[1]Living was but there one man from The Pharisees Nicodemus his name he was a leader of The Jews |
[1]But there was one of the Pharishee whose name was Nikodimos, a ruler of the Jihudoyee: |
[2]This one came to Ieshu in the night and he said to him Rabbi we do know that from Alaha You have been sent a teacher no for man is able these signs to do that you doing are unless because Alaha were with him |
[2]This came to Jeshu in the night, and said to him, Rabi, we know that from Aloha thou art sent a teacher; for no man can these signs perform which thou doest, unless Aloha be with him. |
[3]Answered Ieshu and said to him Amen Amen speak I to you that if a man not is born ? again ? it is impossible that he shall see the kingdom of Alaha |
[3]Jeshu answered and said to him, Amen, amen, I say to thee, Except a man be born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of Aloha. |
[4]Said to him Nicodemus How? is it possible that shall be born a man old ? Is it not impossible for him? again the womb of his mother a second time to enter and be born |
[4]Nikodimos said to him, How can an old man be born? Who can again the womb of his mother the second time enter, and be born? |
[5]Answered Ieshu and said to him Amen Amen speak I to you that if a man not is born from water and the Spirit ? it is impossible that he shall enter the kingdom of Alaha |
[5]Jeshu answered and said to him, Amen, amen, I say to thee, That if a man be not born of waters and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of Aloha. |
[6]That which is born from the flesh flesh is and that which is born from The Spirit spirit is |
[6]Whatever is born of the flesh, is flesh; and whatever is born of the Spirit, is spirit. |
[7]Do not be surprised that I said to you that it is necessary for you to be born ? again |
[7]Wonder not that I have said to thee, that it behoves you to be born anew. |
[8]The wind [The Spirit] the place that it [He] will it blows [He breathes] and its sound [and His voice] hear you but not know you from where it [He] comes and where it [He] goes thus is everyone who is born from the wind [The Spirit] |
[8]The wind bloweth where she willeth,ⓘ and her voice thou hearest; but thou knowest not whence she cometh, nor whither she goeth: so is every man who is born of the Spirit. |
[9]Answered Nicodemus and said to him How? can these things be |
[9]Nikodimos answered and said to him, How can these things be? |
[10]Answered Ieshu and said to him you are the teacher of Israel and these things not know you? |
[10]Jeshu answered and said to him, Art thou Malphona of Israel, and these knowest not? |
[11]Amen Amen speak I to you: the things that know We are speaking We and the things that We see testify We and Our testimony not accept you |
[11]Amen, amen, I say to thee, What we know we speak, and what we have seen we testify; but our testimony you receive not. |
[12]If that which in the earth I have told you and not you are believing you How? if I tell you that which is in Heaven shall you believe me |
[12]If of [what is] on earth I tell you, and you believe not, how if I tell you of [what is] in heaven, could you believe me? |
[13]And not a man has gone up to Heaven except He Who went down from Heaven The Son of Man He Who is in Heaven |
[13]AND no man hath ascended into heaven, but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man, he who is in heaven. |
[14]And just as lifted up Moses the serpent in the wilderness thus is going to be lifted up The Son of Man |
[14]And as Musha elevated the serpent in the wilderness, so is to be elevated the Son of man, |
[15]That every man who believes in Him not shall be lost but there shall be for him life eternal |
[15]That every man who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal. |
[16]In this way for loved Alaha the world in what manner? that His Son The Only Begotten He would give up that everyone who trusts in Him not there shall be shall be lost but to him life eternal |
[16]For so loved Aloha the world, as his Son, the Only-begotten, he would give, that every one who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal. |
[17]Not for sent Alaha His Son into the world that He might condemn the world but that He might give life to the world in His hand |
[17]For Aloha sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might live by him. |
[18]Whoever believes in Him not is being judged and whoever not believes ? already judged is because not he believes in His name of The Only Begotten The Son of Alaha |
[18]He who believeth on him is not judged, and he who believeth not is judged already, because he believeth not in the name of the only-begotten Son of Aloha. |
[19]This is but the judgement: the Light has come into the world and loved the children of men the darkness more than The Light they were for their works evil |
[19]And this is the judgment, that the light hath come into the world, and the sons of men have loved darkness rather than the light, for their deeds have been evil. |
[20]Everyone for what is hated doing hates the light and not comes to the light lest be convicted his works |
[20]For every one who doeth abominable things hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. |
[21]He but who does The Truth comes to the Light that may be revealed his works that by Alaha they are performed |
[21]But he who doeth the truth cometh to the light, that his works may be known that in Aloha they are wrought. |
[22]After these things came Ieshu and his disciples to the land of Judea and there was employed he with them and baptized |
[22]AFTER these came Jeshu and his disciples into the land of Jihuda, and there conversed with them and baptized. |
[23]Also John but baptizing was in Ainion upon the side of Shalim because the waters ? were there many also coming were and were baptized |
[23]But Juchanon also was baptizing in Ein-yon, near Sholim, because the waters were there many; and they came and were baptized; |
[24]Not for yet fallen had John house of prisoners |
[24]For not yet was Juchanon cast into the house of the bound. |
[25]Was there but a dispute for one from the disciples of John with a Judean certain about purification |
[25]But there was a question with some of the disciples of Juchanon [and] a certain Jihudoya, upon purification. |
[26]And they came to John and they said to him our master he who with you was at the crossing of Jordan of whom you testified about him Behold also He is baptizing and many are coming to him |
[26]And they came to Juchanon, and said to him, Raban, he who was with thee at the passage of Jurdan, [and] concerning whom thou didst give witness, he also baptizeth, and many come to him. |
[27]Answered John and said to them not can a son of man receive from the will of himself anything ? unless it is given to him from Heaven |
[27]Juchanon answered and said to them, A man cannot receive of his own will any thing, unless it be given to him from heaven. |
[28]You bearing witness are to me that I said that I not am The Messiah but one sent I am before Him |
[28]You bear me witness that I said, I am not the Meshicha, but I am an apostleⓘ before him. |
[29]He who is to him the bride the bridegroom is the friend but of the bridegroom he who stands and listens to him in joy great rejoices because of the voice of the bridegroom this therefore joy my Behold is full |
[29]He that hath the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who standeth and attendeth him, with great joy rejoiceth on account of the voice of the bridegroom: this my joy therefore, behold, is complete. |
[30]For Him it it is necessary increase and for me to decrease |
[30]To him it must be to increase, and to me to decrease. |
[31]He for who from above came ? higher than all He is and he who is from the earth from the soil is and from the earth is speaking who from The Heavens came ? higher than all is |
[31]For he who from above hath come, is above all; and he who is from the earth, is of the earth, and of the earth speaketh: he who from heaven hath come, is above all. |
[32]And the thing that he saw and he heard he was testifying and his testimony not a man is receiving it |
[32]And what he hath seen and heard he testifieth, and his testimony no man receiveth. |
[33]He but who receives His testimony attests that Alaha true is |
[33]But he who hath received his, hath sealed that the true Aloha is he.ⓘ |
[34]He Whom for Alaha has sent the words He of Alaha does speak not it was for in a measure has given Alaha The Spirit |
[34]For he whom Aloha hath sent, the very words of Aloha speaketh; for it was not in measure that Aloha gave the Spirit. |
[35]The Father loves The Son and all things He has given into His hands |
[35]The Father loveth the Son, and every thing hath he given into his hands. |
[36]Whoever is trusting in The Son there is for him the life eternal and whoever ? disobeys The Son not shall see life but the rage of Alaha shall stand against him |
[36]He who believeth in the Son hath the life which is eternal; and he who obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Aloha remaineth on him. |