu peace be with you just as has sent Me My Father also I sending am you |
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[22]And when He had said these things He breathed into them and said to them receive The Spirit of Holiness |
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[23]If you will forgive sins to a man they will be forgiven to him and if you hold a man's they will be held |
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[24]Thoma but one of the twelve he who was called the twin not was there he with them when came Ieshu |
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[25]And were saying to him the disciples we have seen our Lord he but said to them unless see I in His hands the places of the nails and shall put I in them my fingers and reach I my hand in His side not shall believe I |
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[26]And after eight days again inside were the disciples and Thoma with them and came Ieshu when were barred the doors He stood in the center and said to them peace be with you |
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[27]And said to Thoma put your finger here and behold My hands and put your hand and reach into My side and not be un- a believer but a believer |
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[28]And answered Thoma and said to Him my Lord and my Alaha |
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[29]Said to him Ieshu now that you have seen Me you have believed blessed are they those who not have seen Me and have believed |
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[30]Many but signs other did Ieshu before his disciples those that not are written in scripture this |
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[31]Also these things but are written that you may believe that Ieshu is The Messiah The Son of Alaha and when you believe there shall be to you in His Name life eternal |
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